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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
QHE United States Local time: 23:35 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER St. Jerome, patron saint of translators | Nov 26, 2015 |
Steve 在 "国际翻译日" 和大家共享的 St. Jerome 的名言:
Saint Jerome
Saint Jerome in His Study
Saint Jerome (ca. 347-420) was one of the four Latin Fathers of the Church (the others being Saint Augustine, Ambrose, and Gregory the Great) and renowned for his translation of the Bible into Latin. The image of the saint in his study was popular during the 15th century, especially with scholars. The writing implements, scrolls, and manuscripts testify to Jerome's scholarly pursuits. The sandglass and dying candle allude to the passage of time and remind the viewer that life is short. According to legend, the saint removed a thorn from the paw of a wild lion, which became Jerome's companion, here shown as a household pet. Jerome was considered to be a cardinal of the Church, and a cardinal's red hat hangs prominently on the back wall. Da Fabriano's delight in realistic detail shows that the artist was one of the first in Italy to be influenced by Netherlandish painting. Inscribed on the piece of paper seemingly tacked to the saint's desk: 1451; Inscribed on the original frame, lower center: ANTONIO De FABR[IAN]O; Inscribed on the saint's halo: SCVS. JERONIMUS For more information on this painting, please see Federico Zeri's 1976 catalogue no. 125, pp. 190-191. SOURCE CC0 LICENSE THEWALTERS.ORG
[Edited at 2015-11-26 16:48 GMT]
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wherestip United States Local time: 22:35 Chinese to English + ...
Mark Zuckerberg Pledges 99% of his Facebook stock to charitable causes.
Worth $45 billion. Wow! | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 22:35 Chinese to English + ...
[Edited at 2015-12-02 17:19 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 22:35 Chinese to English + ...
[Edited at 2015-12-02 18:04 GMT] | |
pkchan United States Local time: 23:35 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
Mark Zuckerberg Pledges 99% of his Facebook stock to charitable causes.
Worth $45 billion. Wow!
最近有意在香港收購殖民地時期,前老牌英資喉舌南華早報 South China Morning Post。
[Edited at 2015-12-02 19:17 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 22:35 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 22:35 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 23:35 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
wherestip wrote:
Oxford Dictionaries 2015 word of the year is an emoji
This is the first time since the tradition began in 2004 that a pictograph was chosen. Officials who chose the word said the emoji “best reflected the ethos, mood, and preoccupations of 2015.”
In fact, 2015 saw an exponential rise in the word emoji, also known as an emoticon. The word has been around since the 1990s, but the usage more than tripled in 2015 alone.
Though there are more than 1,000 emoji characters, Oxford University Press’ partnership with SwiftKey, a mobile technology company, revealed that was the most used globally in 2015. One-fifth of that usage was from the UK, and another 17 percent from the U.S. That’s a sharp rise from the 4 percent and 9 percent respectively in 2014.
P.S., "Bakugai" is Japan's word of the year
[Edited at 2015-12-04 01:59 GMT]
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pkchan United States Local time: 23:35 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ... Atop A Mountain Of Fakes | Dec 4, 2015 |
Alibaba and the 40000 thieves。
聽了爵士的話,讓我無比汗顏。去看看我們的城市吧,別的不說,僅以北京為例,在電商的衝擊之下,大量商業破產倒閉。其結果是什麼?原來著名的王府井、西單、大柵欄等商業景觀一去不復返了。當快遞員騎着低級的小三輪,穿過黑漆漆的街巷,沒日沒夜地把大量“垃圾商品”送進各家各戶的時候,我們是否想過,那些 “真品”店都被擠垮之後,未來我們要買到一件“真品”,到哪才能買到?
