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“龙”的英文应该翻译成 Loong - 转发 (A Chinese Teacher Suggests that "Dragon" should be written as "Loong")
Thread poster: Libin PhD
wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:38
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Failure to Launch May 5

wherestip wrote:

pkchan wrote:

18年來,一直認為 LOONG 只不過是龍的音譯,沒有什麼至高無上,神聖不可侵犯。至於在什麼時候才能像 KETCHUP 一樣,升格成英文字,那就要看港式文化威力了。不過,如今港式文化被摧殘到如此地步,恐怕如掩口費 YIM HAU FAI,封口費 FUNG HAU FAI 一樣,變得遙遙無期了。

风趣 or 幽默(borrowed from humor) ?

Either way, I'm laughing.

Success of newly-coined terminology highly depends on whether it is accepted, or popularized, by the majority of the speaking public of the borrowing/receiving culture.

So far the word "loong" has failed to take flight, pardon the pun. IMO, it is mainly because there is no need for "loong" to supplant the word "dragon".

[Edited at 2024-05-05 14:43 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:38
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集思广益 vs. 一孔之见 May 5

wherestip wrote:

Success of a newly-coined terminology highly depends on whether it is accepted, or popularized, by the majority of the speaking public of the borrowing/receiving culture.

So far the word "loong" has failed to take flight. IMO, mainly because there is no need for "loong" to supplant the word "dragon".

中新网:400条文化术语诠释与英译公布 专家:误译易引发误解











实际上,早在一百多年前,海外的洋人就已知道中国龙并非是一个凶恶的图腾形象。这“国内外90余位专家组队”的“大陪审团”,等于也是给 loong 一词判了死刑。这些专家们绞尽脑汁把“风骨”音译成了Fenggu,却还是跟 loong 过不去,你说气人不气人!

The 125th Golden Dragon Parade in Chinatown, Los Angeles

Spectators enjoy the Chinese display at the La Fiesta de Los Angeles parade in 1901. (Courtesy of The California Historical Society and University of Southern California Digital Library)

ysun wrote:

hj58 wrote:

国际社会用龙象征中国,却把龙译为 dragon,和恶魔同名,显然必须纠正。这么简单的常识,中国人居然折腾了四十多年:1980年中国外语学者就开始发表论文说龙和 dragon 不同,我收集到的就有几百篇;但是到了 2024年,民间才部分改过来(官媒是报道民间现象而已),而外宣官方如外文局、外交部发言人华春莹赵立坚等还不肯改。

你发明了一个英文单词 loong,即使中国大陆家喻户晓,甚至将来还可能被写进国标,那么,无论你在中国爱怎么叫都可以。但是到了国外,那就得英语世界的人们普遍接受才能算数。这就是简单的常识。国外《牛津词典》及其他某些词典将“Chinese dragon”(而非 loong)收入词典,实际上就是对 loong 一词判了死刑!

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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难怪公开信被外交部拒绝 May 5

ysun wrote:

中新网:400条文化术语诠释与英译公布 专家:误译易引发误解











实际上,早在一百多年前,海外的洋人就已知道中国龙并非是一个凶恶的图腾形象。这“国内外90余位专家组队”的“大陪审团”,等于也是给 loong 一词判了死刑。这些专家们绞尽脑汁把“风骨”音译成了Fenggu,却还是跟 loong 过不去,你说气人不气人!


Who would have thought! The issue of whether to adopt the word "loong" has long been scrutinized by 90+ experts and decided.

I'd say the poor thing has been through the wringer already.

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:38
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Through the Wringer Already 脑汁已绞尽 May 5

wherestip wrote:

ysun wrote:
...... 这些专家们绞尽脑汁把“风骨”音译成了Fenggu,却还是跟 loong 过不去,你说气人不气人!


...... The issue of whether to adopt the word "loong" has long been scrutinized by 90+ experts and decided.

I'd say the poor thing has been through the wringer already.

What a coincidence Steve that you choose to use this "Western machine" to illustrate efforts made by translators trying to convey meanings/concepts of hard to describe things.

I am sitting in my friend's garage near downtown Seattle but next (as I type) to a Coffield washing machine manufactured in Dayton Ohio. This one is different from the one in your picture. It is the first, electric model (Model SX312EOW) and has a patent date of Oct.1 1918. Here is a picture of the Coffield washing machine on and looks exactly like the one next to me:

photo credit: Don Reeves

For those of us growing up in Mainland China, the first thing that date reminds us of is the Soviet movie 《列宁在1918》. Who would have thought that when the Russians were storming their royal palaces with violence, the Americans were trying to make things easier for their housewives. I guess both had to 绞尽脑汁 before changes could happen or new designs could materialize.

