Freelance translators » Arabic to French » Law/Patents » Page 1

Below is a list of Arabic to French freelance translators specializing in translations in the Law/Patents field. You may choose a more specific field to the right.

80 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Youcef Rebiai
Youcef Rebiai
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Berber (Other) Native in Berber (Other)
ArrayLaw (general), Law: Contract(s)
Ahmad Abdul-hafeeZ
Ahmad Abdul-hafeeZ
Native in Arabic (Variants: Saudi , Egyptian, UAE, Kuwaiti) Native in Arabic
ahmad hafeez, ahmad abdul-hafeez, أحمد حفيظ, أحمد عبد الحفيظ Business arabic translation services, Arabic Business translator in Riyadh, Business Arabic translation in Saudi Arabia, Business Arabic translation in Riyadh, Business Arabic translator in Saudi Arabia, Business Arabic translator in Riyadh, English Arabic business translation, ...
Mehdi Achour-Bouakkaz
Mehdi Achour-Bouakkaz
Native in Arabic (Variants: Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Yemeni, Syrian, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, UAE, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Tunisian, Algerian) Native in Arabic, French (Variants: Luxembourgish, Standard-France, Swiss, Moroccan, Belgian, African) Native in French
Interprete arabo, simultanea arabo, consecutiva arabo, trattativa, mediatore culturale arabo, Save the Children, chuchotage, ombudsman, IIJ, GCTF, ...
Faiza Outalha
Faiza Outalha
Native in Arabic (Variants: Tunisian, Libyan, Moroccan) Native in Arabic, French (Variants: African, Standard-France, Canadian, Swiss) Native in French
Translation, Interpreting, Editing, Proofreading, Subtitling, Consecutive interpreting, Website localization, Transcreation, Transliteration, Software localization, ...
Native in English (Variants: UK, US) Native in English, Arabic (Variant: Moroccan) Native in Arabic, French (Variants: African, Standard-France, Moroccan) Native in French
ENGLISH ARABIC FRENCH MOROCCAN ARABIC TAMAZIGHT TRANSLATOR PROOFREADER, Interpreter, teacher, professional, traduction, arabe, français, amazigh, tifinagh, certified translation, ...
Alex Denver
Alex Denver
Native in English Native in English
ArrayLaw: Contract(s)
Jawahir MAALIM
Jawahir MAALIM
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, English (Variants: US, British) Native in English, Somali Native in Somali
Arabic, English, French, Somali, translation, interpretation, documents, voice-over, legal documents, reports, ...
Esma Zahzah
Esma Zahzah
Native in French Native in French
English, French, Arabic, Legal, Technology, Aerospace, Business, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Books, ...
Locxpress translation
Locxpress translation
Native in English Native in English
translation, agency, interpretation, translator, interpreter
Native in Arabic , English Native in English
Accurate, Reliable, Affordable, English, Arabic, French, Translation, Proofreading, Transcription
Abdelaziz TALIBI
Abdelaziz TALIBI
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, French Native in French
English-Arabic, French -Arabic, english, arabic translation, english translation, native arabic, accurate, reliable, wordfast, wordfast pro, ...
Fahd Hassanein
Fahd Hassanein
Native in Arabic (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), Palestinian, Libyan, UAE, Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Syrian, Saudi , Najdi) Native in Arabic
translation, editing, proofreading, English, Arabic, medical, pharmaceutical, ترجمة, عربي, إنجليزي, ...
Omar Fassi Fehri
Omar Fassi Fehri
Native in French Native in French, Arabic Native in Arabic
film subtitler, education, tourism, history, literature, marketing, sustainable development, politics, government, contracts, ...
Wael Hassan
Wael Hassan
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Translation, DTP
Dipl.-Übers. Youssef Qabebi
Dipl.-Übers. Youssef Qabebi
Native in Arabic , German Native in German
Arabisch, Übersetzer, Kenitra, Arabic, Deutsch, German, Translation Service, Traduction, Mediation, Interpretation, ...
Youssef Ahmed
Youssef Ahmed
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Native, Arab, Professional, Translator, with, high, understanding, of, Arabic, language, ...
Ahmed ALEM
Ahmed ALEM
Native in Arabic (Variant: Algerian) Native in Arabic, English (Variant: US) Native in English
Arabic, English, French Translator / interpreter / Linguist, technolgy, software localization, law, medical, IT, engineering, tourism & travel, ...
Youssef Chabat
Youssef Chabat
Native in Arabic (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Arabic, French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
English, French, Arabic, subtitles, translation, transcripts, clinical certified, law, art, defense, ...
Adam Homsi
Adam Homsi
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Czech Native in Czech, Translation, Arabic, Czech, Slovak, Dutch, computer, IT, software, localization, ...
Abdel Rahman Al Beialy
Abdel Rahman Al Beialy
Native in Arabic (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, Saudi ) Native in Arabic

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