我認為,到了懸崖勒馬的時候了。如果我們商業街區的燈光熄滅了,再亮起來,不知需要多久,而且一關一開之間是何等巨大社會成本?外國人看得懂這一切。“雙 11”,當國人沉浸在“爆買垃圾貨”的快樂之中時,阿里在美國股市上價格暴跌。因為,美國投資者認為,假貨充斥、刷屏成交的行為將讓阿里失去成長。2015-12-02 來源: BACKCHINA
[Edited at 2015-12-04 20:07 GMT] | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 04:35 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum 12 月 5 日 今日,是小生意週末 | Dec 5, 2015 |
"Forget Black Friday and Cyber Monday, for independent traders Small Business Saturday is the day tills will be ringing.
"The event, an occasion to celebrate and promote independent businesses, was first held in the US in 2010, before launching in the UK three years ago. This year Small Business Saturday will fall on 5 December.
"Last year small businesses of all kinds got involved – whether it was offering promotions or putting on entertainment – and across the UK ... See more "Forget Black Friday and Cyber Monday, for independent traders Small Business Saturday is the day tills will be ringing.
"The event, an occasion to celebrate and promote independent businesses, was first held in the US in 2010, before launching in the UK three years ago. This year Small Business Saturday will fall on 5 December.
"Last year small businesses of all kinds got involved – whether it was offering promotions or putting on entertainment – and across the UK 16.5m people chose to shop at a local independent business on the day itself."
-- The Guardian
不知道我們這些自由譯員算不算小生意的一種。emoji ▲ Collapse | | |
QHE United States Local time: 23:35 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
QHE United States Local time: 23:35 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
Former President Jimmy Carter said Sunday his cancer is gone
Carter said in a statement that his most recent MRI brain scan did not reveal any signs of the original cancer spots or any new ones and that he’ll continue his treatment.
Carter, 91, initially made the announcement near the beginning of the Sunday School class he was teaching at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, a close friend and fellow church member said.
“He said he got a scan this week and the cancer was gone,” Jill Stuckey said by phone from Maranatha, where Carter was still in the midst of teaching to about 350 people, many of them visitors. “The church, everybody here, just erupted in applause.”
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[Edited at 2015-12-06 19:51 GMT]
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QHE United States Local time: 23:35 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER “囝” “囡” 國語點講呀? | Dec 11, 2015 |
囝 (jiǎn),《全唐詩》顧況的《囝一章》中有「郎罷別囝,吾悔生汝。」的句子,顧況自注曰:「閩俗呼子為囝,父為郎罷。」據此可知,在閩方言中,「囝」是兒子的意思。陸游的《戲遣老懷》中也有... See more 作者:周立老師
囝 (jiǎn),《全唐詩》顧況的《囝一章》中有「郎罷別囝,吾悔生汝。」的句子,顧況自注曰:「閩俗呼子為囝,父為郎罷。」據此可知,在閩方言中,「囝」是兒子的意思。陸游的《戲遣老懷》中也有一句︰「阿囝略如郎罷老,稚孫能伴老翁嬉。」這裏的「囝」是指兒女。「囝」也作「囡」,多指幼小的動物,「魚囝」就是魚苗。
囡 (nān),是江浙、上海等地對女兒的稱呼;也指親昵地稱呼小孩子,如小囡、阿囡等。在方言中,囝、囡通用。
「囝囝囡囡」不能讀成「仔仔女女 (zǎizǎi nǚnǚ)」。「仔」是多音字。「仔 (zǐ)細」不用說了,讀 zǎi 的時候通「崽」,在方言中是兒子的意思。幼小的動物也可以叫「崽兒」,如豬崽兒、狗崽子,常用作罵人的詞。粵語的「有仔有女」可以說成「有兒有女」,「男仔女仔」可以說成「男孩女孩」。至於「牛仔褲」的「仔」按名從主人的原則,讀 zǎi。
「囝囝」、「囡囡」普通話怎麼說呢?可以說寶寶、兒子、女兒;也可以說小子、姑娘。 ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun United States Local time: 22:35 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 22:35 English to Chinese + ... |
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