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“龙”的英文应该翻译成 Loong - 转发 (A Chinese Teacher Suggests that "Dragon" should be written as "Loong")
Thread poster: Libin PhD
Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:02
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Great to see you are back and re-joining in the discussion! Apr 17, 2006

David Shen wrote:

你好! 我拖到今天才把税报好,每年这个时候表格送出后就感到"无债一身轻".

你说我忧国忧民,人在美国的我是断然不敢以此自居的.早已无当年豪情壮志,只求能管好自己已经算不错了. 上星期在看到李斌兄转贴这题后的发言,最多只是作为旁观者,有感即发而已.即使有出言不逊之处,我只是针对现象,并非要针对某个人.谁会想到还真招来了对手. (各位,下次不管往哪个方向扔石头, 要当心啦.世界这么小,到处会砸到人的) 今天看到黄教授上面这贴中讲到的他曾经提出过的"旁观者经济学"和"当事人经济学"等学术题,我已经知道自己不是他的对手.因为他的这些研究,我连个概念都没有.谈啥花头? 更不敢为他翻译. 但我上星期答应的,我还欠他一个说法,一定会开诚布公,谈谈我的想法.


横看成岭侧成峰, 高低远近各不同.
不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中.

你在第一页上提出的另外三,五个思绪,有关熊猫, 蒙古人和"你中有我", 容我想想后再作回应.不过我可以告诉你: 我从没把你当过外人. 我想这论坛上的汉族人连想都没想到过这个问题.我不够格, 但其中也许有人还想当你的内人呢.


Great to see you are back and re-joining in the discussion! I totally know how good it feels to get the annual tax return done. I just tuned in mine last Friday, with a relief feeling of my citizen duty being fulfilled and a aching heart for the gave-away money that was earned by counting words. Is winning lottery still a possiblity or I had better marry someone rich and live a worry-free life?

I have never thought for a moment that you would have an issue with the nationality issues. Let's just put it as is and not develope on that. It can be a subject that gets messy for here. But, you are more than welcome to send me private emails.

Get youself a glass of Whisky on Rock to celebrate your citizen duty well done!


[Edited at 2006-04-18 00:25]

Local time: 01:02
to Mr. Kevin Yang Apr 17, 2006

to Mr. Kevin Yang

Mr. Kevin Yang, many thanks for this Poll. Can you paste the last results here? I only have a record as below, and I can't visit the last results page because I'm not the high grade member. Thank you!

What is your general impression when you see the word "dragon" or its image?
Poll by Kevin Yang

Lovable, unique, interesting, etc. 34.9%

No opinion 28.9%

Evil, demon, harmful, etc. 26.
... See more
to Mr. Kevin Yang

Mr. Kevin Yang, many thanks for this Poll. Can you paste the last results here? I only have a record as below, and I can't visit the last results page because I'm not the high grade member. Thank you!

What is your general impression when you see the word "dragon" or its image?
Poll by Kevin Yang

Lovable, unique, interesting, etc. 34.9%

No opinion 28.9%

Evil, demon, harmful, etc. 26.5%

Do not know its symbolic meanings. 9.7%

Total votes: 823

Discuss (55)

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:02
Member (2003)
English to Chinese
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Here is the copy of the poll result Apr 17, 2006

Prof. Huang,

Here is the copy of the poll result:

What is your general impression when you see the word "dragon" or its image?
Poll by Kevin Yang

1. Lovable, unique, interesting, etc. 34.4%
2. No opinion 29.1%
3. Evil, demon, harmful, etc. 26.8%
4. Do not know its symbolic meanings. 9.8%

Total votes: 850
Totoal Discussion Messages (63)

Hope this will help.


Local time: 01:02
沈先生,你好: Apr 17, 2006



嘿嘿,我没有发起龙崇拜的意图。我在学校教广告课程。一些产品的商标包含汉字“龙”,出口时就翻译成了“Dragon”,例如“Golden Dragon”,影响了销售。再考虑到龙代表中国(至少部分中国人和外国人这么认为),所以觉得有必要为龙正“英”名(英文名称)。仅此而已。




jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:02
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這個說法有數據嗎﹖ Apr 18, 2006

hj58 wrote:

一些产品的商标包含汉字“龙”,出口时就翻译成了“Dragon”,例如“Golden Dragon”,影响了销售。

紐約市政府砸了很多錢宣傳唐人街﹐ 各種文件﹐宣傳﹐招貼﹐LOGO﹐ 口號都離不開龍(DRAGON那個龍)。當地的各種店面招牌印有以DRAGON和龍的圖形的不勝枚舉(到處都是)。香港龍舟節每年在紐約有賽場﹐多數報紙都把龍舟譯為DRAGON BOAT。 參賽隊伍都是NATIVE English SPEAKERS。

[Edited at 2006-04-18 07:05]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:02
English to Chinese
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龍性本善 Apr 18, 2006

jyuan_us wrote:

hj58 wrote:

