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Search results: (441 matches)
ForumTopicTitleTextPosterTime bugs unable to upload image Me too I see - looks like I picked a bad time to change
my picture if there is a general problem with it
at the moment. Well, I'll see if I got my face
back by tomorrow morning when I wake up.
Thomas Pfann Dec 4, 2006
Lighter side of trans/interp The dangers of working at home ;-) I don't think this little incident did any harm to
his business, though. I'm sure his business
partners were very keen on scheduling a follow-up
video conference soon. ;-) [quote]Vikto
Thomas Pfann Dec 4, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: On what continent do you reside? What about the UK then? I'm surprised* that none of our British friends
has yet raised the question of whether the British
Isles are really part of Europe or whether they
are rather a 'world of its own'. After
Thomas Pfann Nov 29, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: On what continent do you reside? Number of continents [quote]Reed D. James wrote: I find it amazing
that geography can be that
subjective! [/quote] Indeed - there are
actually quite a few different models according to
which the n
Thomas Pfann Nov 28, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: On what continent do you reside? By the way... It would be great if anyone ticking the 'N/A'
option could elaborate a bit on their answer. I am
very curious to read from all those who don't
reside on a continent. ;-) Thomas
Thomas Pfann Nov 28, 2006
KudoZ KudoZ Bad, Kudos Good Maybe more communication would help To be honest I can't see how abolishing the points
would improve the system - it might just as well
make things worse: some people might still want to
be the first ones to answer while oth
Thomas Pfann Nov 27, 2006
Powwows Powwow: London - United Kingdom Same here I don't know Greenwich well, so "I will follow you
- follow you wherever you may go". Maybe I
even manage to combine the meeting with some
Christmas shopping in the morning (still have
Thomas Pfann Nov 27, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you superstitious? "Superstition is the poetry of life" Goethe said that, not me ;-) I answered
"Sometimes", as although I wouldn't really call
myself superstitious I usually try not to walk
under ladders, for example. Generally, though,<
Thomas Pfann Nov 25, 2006
Translation Theory and Practice should we translate indexes of books? Sure Just think about what the purpose of the index is:
it's for the reader to quickly find what they are
looking for. So an index in a foreign language
wouldn't be much use at all - it needs t
Thomas Pfann Nov 15, 2006
German Welches der beiden Worte von "Ask Asker" ist unverständlch? Gute Idee oder neue Möglichkeit zum Wettbewerb? [quote]Wenjer Leuschel wrote: Eine Statistik
darüber führen, auf wieviele Punkte man
verzichtet hat, kann der Eitelkeit des einen auch
mal was Gutes tun. Gute Idee, so sage ich mal
Thomas Pfann Nov 10, 2006 technical support ProZ visitors counter disappeared (staff: 'working properly again') Maintenance [quote]Tuliparola wrote: "The visitors feature is
currently down for maitenance, please check back
in a hour or two." [/quote] ...which it said
last night already. So you may want to
Thomas Pfann Nov 10, 2006 suggestions Can we agree or disagree without getting browniz? Disagree [quote]Chinoise wrote: As a longtime site
member, I have earned too many browniz
points, [/quote] If the burden gets too
heavy to carry, you can always donate your points
to s
Thomas Pfann Nov 6, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: What quality do you think is most important when choosing a translator? Just to clarify [quote]Viktoria Gimbe wrote: A few were added by
fellow members (errr... users? :D) that I find
completely out of place here, like sex and age - I
don't see how these would have an influe
Thomas Pfann Nov 6, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: What quality do you think is most important when choosing a translator? Can't answer this one [quote]Rita Heller wrote: This field is
sophisticated. Why try to simplify it?
