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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
QHE United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
[Edited at 2014-09-10 23:56 GMT]
[Edited at 2014-09-11 02:22 GMT] | | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 22:39 English to Chinese + ...
Ying Wang wrote:
大概你们那里专卖中国食品的超市很少。我以前曾多次去 Charlotte 出差。那里中国饭馆还不少,但没见过中国食品超市。你在后院适当种一些蔬菜应该还是可以的,但得事先报 HOA 批准。我们社区有一家在屋顶装了太阳能电池板,由于事先未报批,结果 HOA 非得让拆下来。有些人是很死板的。当然,有些地方也许根本就没有 HOA。 | | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
昨天刚刚从另一个北美华人论坛上看到这则新闻,大家反响热烈,认为尤其是经典诗词,一定要保留。说这是“中华民族文化的基因”一点也不为过。我也担心,自己的孩子会断了中华文化的基因,所以决定,除了让他们上中文学校,还要教他们每周一诗(词)。希望能坚持住! | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
ysun wrote:
Ying Wang wrote:
大概你们那里专卖中国食品的超市很少。我以前曾多次去 Charlotte 出差。那里中国饭馆还不少,但没见过中国食品超市。你在后院适当种一些蔬菜应该还是可以的,但得事先报 HOA 批准。我们社区有一家在屋顶装了太阳能电池板,由于事先未报批,结果 HOA 非得让拆下来。有些人是很死板的。当然,有些地方也许根本就没有 HOA。
我们也有HOA,听说管的不是很严,只要不在前院种就行,也有朋友在前院种韭菜蒙混过关的。这里的中国家庭都比着种菜。我打算在后院与邻居家交界处种一排竹子以障目,不知可行否。 | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 22:39 Chinese to English + ...
Bamboo is very invasive. Before you know it, it might propagate onto the neighbor's property. I would advise against it unless you have a privacy fence between you and your next-door neighbors.
Even with a fence, it still might cause unwanted growth on the neighbor's side. My guess you might be off the hook technically, but you could have some very unhappy neighbors.
Looking for the perfect privacy screen for shielding your back yard from nosy neighbors? For many, the quick -- and I do mean quick -- solution is bamboo.
Big mistake.
Bamboo, which technically is a giant grass, is one of the world’s most invasive plants. Once established, it is literally next to impossible to control. The sprouts that shoot up from the ground each spring can grow 12 inches a day! The underground roots of common running “fishpole” bamboo, which can easily reach 15 feet tall, can travel as far as 20 feet or more from the original clump.
1. Bamboo can spread into neighboring yards.
Many homeowners plant bamboo to create a fast-growing privacy screen around their home. Ted Jordan Meredith, author of Bamboo for Gardens, notes that some bamboo species can grow more than three feet per day. Bamboo can spread as quickly as it grows, and it doesn’t respect fences or property lines.
Bamboo grows particularly vigorously when adjacent to irrigated lawns and gardens or in low-lying areas that collect water. Instead of just blocking the view of nosy neighbors, you could be turning your property line into a war zone by planting bamboo.
Some bamboo species may even be categorized as noxious weeds, meaning a neighbor could legally force you to remove your bamboo. You could also be liable for the cost of any damage to the neighbors’ property caused by your bamboo, and for the cost of removal from their property.
[Edited at 2014-09-12 02:27 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 22:39 English to Chinese + ...
Ying Wang wrote:
在前院种菜肯定是不行的。以前常有人嘲笑知识分子,说他们连小麦与韭菜都分不清。你那些在前院种韭菜的朋友,难道以为美国人连韭菜与青草都分不清?在后院适当种些菜,只要 HOA 批准,应该就可以。有些美国人也会在后院适当种些菜,但主要还是种树种花。
如 Steve 所说,竹子确实会沿表层土壤蔓延。苏东坡曰,宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。我原来在奥斯汀北郊住时,也在后院种过竹子。仅几年功夫,两棵竹子就发展成一片竹林。在种之前,我在与邻居交界处将砖头埋至一定深度,形成一条隔离带,避免了入侵邻居后院的问题。如果你打算在竹子旁边种菜,同样需要隔离。否则的话,你就准备明年春天在菜地里收竹笋吧!
