Freelance translators » English to Dutch » Social Sciences » Electronics / Elect Eng » Page 3

Below is a list of English to Dutch freelance translators specializing in translations in the Social Sciences: Electronics / Elect Eng field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

176 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Edirel Susanna
Edirel Susanna
Native in English Native in English, Dutch Native in Dutch
financial services industry, banking, financial statements, investment industry, general business
Arie de Vries
Arie de Vries
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
croatian, serbian, french, dutch, nederlands, français, néerlandais, hrvatski-nizozemski, srpski-nizozemski, traducteur, ...
Cristina Heraud-van Tol
Cristina Heraud-van Tol
Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Peruvian) Native in Spanish
environment, conservation, wildlife, biology, tourism, travel, cosmetics, medicine, computers, pc, ...
Roel Blomsma
Roel Blomsma
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch
dutch, english, spanish, translations, technology, internet, websites, content, news, articles, ...
Dirk Wouters
Dirk Wouters
Native in Dutch (Variants: Belgian, Belgian Dutch, Netherlands, Flemish) Native in Dutch, Flemish Native in Flemish
Trados, business, medical, technical, IT, marketing, management, comercial, youth, website, ...
Jacqueline van der Spek
Jacqueline van der Spek
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
medical, translator, Dutch, English, translations, translation, medisch, vertaler, Nederlands, Engels, ...
Translators GLP
Translators GLP
Native in Indonesian (Variants: Ngoko, Standard-Indonesia, Javanese) Native in Indonesian, English (Variants: UK, US, Singaporean, Australian) Native in English
Machine, Automotive, technology, manufacturing, business, travel, localization, training, marketing, research, ...
Ingrid Sauvenée-De Man
Ingrid Sauvenée-De Man
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch, French Native in French, Flemish Native in Flemish
vertaler, vertaalster, vertaling, redactioneel, technisch, juridisch, recht, Nederlands, Frans, drankenindustrie, ...
Evelyne Daniline - Pleckanoff
Evelyne Daniline - Pleckanoff
Native in French (Variant: Belgian) Native in French, Dutch (Variant: Flemish) Native in Dutch
spanish, french, dutch, flemish, english, legal, economic, engineering, automative, rescue, ...
Native in Dutch (Variant: Flemish) Native in Dutch
Wieneke Leefsma
Wieneke Leefsma
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
medical, pharmaceutical, technical, automotive, tourism, EMA templates, English, Russian, German, Dutch, ...
Maarten Fortuin
Maarten Fortuin
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
LinguaFIEND, Maarten Fortuin, subtitling, translation, proofreading, German, Italian, English, Dutch, Deutsch, ...
Chantal Henno
Chantal Henno
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Pc, software, localization, webpages, reports, books (literature), computer books, technical translation.
Mahmoud Salim
Mahmoud Salim
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
IT, Technology Information, Legal, Law, Constituional law, Translation, Localization, Localize, Software, Hardware, ...
Native in Icelandic Native in Icelandic, English Native in English
DUX, Translations, North, dux, vikings, Translator, Translation, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, ...
Mariella Vanbaelen
Mariella Vanbaelen
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch, Flemish Native in Flemish
traductor flamenco, traducteur flamand, Flemish translator, traductora flamenca, traductrice flamande, vertaling, translation, traduction, traducción, transcreatie, ...
Tineke de Munnik
Tineke de Munnik
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
sports nutrition, safety information, technical and medical quality translations, safety data sheet, SDS, traduzioni nel campo tecnica, medicina, edilizia, ceramica, agricoltura, ...
Robbin Besselink
Robbin Besselink
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
English, Engels, anglais, néerlandais, français, French, Frans, Nederlands, Dutch, tourism, ...
Tim Goossens
Tim Goossens
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Dutch, translation, proofreading, IT, electrical engineering, finance,
Nathalie Bullen
Nathalie Bullen
Native in Dutch (Variants: Netherlands, Flemish) Native in Dutch
translation, German, English, Dutch, Flemish, Übersetzung, Deutsch, Niederländisch, Flämisch, automotive, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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