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“龙”的英文应该翻译成 Loong - 转发 (A Chinese Teacher Suggests that "Dragon" should be written as "Loong") Thread poster: Libin PhD
ysun United States Local time: 08:00 English to Chinese + ... Collins English Dictionary: loong | Mar 11 |
New Word Suggestion
The Chinese dragon, means beauty, auspiciousness and happiness.
Additional Information
Submitted By: sennrai - Feb. 12, 2024
Status: This word is being monitored for evidence of usage.
这段话“中国的龙与西方的龙差别非常大,中国龙寓意着美好,而西方的龙(dragon)则寓意着不祥,甚至带有贬义”,为什么没有英语解释?如果配上英语解释,恐怕就会招来世界上 English speakers 的异议,最终导致通不过。
[修改时间: 2024-03-11 21:50 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 08:00 English to Chinese + ...
依鄙人之见,《牛津词典》既已收入 Chinese Dragon,将来收入 Loong 的可能性就更为渺茫。当然,不完全排除这种可能性:几十年之后情况或许会有所改变。不过,即使将来 Loong 被《牛津词典》或国外编的其他词典收入,也很可能只是以这样的形式收入... See more 依鄙人之见,《牛津词典》既已收入 Chinese Dragon,将来收入 Loong 的可能性就更为渺茫。当然,不完全排除这种可能性:几十年之后情况或许会有所改变。不过,即使将来 Loong 被《牛津词典》或国外编的其他词典收入,也很可能只是以这样的形式收入:Loong:see "Chinese dragon".
《牛津词典》:Chinese dragon
1. A representation or figure of a Chinese dragon (a mythological creature or god associated with China and depicted in a variety of different animal forms, but typically as a serpent with four limbs; cf. sense 2).
2. A mythological creature or god associated with China, depicted in a variety of different animal forms but typically as a serpent with four limbs, and symbolizing wisdom, fortune, and power. Also: such a creature viewed as a personification of China or its former empire.
维基百科:Chinese dragon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Loong" redirects here.
The Chinese Dragon, also known as the loong, long or lung (simplified Chinese: 龙; traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large.[1] Chinese dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. Academicians have identified four reliable theories on the origin of the Chinese dragon: snakes, Chinese alligators, thunder worship and nature worship.[2] They traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water.[3]
据历史文献记载,世界上第一个来中国的西方人是罗马天主教大主教 Giovanni da Pian del Carpini。他于1246年到过中国和蒙古。当时,马可·波罗还没出生。因此,尚未听说战国时期(公元前475年—前221年)有任何西方人来过中国。当时世界上还没有美国,就更别提那时有没有中国人看过美国好莱坞恐怖大片了! 那么,这尊战国青铜神龙的形象何从模仿西方的龙?
流浪的国宝 | 长翅膀的中国龙——战国青铜神龙
Liu Song dynasty stone-relief of a winged dragon【前宋(420年-479年)邓县南朝画像砖青龙】:
[修改时间: 2024-03-12 04:04 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun United States Local time: 08:00 English to Chinese + ... 究竟是先有 Loong,还是先有 Western Dragon? | Mar 13 |
Ilya Muromets (1956 film)
Ilya Muromets (Russian: Илья Муромец), also known as The Sword and the Dragon (US) and The Epic Hero and the Beast (UK), is a 1956 Soviet fantasy film by noted fantasy director Aleksandr Ptushko and produced at Mosfilm. It is based on the old Russian oral epic poems about the knight Ilya Muromets.
事实上,The Sword and the Dragon (US) 是前苏联(苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟)于1956年拍摄的魔幻片,原名为 Илья Муромец。这似乎是世界上第一部将龙描绘成“具有巨大翅膀、能喷火、邪恶之龙”的电影!由此看来,最先模仿两千多年前的战国青铜龙、将 loong 妖魔化的不是好莱坞!
在此之前,好莱坞的迪士尼动画工作室于1941年拍摄过一部动画片 The Reluctant Dragon:
Forgotten Disney Classic Movie - Reluctant Dragon Original Trailer
[修改时间: 2024-03-14 03:21 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 08:00 English to Chinese + ...
ysun United States Local time: 08:00 English to Chinese + ... Saint George on the Coat of Arms of Russia | Mar 15 |
Coat of arms of Russia (俄罗斯国徽)
The coat of arms of Russia derives from the earlier coat of arms of the Russian Empire. Though modified more than once since the reign of Ivan III (1462–1505), the current coat of arms is directly derived from its medieval original, with the double-headed eagle having Byzantine and earlier antecedents. The general tincture corresponds to the fifteenth-century standard.[1]
Description and usage
The two main elements of Russian state symbols (the two-headed eagle and Saint George slaying the dragon) predate Peter the Great.
The current coat of arms was designed by artist Yevgeny Ukhnalyov; it was adopted on 30 November 1993 by a presidential decree,[4] and then by a federal law signed by President Vladimir Putin on December 20, 2000.
Historical versions
The other main Russian coat of arms, the image of St George slaying the dragon, is contemporaneous. In its first form, as a rider armed with a spear, it is found in the seal of Vasili I of Moscow in 1390. At the time of Ivan III, the dragon was added, but the final association with Saint George was not made until 1730, when it was described as such in an Imperial decree. Eventually, St George became the patron saint of Moscow (and, by extension, of Russia).