与邻居的关系,确实得重视。我在网上看到一则报道。有个中国人在后院搭架子种长豇豆,引起邻居不满,最后闹到法院。法官问他,长豇豆种子是哪来的。他据实禀告说,是从中国带来的。结果,法官罚了他一笔银子。那笔银子足可以到华人超市买几百斤长豇豆吧? | | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
Bamboo is very invasive. Before you know it, it might propagate onto the neighbor's property. I would advise against it unless you have a privacy fence between you and your next-door neighbors.
Even with a fence, it still might cause unwanted growth on the neighbor's side. My guess you might be off the hook technically, but you could have some very unhappy neighbors.
Looking for the perfect privacy screen for shielding your back yard from nosy neighbors? For many, the quick -- and I do mean quick -- solution is bamboo.
Big mistake.
Bamboo, which technically is a giant grass, is one of the world’s most invasive plants. Once established, it is literally next to impossible to control. The sprouts that shoot up from the ground each spring can grow 12 inches a day! The underground roots of common running “fishpole” bamboo, which can easily reach 15 feet tall, can travel as far as 20 feet or more from the original clump.
1. Bamboo can spread into neighboring yards.
Many homeowners plant bamboo to create a fast-growing privacy screen around their home. Ted Jordan Meredith, author of Bamboo for Gardens, notes that some bamboo species can grow more than three feet per day. Bamboo can spread as quickly as it grows, and it doesn’t respect fences or property lines.
Bamboo grows particularly vigorously when adjacent to irrigated lawns and gardens or in low-lying areas that collect water. Instead of just blocking the view of nosy neighbors, you could be turning your property line into a war zone by planting bamboo.
Some bamboo species may even be categorized as noxious weeds, meaning a neighbor could legally force you to remove your bamboo. You could also be liable for the cost of any damage to the neighbors’ property caused by your bamboo, and for the cost of removal from their property.
[Edited at 2014-09-12 02:27 GMT]
Thank you for the link, Steve. I have heard about the invasive bamboo before. And all those frustrating stories seem to be linked to the "running bamboo", which can grow and spread fast, while there are some other types of bamboo, the so-called "clumping bamboo", that will grow slower and in a more constrained way. These non-invasive bamboo probably won't cause much trouble.
As you mentioned, it is a concern that planting bamboo might cause some tension with neighbors, and I certainly don't want to get into that unpleasant situation. Therefore, instead of planting bamboo at the border of my neighbor, I will plant it in the center of our backyard. How does that sound? | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
ysun wrote:
Ying Wang wrote:
在前院种菜肯定是不行的。以前常有人嘲笑知识分子,说他们连小麦与韭菜都分不清。你那些在前院种韭菜的朋友,难道以为美国人连韭菜与青草都分不清?在后院适当种些菜,只要 HOA 批准,应该就可以。有些美国人也会在后院适当种些菜,但主要还是种树种花。
如 Steve 所说,竹子确实会沿表层土壤蔓延。苏东坡曰,宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。我原来在奥斯汀北郊住时,也在后院种过竹子。仅几年功夫,两棵竹子就发展成一片竹林。在种之前,我在与邻居交界处将砖头埋至一定深度,形成一条隔离带,避免了入侵邻居后院的问题。如果你打算在竹子旁边种菜,同样需要隔离。否则的话,你就准备明年春天在菜地里收竹笋吧!
听取您和Steve的建议,我不会在邻居家交界处种竹子了,也不会种那种四处乱窜的竹子,以免惹麻烦。我家后院中央,有块花坛还空着,打算种一丛Fargesia rufa,就是大熊猫最爱吃的竹子。春天有竹笋吃,也算添了一样新鲜菜。
您这长豇豆的例子,让我想起我的抽屉里还沉睡着的朋友送的长豇豆种子,据说是不搭架子的品种,让我犹豫明年要不要种下。 | | |
ysun United States Local time: 22:39 English to Chinese + ...