My friend remembers his grandma was still using it in the early 1950s to do the laundry when he and his siblings were running around all day in parks and had dirty clothes. The last time he tried it in the 1990s it was still working! Now a hundred years later, we have all these new washing machines, but he wants to keep this antique washing machine in the family, and I can understand why.

Maybe we should start to talk about something other than dragons, what do you guys think?
So much for now and wait till I return to my mountain cabin.

[Edited at 2024-05-05 18:58 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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此事确实早就有定论 May 5

wherestip wrote:

Who would have thought! The issue of whether to adopt the word "loong" has long been scrutinized by 90+ experts and decided.

I'd say the poor thing has been through the wringer already.

上海市民黄佶于2019年1月7日将其“致外交部的公开信”寄给了外交部部长王毅,并抄送给国家主席办公室、全国人大常委会、国务院及新闻媒体。而早在2017年5月18日,中国新闻网与央视网就同时转载了《400条文化术语诠释与英译公布 专家:误译易引发误解》一文。所以说“中国龙依然是dragon”,此事早就有定论。


  中国的国家主席代表十几亿海内外华人亲口告诉全世界:“我们叫龙的传人”,但是经过翻译之后,外国人听到的却是“我们自称魔鬼的后代”(We call ourselves descendants of the dragon),不仅没有准确传达说话者的原意,而且把原意歪曲成了截然相反的意思。这显然是一次非常失败的跨文化传播,是一次非常严重的外交事故,是一个非常严重的政治错误,非常不利于中国建设良好的、热爱和平的国家形象。

说实话,我看了这封公开信之后确实替那位上海市民捏了一把冷汗!习近平主席是清华大学的博士。如果他也认为 dragon 就是魔鬼,他肯定会立即纠正外交部翻译司英文处参赞兼处长周宇的翻译。那位上海市民之所以认为“We call ourselves descendants of the dragon”等同于“我们自称魔鬼的后代”,就是出于他的这一偏见:“dragon 就是魔鬼”。显然,歪曲习近平讲话原意的并非是周宇。难怪此公开信会被外交部拒收!我建议那位上海市民尽早将此公开信从他网站上删除,以免惹祸上身!

实际上,习近平在2022年世界经济论坛视频会议上演讲,在提到“生龙活虎、龙腾虎跃”时,对应于龙字的英文仍然是 dragon。外交部网站也登出了此演讲英文版的全文。

新华社 2022-01-18

Xi Jinping Attends the 2022 World Economic Forum Virtual Session and Delivers a Speech

[修改时间: 2024-05-06 03:35 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:38
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Translation of 卧虎藏龙 May 5

Live "lóng" and prosper: the dragon in Chinese culture-Xinhua
Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2024-02-13

See more
Live "lóng" and prosper: the dragon in Chinese culture-Xinhua
Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2024-02-13


Film: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,_Hidden_Dragon

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 12:38
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Agree May 6

David Shen wrote:

Maybe we should start to talk about something other than dragons, what do you guys think?
So much for now and wait till I return to my mountain cabin.



Local time: 02:38
译龙风云网上博物馆,网址 Nov 3


Local time: 02:38
各位老师好!好久不见!Loong 年快乐! Nov 3

Loong 之回归:欢迎参观译龙风云网上博物馆,黄佶
Loong 之回归:
见证龙的传人如何摆脱恶名 dragon
  2006年,译龙问题进入公众视野,经过长期努力,2024年龙年新年前后,loong 被媒体大量使用,家喻户晓。这件事的参与者黄佶收集保存了一些实物史料,建立了一个网上博物馆,欢迎参观。
... See more
Loong 之回归:欢迎参观译龙风云网上博物馆,黄佶
Loong 之回归:
见证龙的传人如何摆脱恶名 dragon
  2006年,译龙问题进入公众视野,经过长期努力,2024年龙年新年前后,loong 被媒体大量使用,家喻户晓。这件事的参与者黄佶收集保存了一些实物史料,建立了一个网上博物馆,欢迎参观。
  早就有人指出应该纠正译龙方法,并译龙为 loong
  龙落选北京奥运会吉祥物,纠正错译 dragon 刻不容缓
  第四展厅:万众议译(2006年12月4日- )
  骤起“弃龙风波”,译龙为 loong 广受关注
  全民狂欢迎 Loong 年,画龙点睛新华社
  “为龙正名,任重道远”,居然一语成谶。花了一代人的时间,整整十八年,译龙为 loong 终于家喻户晓,被无数同胞认可,曾经为之努力过的人无不心潮澎湃。但是,后面要做的工作还很多:1,向国际社会推广 loong;2,使 loong 进入英语辞典和英语教材;3,其它语种怎么翻译龙?4,中国大量其它文化负载词怎么翻译?希望年轻人继续努力,也希望国家有关部门支持和指导这些工作。