[/quote] Exactly! It would certainly be a
combination of various qualities from the ones
listed i
Thomas Pfann Nov 5, 2006
KudoZ Can an asker award kudoZ points to more than one answerer? A 'thank you' instead of the points I suppose sometimes it would be fair to share the
points between two or more answerers, but then
again, what's all the fuss about? If you find
more than one answer helpful, award the po
Thomas Pfann Nov 5, 2006
German Kurze Meinungsumfrage zum nächsten powwow Frankfurt - immer eine Reise wert! [quote]Tuliparola wrote: Da ich ganz gerne dann
noch ne Runde in Frankfurt drehen möchte
(Nizza-Anlagen!), wäre März natürlich
angenehmer. [/quote] Frankfurt ist zu jeder
Thomas Pfann Nov 2, 2006
German Interessanter Artikel aus Spiegel Online über Anglizismen Proofreader [quote]Jalapeno wrote: [quote]Katrin Lueke
wrote: die Proofreader [/quote] Wer? ;-)
[/quote] Proofreader? Das sind doch die, die
die Übersetzung reviewen. ;-)
Thomas Pfann Nov 2, 2006
German Interessanter Artikel aus Spiegel Online über Anglizismen Slowenismus in der deutschen Sprache [quote]Vitomir (Vito) Smolej wrote: Wenn ich
schon dabei bin: was meine Galle hoch bringt, ist
die Tatsache, es gibt keine Slowenismen in der
Sprache der deutschen Nation. [/quote] Ha
Thomas Pfann Nov 2, 2006
Lighter side of trans/interp Catherine Tate interpreter sketch Great stuff [quote]teju wrote: Forgot to ask, there is
someone who's not identified, what country was he
from? [/quote] I believe he was from
India. [quote]Also, what was the last comment
Thomas Pfann Oct 30, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: KudoZ questions allow just words - what about putting images as well? Not really necessary, is it? It might be helpful from time to time (although I
can't really think of a recent case where I would
have found an image useful), but I wouldn't want
to see the site slow down because of th
Thomas Pfann Oct 30, 2006
KudoZ Kudoz, localization and context Here's your context [quote]Alain Dellepiane wrote: You post it on
proz and they ask you "What's the context"? Well
it comes after smoke cloud and before magnet, but
that's pretty much it. [/quote] Tru
Thomas Pfann Oct 29, 2006
KudoZ Kudoz, localization and context There is always context I sometimes do ask people for more context myself,
as in many cases a suitable translation for a term
can only be found if you know in which context it
will be used. But you raise a goo
Thomas Pfann Oct 28, 2006
Money matters test translation: when are they TOO long? What's more efficient? You may also want to ask yourself what is more
efficient: Simply going ahead and translating
those 30 words (2 or 3 sentences?) or entering
into a lenghty discussion with the client
Thomas Pfann Oct 27, 2006
Getting established Business name Don't give a wrong impression I agree with what lexical said - you might give a
wrong impression when trading under a business
name rather then simply your own name (ie. people
might think you are an agency or a compan
Thomas Pfann Oct 27, 2006 suggestions Working languages vs Languages of interest Already possible What you can do is select additional language
pairs in your profile but activate the option
"Hide language pair from profile". That way,
the additional language pairs are added to "you
Thomas Pfann Oct 25, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Please select the option that best describes you: Good question I don't expect much controversial discussion on
this one. ;-)
Thomas Pfann Oct 24, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Düsseldorf - Germany Den Lobgesängen und Danksagungen kann ich mich nur anschließen Ich hatte ein klasse Wochenende und hab mich sehr
gefreut, so viele liebe Leute getroffen und
interessante Gespräche geführt zu haben. Vielen
Dank an alle für die freundliche Aufnahme!
Thomas Pfann Oct 22, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Düsseldorf - Germany Schnäppchen? I don't know anything about Schnäppchen - let's
go and hunt some Schnäppschen!
Thomas Pfann Oct 19, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Düsseldorf - Germany Worauf hab ich mich da nur eingelassen!?! Thomas Pfann Oct 19, 2006
German Ident mit & identisch..... 'Ident' ist vor allem österreichisch Soweit ich weiß (und mein Duden bestätigt mich
hier) ist "ident mit" vor allem österreichisch
und gleichbedeutend mit "identisch
mit". Zufälligerweise ist mir das Wort "ident"
Thomas Pfann Oct 17, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Düsseldorf - Germany Treffen in der CVJM-Lobby Die Fahrt mit dem Straßenbähnchen (Linie 707)
vom Hbf dauert wohl nur sechs Minütchen. Plus
Zeit zum Treffen + Weg zum Hbf + Warten auf StraBa
+ Orientierung in Alt Pempeförtchen. Wie
Thomas Pfann Oct 17, 2006
Off topic Translation and Rare (?) languages Ridiculous They should try ;-) Thomas Pfann Oct 17, 2006
Getting established CAT Tools and Translation Rate Check out this poll & discussion A while ago there was also on poll on this topic -
you might find the discussion around it
Thomas Pfann Oct 16, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: On average, how many hours a week do you work? 'Work' as apposed to 'spare time' I suppose 'work' is meant as the opposite of
'spare time' here and should include everything
from actual translation/proofreading work to
bookkeeping, looking for new customers, updating
Thomas Pfann Oct 14, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have your fixed working hours although working at home? I'm glad I don't have fixed working hours After all, freedom and independence from office
hours is one of the great benefits of being a
freelancer, isn't it? However, not having fixed
working hours shouldn't mean not having any
Thomas Pfann Oct 12, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: When you outsource, how much of the payment do you usually keep for yourself? Good point - not all benefits can be meassured in money [quote]Kirill Semenov wrote: I ask for help, so
my benefits are that I keep my clients satisified
(and respect the deadlines). [/quote] That's
actually quite a good point and I do agr
Thomas Pfann Oct 11, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: When you outsource, how much of the payment do you usually keep for yourself? Well, as long as you don't feel exploited... Well, as long as you don't feel exploited by your
colleagues that's alright then, Kirill. No,
seriously: I think we're talking about different
things here. I wouldn't really call it out
Thomas Pfann Oct 11, 2006
German Extra stark oder extrastark Extrastark? Im Duden steht zwar "extra" als ein Wort
(sozusagen als Extrawort) mit den Bedeutungen
"nebenbei, außerdem, besonders, eigens", aber
andererseits stehen im Duden auch Wörter wie
Thomas Pfann Oct 11, 2006
Trados support SDXL: Soft return in segment (created by pressing Shift+Enter) turns into a square maybe SDLX support can help Yes, that's annoying having to it all manually.