Ying Wang,
竹子最好还是靠边种。只要将四周隔离好,应该没多大问题。你在后院中央种竹子,恐怕会挡住自己的视线。后院中央的花坛,种花岂不是更好? | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 22:39 Chinese to English + ...
I think you'll be fine as long as you go into it with your eyes wide open. Whatever location you decide on, IMO it is wise to emulate what Yueyin did - install a solid barrier of some kind to prevent the bamboo from spreading out of control.
I have a couple of nandinas on my property. This is an evergreen landscape plant frequently found in Oriental gardens. Not only are the leaves lacy like bamboo, they also have some nice fall color. However, nandina is also... See more Ying,
I think you'll be fine as long as you go into it with your eyes wide open. Whatever location you decide on, IMO it is wise to emulate what Yueyin did - install a solid barrier of some kind to prevent the bamboo from spreading out of control.
I have a couple of nandinas on my property. This is an evergreen landscape plant frequently found in Oriental gardens. Not only are the leaves lacy like bamboo, they also have some nice fall color. However, nandina is also considered an invasive species in some States such as North Carolina. I haven't had a problem with mine though. They've been very slow-growing in the hot Texas clime.
BTW, Japanese Maple is a very nice specimen tree. I haven't been successful with it though. Texas is just too hot. ▲ Collapse | | |
YJ ZHANG United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ... 种竹子的确很麻烦,可以考虑种kiwi, 也能起隔离墙的作用 | Sep 12, 2014 |
Ying Wang wrote:
ysun wrote:
Ying Wang wrote:
在前院种菜肯定是不行的。以前常有人嘲笑知识分子,说他们连小麦与韭菜都分不清。你那些在前院种韭菜的朋友,难道以为美国人连韭菜与青草都分不清?在后院适当种些菜,只要 HOA 批准,应该就可以。有些美国人也会在后院适当种些菜,但主要还是种树种花。
如 Steve 所说,竹子确实会沿表层土壤蔓延。苏东坡曰,宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。我原来在奥斯汀北郊住时,也在后院种过竹子。仅几年功夫,两棵竹子就发展成一片竹林。在种之前,我在与邻居交界处将砖头埋至一定深度,形成一条隔离带,避免了入侵邻居后院的问题。如果你打算在竹子旁边种菜,同样需要隔离。否则的话,你就准备明年春天在菜地里收竹笋吧!
听取您和Steve的建议,我不会在邻居家交界处种竹子了,也不会种那种四处乱窜的竹子,以免惹麻烦。我家后院中央,有块花坛还空着,打算种一丛Fargesia rufa,就是大熊猫最爱吃的竹子。春天有竹笋吃,也算添了一样新鲜菜。
您这长豇豆的例子,让我想起我的抽屉里还沉睡着的朋友送的长豇豆种子,据说是不搭架子的品种,让我犹豫明年要不要种下。 | |
YJ ZHANG United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
范围不宜过大。最好种在地势高的地方,或者用土垫高,用简单的材料把四周的土围起来。毛竹只是在表层串来串去,不会给你带来太大的麻烦。当然,每年要留心竹子的长势,一旦串出来,要干净利索地切断。其实,竹子不仅观赏性强,而且还蛮实用的。每年砍一些竹子,晾干(最好留着竹子上的枝枝杈杈),就不用去homedepot买杆子了。用这些干竹子把菜地围起来,还可以防动物偷食。我今年用干竹子把长豇豆架子围了起来,虽然也被鹿吃了一些,毕竟损失很小了。 | | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
其实,我家前院、后院的植物,灌木、乔木,花花、草草,叫得出名、叫不出名的,有二十几种,但是,竹,是我儿时的记忆,我在竹林中玩耍,听布谷鸟的歌唱;看老人们用竹笋壳纳鞋底,等叔叔把一段竹子变成竹笛...... 很多时候,人的选择不是靠理性的,不过,我会借鉴孙先生的做法,理性地思考怎样把竹子种好,又不致泛滥成灾。 | | |
Ying Wang United States Local time: 23:39 English to Chinese + ...
ysun wrote:
Ying Wang,
听您的,还是选一处靠边的地方种竹子,同时学习您的管理方法,把竹子控制在有限的范围内。 | | |
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