由此可见,在前苏联时期(1918-1991),苏联政府重新设计了国徽。尽管在此期间,其国徽图案修改了多次,但都没有圣乔治屠龙的标志。但苏联解体后,圣乔治屠龙的标志又重新出现在俄罗斯国徽上。俄罗斯现在的国徽图案系由鲍里斯·叶利钦总统于1993年11月30日签署俄罗斯联邦总统令批准,又由弗拉基米尔·普京总统于2000年12月20日签署后载入俄罗斯联邦法律。现在的俄罗斯国徽与彼得大帝时期的国徽十分相似。俄罗斯联邦为何如此热衷于国徽上的圣乔治屠龙标志?其含义何在?值得深入地研究一下,也许对于解决 loong vs. dragon 的问题会有所帮助。
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ysun United States Local time: 08:00 English to Chinese + ... |
hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
一个人当然无法推动全世界改译龙,但是推动国内民众知道 loong 这件事已经完成了。尽管国内官方还坚持译龙为 dragon,但是已经有十几个中国驻外使馆和外交官译龙为 loong 了。我相信热爱祖国文化的中国人会向外国人推广 loong 的。至于十八年来受到我的宣传的打扰,那要怪外国人,谁叫他们译龙为 dragon 的?也要怪大多数中国人没有积极参与改译龙(不一定是 loong),事情... See more 一个人当然无法推动全世界改译龙,但是推动国内民众知道 loong 这件事已经完成了。尽管国内官方还坚持译龙为 dragon,但是已经有十几个中国驻外使馆和外交官译龙为 loong 了。我相信热爱祖国文化的中国人会向外国人推广 loong 的。至于十八年来受到我的宣传的打扰,那要怪外国人,谁叫他们译龙为 dragon 的?也要怪大多数中国人没有积极参与改译龙(不一定是 loong),事情拖了十几年。现在 loong 在国内已经家喻户晓了,我就不发帖了。
wherestip wrote:
Your 18 years of non-stop "advocacy" was apparently not enough to convince the English-speaking world to adopt your use of the word "loong"; just think how "厌倦" (or tiresome) your constant lecturing might be to others.
[Edited at 2024-03-02 05:35 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
牛津字典说 dragon 象征混乱和灾难。外国人自己会不知道?
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hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
ysun wrote:
依鄙人之见,《牛津词典》既已收入 Chinese Dragon,将来收入 Loong 的可能性就更为渺茫。当然,不完全排除这种可能性:几十年之后情况或许会有所改变。不过,即使将来 Loong 被《牛津词典》或国外编的其他词典收入,也很可能只是以这样的形式收入:Loong:see "Chinese dragon". | | |
hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
[img src=""]
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hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
国际社会用龙象征中国,却把龙译为 dragon,和恶魔同名,显然必须纠正。这么简单的常识,中国人居然折腾了四十多年:1980年中国外语学者就开始发表论文说龙和 dragon 不同,我收集到的就有几百篇;但是到了 2024年,民间才部分改过来(官媒是报道民间现象而已),而外宣官方如外文局、外交部发言人华春莹赵立... See more “有些地名确实涉及国家尊严”,文化事物也一样。
国际社会用龙象征中国,却把龙译为 dragon,和恶魔同名,显然必须纠正。这么简单的常识,中国人居然折腾了四十多年:1980年中国外语学者就开始发表论文说龙和 dragon 不同,我收集到的就有几百篇;但是到了 2024年,民间才部分改过来(官媒是报道民间现象而已),而外宣官方如外文局、外交部发言人华春莹赵立坚等还不肯改。
ysun wrote:
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hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
dragon 的历史哪里是从 1950年代开始的?
[quote]ysun wrote: | |
hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
ysun wrote:
这里并没人说过 "We yield but to St. George" 的意思跟 "I yield to nobody but God" 一样。你却强调这两句的意思“完全不一样”,有何意义?我们说句型相同,当然很有意义,那是为了帮助理解 “We yield but to St George” 的意思。
你对这句 motto 的理解是完全错误的:“那么为什么英国军舰可以呢?因为威尔士是被英格兰人征服的,英国既要表示尊重他们,给他们一艘 Dragon 号,但是又要提醒他们不得造反闹事,于是设定座右铭规定你们必须听话,必要时要向圣乔治投降。”
跨文化翻译确实是很复杂的。对这句 motto 不能光从字面上肤浅地理解,或毫无根据地凭空发挥。 | | |
hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
Also please keep in mind that the Royal Navy destroyer in question was launched in this century. The vessel's motto has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any animosity or any other kind of unkind sentiment towards Wales.
虽然英国官方是非常尊重威尔士人及其文化的,但是民间不是这样,建议你去搜索英国的时政漫画,我收集到很多幅。虽然军方也属于官方,但是这种微妙的文化感会不经意之间流露出来。作为外... See more Also please keep in mind that the Royal Navy destroyer in question was launched in this century. The vessel's motto has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any animosity or any other kind of unkind sentiment towards Wales.
如果写这句格言的人对威尔士 dragon 完全没有贬义,根本不需要写这样一句格言。难道非要哪壶不开提哪壶吗?非要提杀死 dragon 的圣乔治吗?非要说 yield 吗?关于 dragon 难道写不出一句完全正面的短句吗?中国人在过龙年春节时非要提哪吒和女娲吗(他们都曾杀死过龙)?
wherestip wrote:
Sorry to disagree with you, but I agree with ysun on this.
The pattern of these 2 phrases is one and the same. They are exactly identical:
"We yield but to St. George" "I yield but to God"
Also please keep in mind that the Royal Navy destroyer in question was launched in this century. The vessel's motto has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any animosity or any other kind of unkind sentiment towards Wales.
Awarded: December 2000
Laid down: December 19, 2005
Launched: November 17, 2008
Commissioned: April 20, 2012
BTW, the redundancy in my last sentence is purely for emphasis.
[Edited at 2024-03-04 20:53 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
hj58 Local time: 22:00 English
ysun wrote:
[修改时间: 2024-03-05 07:13 GMT] | | |
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