I'm afraid I can't think of anything else. You
might want to check the SDLX support website and
maybe log your problem there. They can pr
Thomas Pfann Oct 10, 2006
Trados support SDXL: Soft return in segment (created by pressing Shift+Enter) turns into a square Alternative solution Not sure about your problem - does the square
appear in the ITD or in the final Powerpoint file
(ie. after conversion)? If you haven't converted
the ITD back yet, you might want to try and
Thomas Pfann Oct 10, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: When you outsource, how much of the payment do you usually keep for yourself? Of course, you don't charge your colleagues for doing work for you [quote]Kirill Semenov wrote: I'm even ready to
add some money for helping me to do an urgent or
difficult project, but it never occured to me to
charge for it. [/quote] [quote]and Ne
Thomas Pfann Oct 10, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Düsseldorf - Germany Wo man singt, da lass dich nieder. Macht nix, Steffen. Laut Website
( kann man dort
(zumindest in den Stockwerken unterhalb des
Hotels) auch "Den Gott [finden], der für Gottlose
da ist "
Thomas Pfann Oct 9, 2006
CAT Tools Technical Help Help with SDLX lite, please! (urgent) Do you have a TM? You're saying the 100% matches are not translated
(ie. English on both the English and Spanish
side)? That's strange. Does this apply to all
matches or just a few? If it's just a few, then
Thomas Pfann Oct 9, 2006
CAT Tools Technical Help Help with SDLX lite, please! (urgent) 100%, fuzzies, colors and TMs Hi Sandra, usually the gold segments are 100%
matches (ie. full matches from the TM) and the
green ones are fuzzy matches (as you said
yourself). However, the colors can be set
Thomas Pfann Oct 9, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: When you have several pending projects, in which order do you complete them? Mix of all, but in the end it's the due date which is important Often it is probably a mix of all options, but
clearly the delivery date usually dictates the
order in which things need to be done. In cases
where there are several pending projects an
Thomas Pfann Oct 9, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Düsseldorf - Germany Noch jemand im CVJM-Hotel Hallo ihr christlichen Jungs, ich hab mich auch im
CVJM-Hotel eingebucht und würde mich euch
anschließen. Freu mich schon, euch alle mal
Thomas Pfann Oct 9, 2006
Money matters No payment after having submitted translation Depends - How long have you been waiting? [quote]Maria Alevizaki wrote: I have send my
bank account after they have asked me to, but we
didn't talk about the day of the payment.
[/quote] Waiting about a month or even two for
Thomas Pfann Oct 5, 2006
KudoZ would non-natives answering KudoZ Qs practice a little introspection please? Trust in self-regulation of the system Wow, someone's angry her, eh? Did you already put
the kettle on and have a nice cup of tea - that
always helps ;-) I had a look at the KudoZ
question you are refering to. Did you notic
Thomas Pfann Oct 4, 2006
Lighter side of trans/interp The Misheard Lyrics Oh, it's Dutch then... [quote]Joost Elshoff wrote: Ever paid attention
to the first lines in Madonna's song Sorry
? [...] Ik ben droevig (hmm, "Ik heb spijt"
would be better) [/quote] That's funny - I
Thomas Pfann Sep 8, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: How many source words have you translated since this time last year? (total, all pairs) Wordaholics? What surprised me in this poll is the
following: So far more than 30 people said they
translated over a million words in the last 12
months. That's around 20,000 words and more per
Thomas Pfann Sep 6, 2006

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