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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
ysun United States Local time: 23:59 English to Chinese + ...
QHE wrote:
David Shen wrote:
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David Shen United States Local time: 21:59 English to Chinese + ...
老孙摄影够水平! | | |
ysun United States Local time: 23:59 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
老沈过奖!谢谢! | | |
QHE United States Local time: 00:59 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
QHE United States Local time: 00:59 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Fake Moon(s) | Oct 20, 2018 |
我怎么觉得这是在人为地搅乱大自然的和谐呢? | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 21:59 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 23:59 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
哪天火烧到他们家门口,他们就不会如此淡定了! | | |
QHE United States Local time: 00:59 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER 孙先生的另一张佳作 - Maroon Bells 2016 | Oct 21, 2018 |
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wherestip United States Local time: 23:59 Chinese to English + ... |
David Shen United States Local time: 21:59 English to Chinese + ... Trying to understand CIIE | Nov 5, 2018 |
I was wondering what this new word meant: 进博会 After checking it up on the web, I found out that it stands for 中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo (CIIE).
Until this day, import and export 进出口 have always been mentioned together as a word. Some of my classmates were employed by the China Imp. & Exp. Corp. right after their graduation from college almost 40 years ago.
... See more “进博会”是什么?
I was wondering what this new word meant: 进博会 After checking it up on the web, I found out that it stands for 中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo (CIIE).
Until this day, import and export 进出口 have always been mentioned together as a word. Some of my classmates were employed by the China Imp. & Exp. Corp. right after their graduation from college almost 40 years ago.
I have a feeling that this IMPORT Expo in Shanghai, the very first of its kind, is a new signal that China is looking to buy, as much as it wants to sell. Let's wish them good business and success to all sides and hope there'd be more jobs for translators.
Here is the Official logo and mascot of the CIIE:
进博会-标志和吉祥物大熊猫“进宝” CIIE logo and mascot © CIIE?
I have the following reflections:
More about CIIE:
[Edited at 2018-11-05 15:39 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
QHE United States Local time: 00:59 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Shen wrote:
“进博会” 是什么?
G Translate: What is the “entry club” ?
进博会-标志和吉祥物大熊猫“进宝” CIIE logo and mascot © CIIE?
What does CIIE stand for?
这大熊猫 “进宝” 又是从哪儿进的宝呢
David Shen wrote:
路易·威登笑而不语,... ...
估计 LVMH 家族的酩悦轩尼诗也在偷着乐:
喜马拉雅山脚下, 有他们的敖云酒庄;贺兰山边儿,有他们的夏桐(CHANDON)。 | |
David Shen United States Local time: 21:59 English to Chinese + ... GG not Good enough for new Chinese phrases | Nov 7, 2018 |
On Abbreviations, English vs Chinese
英文短名无禁忌,中文取名求吉... See more 狗不够灵
On Abbreviations, English vs Chinese
光看这个英文缩略 CIIE,谁知道它代表什么,甚至是有关那一方面都不知道,根本无从下手。所以说,英文中用缩略时必须有注明,至少文章开头注一次。DIY之类的词不加注,那是已经约定成俗的东西了。
e.g. 从“三从四德” 、“四书五经”起到“三民主义”这两千年期间不知有多少个轮回。一下子成了“一穷二白”,就“三反五反”重头来过。果然“百花齐放”,可才放了几年功夫,要“四清”了;接下去重新“一打三反、破四旧”等,老毛的时代特别多。老毛走了,可数字缩略语传统仍然流行,时有新招:“两个凡是”、“三个代表”、“四项基本原则”......然后咱出国了,以后的就不太清楚了,直到“一带一路”。这个词给我的第一印象就是又一轮新的时代开始了。
“进宝”,我倒觉得它很贴切。只要是宝,照进不误,管它是哪儿来的。可在四五十年前,“招财进宝”这样的词是要受批判的,万万不可大张旗鼓地宣传。现在用它来形容当今如日中天的商业世界很形象。比较一下,这个“进宝”活动其实就是跟五十年前“广交会” Canton Export Commodities Fair 差不多。当时需要“广交”天下朋友,结果顺利地重新进入联合国。现在需要“进宝”,说明国人真的发了。好事!
[Edited at 2018-11-08 06:35 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun United States Local time: 23:59 English to Chinese + ...
QHE wrote:
孙先生的另一张佳作 - Maroon Bells 2016
谢谢!今年10月上旬,我们还上 New England 游览了一星期。那一段大多是阴天,不过我们玩得还是很开心。回想当年在 New Hampshire 居住的时候,也不知在忙些什么,居然连两小时以外的 Vermont 都没去过。这次补了课,但还是觉得没玩够。你可得珍惜啊! | | |
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