一些产品的商标包含汉字“龙”,出口时就翻译成了“Dragon”,例如“Golden Dragon”,影响了销售。

紐約市政府砸了很多錢宣傳唐人街﹐ 各種文件﹐宣傳﹐招貼﹐LOGO﹐ 口號都離不開龍(DRAGON那個龍)。當地的各種店面招牌印有以DRAGON和龍的圖形的不勝枚舉(到處都是)。香港龍舟節每年在紐約有賽場﹐多數報紙都把龍舟譯為DRAGON BOAT。 參賽隊伍都是NATIVE SPEAKERS。

從 Kevin 貼出的意見調查數據

1. Lovable, unique, interesting, etc. 34.4%
2. No opinion 29.1%
3. Evil, demon, harmful, etc. 26.8%
4. Do not know its symbolic meanings. 9.8%

Total votes: 850
Totoal Discussion Messages (63)


jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:02
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GREAT POINT Apr 18, 2006

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

jyuan_us wrote:

hj58 wrote:

一些产品的商标包含汉字“龙”,出口时就翻译成了“Dragon”,例如“Golden Dragon”,影响了销售。

紐約市政府砸了很多錢宣傳唐人街﹐ 各種文件﹐宣傳﹐招貼﹐LOGO﹐ 口號都離不開龍(DRAGON那個龍)。當地的各種店面招牌印有以DRAGON和龍的圖形的不勝枚舉(到處都是)。香港龍舟節每年在紐約有賽場﹐多數報紙都把龍舟譯為DRAGON BOAT。 參賽隊伍都是NATIVE SPEAKERS。

從 Kevin 貼出的意見調查數據

1. Lovable, unique, interesting, etc. 34.4%
2. No opinion 29.1%
3. Evil, demon, harmful, etc. 26.8%
4. Do not know its symbolic meanings. 9.8%

Total votes: 850
Totoal Discussion Messages (63)


Wenjer, good point.

偶然發現這個學校的旗幟上的圖案﹐ 不知是什麼動物﹕


Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:02
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看看這個 Apr 18, 2006

看看這個 他們看來大可自稱「龍的傳人」,而且還真的感到榮耀呢。


Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:02
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Religion background plays a role to influence the forming of negative impressions about dragon? Apr 18, 2006

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


Wenjer, and all

Thank you for your continuous inputs. Unfortunately, among the 26.8% voters who voted "dragon" is "Evil, demon, harmful, etc." did not speak in that follow-up poll discussion. But, from the follow-up discussion, the voters brought up the possible sources which have negative depictions of the dragon. The Bible is also among those sources. I start to believe that the religion background played a role to influence the forming of negative impressions about dragon among those people. But, note well, in America, for example, not everyone is religious.


pkchan  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:02
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NATURE 與NURTURE Apr 18, 2006

Bhutan is a Buddhist state where power is shared by the king and government. The country's name in the local dialect means Land of the Dragon. In Bhutan, thunder is believed to be the voices of dragons roaring. In about 1200, a monastery was set up called the Druk (Thunder Dragon) with a sect called the Drukpas, named after it. The name and the emblem of the dragon have been associated with Bhutan ever since. The dragon on
... See more
Bhutan is a Buddhist state where power is shared by the king and government. The country's name in the local dialect means Land of the Dragon. In Bhutan, thunder is believed to be the voices of dragons roaring. In about 1200, a monastery was set up called the Druk (Thunder Dragon) with a sect called the Drukpas, named after it. The name and the emblem of the dragon have been associated with Bhutan ever since. The dragon on the flag is white to symbolize purity. 大漢民族當然會說,這是受中國的影響,但要說明的是,從不丹佛教的眼光,龍是性善的。若把龍視為帝皇的圖騰,皇帝喜怒無常,就像龍一樣,翻雲覆雨,雞犬不寧,人民受苦受難,這條龍則性惡。龍『姓』善,就是善龍先生,龍『姓』惡,就是惡龍先生。看來,龍、DRAGON及LOONG,都是患性格分裂症,或具雙重性格,時善時惡,人也是如此。龍是由人想像出來的東西,因此有善亦有惡。至於『本性』的問題,老師說,人生在世,如同白紙,善惡之分,後天培養。這是NATURE 與NURTURE之辯,仍是眾說紛芸。若龍先天性善,後天就要遠離邪惡,如LOONG先天性惡,則後天要向善行善。中國要和平崛起,可能是不想做美帝。中國由惡至善,美國從善轉惡,均是後天起作用。

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:02
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Dragon dance to welcome President Hu Jintao Apr 18, 2006

[Edited at 2006-04-18 21:48]

English to Chinese
强烈支持 Apr 28, 2006


Chulhyun Ahn
Chulhyun Ahn
Local time: 18:02
Korean to English
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Koreans have prefered feathered creatures over dragons. Jul 21, 2006

Koreans prefered to associate themselves with feathered creatures.

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:02
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May I ask ...... Jul 21, 2006

nooyawker wrote:

Koreans prefered to associate themselves with feathered creatures.

What those "feathered creatures" are? Please give me a few examples. It could be very interesting. Thanks.

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“龙”的英文应该翻译成 Loong - 转发 (A Chinese Teacher Suggests that "Dragon" should be written as "Loong")

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