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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任重而道远,loong 尚未成功 Nov 4

hj58 wrote:

  “为龙正名,任重道远”,居然一语成谶。花了一代人的时间,整整十八年,译龙为 loong 终于家喻户晓,被无数同胞认可,曾经为之努力过的人无不心潮澎湃。但是,后面要做的工作还很多:1,向国际社会推广 loong;2,使 loong 进入英语辞典和英语教材;3,其它语种怎么翻译龙?4,中国大量其它文化负载词怎么翻译?希望年轻人继续努力,也希望国家有关部门支持和指导这些工作。

黄老师:你好!你的执着精神确实令我佩服!不过,我觉得你应该用主要精力去说服中国官方机构和那些语言专家,否则无济于事。这里的各位同仁似乎已经对此话题失去兴趣。我注意到,中国政府机构如国务院、外交部和驻外机构以及新华社、人民日报和 China Daily 等官方媒体在用英文对外发布消息时,往往仍将“中国龙”译为 dragon。即使在提到 loong 时,往往也会说明其意为"Chinese dragon"。所以,将“中国龙”直接译为"Chinese dragon"即可,译成 loong 则是多此一举。对此,国内的语言专家们早就有定论。

中新网(2017年05月18日):400条文化术语诠释与英译公布 专家:误译易引发误解

新华社(2024-01-05):China issues special stamps marking Year of the Dragon
BEIJING, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- China Post on Friday unveiled a set of two special stamps to celebrate the upcoming Chinese zodiac Year of the Dragon.
One of the stamps depicts a golden dragon flying among clouds against a red background. Its image and posture originate from the Nine-Dragon Wall of the Forbidden City, symbolizing the spirit of vigorous progress and self-improvement.
The other stamp features two dragons hovering around a traditional Chinese jadeware object inscribed with auspicious patterns, expressing the good wishes of suitable weather, prosperity and peace for the country and people.

联合国:Chinese Lunar Calendar – Year of the Dragon


On 19 January 2024, the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) celebrates the Lunar Calendar – Year of the Dragon with the issuance of a special event stamp sheet of ten stamps. The New Lunar Calendar Year officially starts on 10 February 2024 until 28 January 2025.

The dragon is fifth in the series of the twelve zodiac signs. It is said that the dragon represents good luck, strength, health, as well as the male element Yang. The dragon is unique because it is the only mythical creature of all the animals featured in the Chinese zodiac.

For the year 2024, UNPA is continuing its new personalized sheet design and format, which started in 2022. The ten US$1.50 denominated stamps feature a beautiful illustration of a dragon, and the tabs to the left of the stamps bear a white United Nations emblem with a golden background.

Both the stamps and background design were illustrated by Mr. Pan Hu (Tiger Pan) of China. Mr. Pan also designed and illustrated the 2023 Lunar Rabbit, the 2022 Lunar Tiger, and the 2018 Lunar Dog stamp sheets.

A special Year of the Dragon postcard, featuring the same illustration as the stamps, is also being issued.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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Year of the Dragon Nov 4

Year of the Dragon
China Daily | Updated: 2024-02-05

I am not yet ready to join the "long" line to rebrand the dragon. This coinage is mostly a belated correction of an earlier translation error: Whoever translated the "dragon" into "long" should have used another word in Chinese, for instance, jiao or jiao long, if the idea was to distinguish between the Western and Chinese dragons. It is a little late now to change the Chinese character long to "loong" to avoid the negative connotations of the word "dragon". The connotations of the dragon have changed. So has the audience that is trying to make sense of the nuances of these connotations.

The word "dragon" does not always have a negative connotation. There is some duality to the character of the dragon, just as there is some duality to each one of us. In English literature and mythos, the dragon can symbolize formidable power and strength. It also guards and protects treasures from thieves and bandits. It is alert, attentive, and dutiful.

