Freelance translators » German to Spanish » Science » Metrology » Page 1

Below is a list of German to Spanish freelance translators specializing in translations in the Science: Metrology field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

25 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Javier Munoz
Javier Munoz
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
automotive, metall+indutry, cars, handbooks, norms, standards, vda, iso, technical-proceeding, press-article, ...
Clemente Garcia
Clemente Garcia
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, German Native in German
ArrayComputers: Systems, Networks, Engineering (general), Engineering: Industrial, Mechanics / Mech Engineering, ...
Jorge Payan
Jorge Payan
Native in English Native in English, Spanish Native in Spanish
spanish, subtitling, html, quarkxpress, acrobat, telecommunications, IT, electronic, pagemaker, TRADOS, ...
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà
Native in Spanish (Variants: Standard-Spain, Neutral) Native in Spanish, Catalan (Variants: Central, Oriental) Native in Catalan
technical, Technik, Betriebsanleitung, Betriebsanleitungen, user guides, instructions, software, localization, German to Spanish technical translator, English to Spanish technical translator, ...
Pablo Ilundain
Pablo Ilundain
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Übersetzer spanisch, technische Übersetzungen Spanisch, technical, traductor, translator, español, Fachübersetzer, inglés, english, spanish, ...
Virginia Ledesma Tovar
Virginia Ledesma Tovar
Native in Spanish (Variant: Mexican) Native in Spanish
patents, legal, electronics, telecommunications, mechanics, electricity, contracts, merger, powers, corporate, ...
Juan Herrera
Juan Herrera
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, specialised translator, technical, scientific, railway technology, computing, ...
Petty Polmann
Petty Polmann
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, German Native in German
Technical Sector, Filling processes, Process Plant Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology, Control Technology, Machine Construction, Medical Technique, Metrology, Microscopy, ...
Diana Llorente
Diana Llorente
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
Technical translator, technical spanish translator, scientific translator, instrumentation, tension testers, quality management, quality, Quality Assurance, validations, regulatory, ...
Alois Palacios
Alois Palacios
Native in German Native in German, Spanish Native in Spanish
technische Übersetzung, traducción técnica, Tourismus, turismo, español, spanisch, deutsch, alemán, automoción, Automobil, ...
Claudio Bauer
Claudio Bauer
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Spanish (Variant: Latin American) Native in Spanish
Iron and Steel Industry, Automotive Industry, Food Processing Industry, Mechanical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Power Generation, Quality Management, Hüttenindustrie, Automobilindustrie, ...
Bruno Schneider
Bruno Schneider
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
engineering, ingenieria, management, gestion, finance, finanzas, investment, inversion, inversiones
siva perugu
siva perugu
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Translation, transcreation, transcription, editing, subtitling, proofreading, voiceover.
Native in Spanish 
Übersetzung, translation, Deutsch, German, Spanisch, Spanish, Elektronik, Electronics, electrónica, elektronische, ...
Bahaa ALHamss (X)
Bahaa ALHamss (X)
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
computers, technology, software, localization
Ruth Wiedekind
Ruth Wiedekind
Native in German (Variant: Germany) 
automotive, automobile, steel, tubes, purchasing, patents, manufacturing, production engineering, industrial engineering, production processes, ...
Lydia Sauer
Lydia Sauer
Native in German 
ArrayEnergy / Power Generation, Engineering (general), Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.), Media / Multimedia, ...
Maria San Martin
Maria San Martin
Native in Spanish 
metallurgy, literature, html, TRADOS, Spain, Madrid, Asturias, pc, quality control, professional translator, ...
Elena Pérez
Elena Pérez
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, German Native in German
Spanisch, Deutsch, Übersetzer, game localization, software localization, beeidigte Übersetzung, vereidigte Übersetzungen, vereidigte Übersetzungen Deutsch, Übersetzer Freiburg, traductor, ...
David Espeso
David Espeso
Native in Spanish (Variants: Canarian, Standard-Spain, Latin American) 
English, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, translator, technical, aviation, automotive, defense, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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