In recent years, in popular culture, movies such as Mulan have injected some cuteness into the image of the dragon. In the film, Mushu the Dragon is Mulan's closest companion, a merry and cheeky little fellow voiced by Eddie Murphy. And remember, if Nicholas Cage did not love the image of the dragon, he would not have been so devastated to discover that he was born in the Year of the Rabbit.

Mulan and Dragon Mushu, the self-appointed guardian of Mulan

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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The latest poll results (as of Nov. 5, 2024) Nov 5

hj58 wrote:

Loong 之回归:
见证龙的传人如何摆脱恶名 dragon


Kevin Yang wrote:

Hi, Folks

I posted a poll question at last week. It is running the survey at this minute at the front page. There is also a discussion associated with this poll question. Please take a look if you have time.

I just checked the voter counter. There are about 700 translators and linguists from all over the world voted, and some of them even wrote in the Poll Forum about what they think of dragon. Here is the link to the Poll discussion of this topic:


[Edited at 2006-04-13 16:17]

Here are the latest poll results (as of Nov. 5, 2024):
Poll: What is your general impression when you see the word "dragon" or its image?
by Kevin Yang

1. Lovable, unique, interesting, etc. 34.1%
2. No opinion 30.0%
3. Evil, demon, harmful, etc. 26.2%
4. Do not know its symbolic meanings. 9.6%

Total votes: 964
[Discuss in forum (65)]

[修改时间: 2024-11-05 19:11 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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Süsü, a dragon Nov 7

Series » Süsü, a sárkány

Süsü a sárkány

fairy tale character"dragon"_or_its_image.html#326947

Csaba Ban wrote:

I am well aware of the symbolism attached to dragons - both in the West and the East.

But for me, dragons are first and foremost fairy tale characters, mostly overwhelmed by vagrant knights or the youngest son of a king or a poor man.

In Hungary, there was a very popular and successful dragon story for kids around 1980 on TV.

The main character in the puppet series, Süsü, was a decendant of 3-headed father and a 7-headed grandfather, but he himself was unfortunate enough to be born with only one head. His only pursuit was playing with butterflies as he roamed the country to meet new friends. Of course, all the folks were afraid of him, but he made friends with a young and brave prince who then explained everyone that he was a very friendly and lovable dragon.

Anyone in Hungary whose childhood fell any time after 1980 immediately associates to this particular character when thinking of a dragon.


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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Wish Dragon Nov 7

[中国电影报道]对话《许愿神龙》制片人 揭秘小粉龙的诞生

Wish Dragon
Wish Dragon is a 2021 animated fantasy comedy film written and directed by Chris Appelhans[6] (in his feature directorial debut) and produced by Sony Pictures Animation and Tencent Pictures. The film stars Jimmy Wong, John Cho, Constance Wu, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jimmy O. Yang, Aaron Yoo, Will Yun Lee, and Ronny Chieng. Jackie Chan produced the film and voiced Cho's role in the Chinese Mandarin version.[7] It tells the story about a college student named Din Song, who encounters a teapot inhabited by a dragon named Long, who has the power to grant three wishes.

Wish Dragon was released theatrically in China on January 15, 2021, and on Netflix internationally on June 11, 2021.[8][9]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:38
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The word "dragon" does not always have a negative connotation Nov 7

hj58 wrote:

Loong 之回归:
见证龙的传人如何摆脱恶名 dragon

Textklick (Mr. Chris Irwin, United Kingdom): Positive impression"dragon"_or_its_image-page4.html#327313
Textklick wrote:

Derek Gill Franßen wrote:

C'ause they're so darn pretty!

Sometimes I wish I could spit fire. I like the connotation with pub signs. And Derek also has a point: see


wherestip (USA): Are dragons getting a bad name?
wherestip wrote:

That's a good question. Dragons are mythical creatures to begin with, so do they always conjure up images of evil and ugliness in western cultures? I don't know if that's necessarily true.

For example, "Puff, the Magic Dragon" is a popular children's song that's about an imaginary dragon that signifies childhood innocence.

Also, Eliott the dragon is depicted as a boy's guardian angel in Disney's 1977 movie "Pete's Dragon". There's no lack of friendly dragons/dinosaurs in TV programs for kids.

IMO, most Americans have enough exposure to Chinese culture to know that the dragon symbolizes might, prosperity, good luck and happiness, etc.

Puff the Magic Dragon

Pete's Dragon Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Bryce Dallas Howard Movie HD

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“龙”的英文应该翻译成 Loong - 转发 (A Chinese Teacher Suggests that "Dragon" should be written as "Loong")

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