Translation glossary: Law Glossary-Terminology [bolt-on exegeses], English to French-English to Greek

Showing entries 151-200 of 1,579
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French to English   Law (general)
abattement de salairewage reduction
French to English   Human Resources
ABE / AEBEIndustrial S.A. / Commercial & Industrial S.A.
Greek to English
ABE / AEBEIndustrial S.A. / Commercial & Industrial S.A.
Greek to English
English to Greek
abonnementservice agreement
French to English
aboutir à un accordreach an agreement
French to English   Law (general)
aboutir un litigesettle a dispute
French to English   Law (general)
English to Greek
English to Greek
English to Greek
access to cutting edge ICT tools������� �� �������� ����������� ��� ������������� ����� �/��� ���������� ����������//������� ��� ��� ������ �������� ���������� ��� ������
English to Greek
French to English   Law (general)
accord collectifCollective agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord collectif d\'établissementWorks agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord collectif sur les salairesCollective wage agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord communmutual agreement
French to English   Law (general)
accord de crédit fournisseurSupplier\'s credit agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord de partenariatPartnership agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord de principeagreement in principle
French to English   Law (general)
Accord des facilités de crédit à l\'exportationExport Credit Facility Agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord d\'exploitationOperating agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord d\'utilisationUser agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
Accord forfaitaire de fourniture clés en mainLump-sum Turnkey Supply Agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord interprofessionnelMulti-industry agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord unanimeunanimous consent
French to English
accord-cadreFramework agreement
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accuse de réceptionacknowledgement of receipt
French to English   Law (general)
acquiescementagreement, approval
French to English   Law (general)
Acte authentiqueNotarial deed
French to English   Law (general)
Acte authentique de venteDeed of Sale
French to English   Law (general)
acte de cessionDeed of transfer
French to English   Law (general)
Acte de DieuAct of God, \"Force Majeure\"
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
Acte de naissanceBirth certificate
French to English   Law (general)
acte de reconnaissanceLegal recognition of a child, recognition of the legal rights of a child
French to English   Law (general)
Acte de sociétésCompanies Act
French to English   Law (general)
Acte des sociétésCompanies Act
French to English   Law (general)
acte juridiquelegal transaction
French to English   Law (general)
acte législatiflaw, statute
French to English   Law (general)
Acte uniforme relatif au droit des sociétés commerciales et du groupement d\'intérêt économiqueUniform Act relating to commercial companies and economic interest groups
French to English   Law (general)
Actes de l\'Etat CivileCivil registrations records
French to English   Law (general)
action en justicelegal action
French to English   Law (general)
active / passive buzzerενεργός βομβητής / παθητικός βομβητής
English to Greek
active / passive buzzerενεργός βομβητής / παθητικός βομβητής
English to Greek
active / passive buzzerενεργός βομβητής / παθητικός βομβητής
English to Greek
English to French   Law (general)
adaptability and resilience - change resilienceπροσαρμοστικότητα και ανθεκτικότητα - ανθεκτικότητα στην αλλαγή
English to Greek
add-on acquisitionσυσχετιζόμενη / συμπληρωματική / πρόσθετη εξαγορά
English to Greek
add-on acquisitionσυσχετιζόμενη / συμπληρωματική / πρόσθετη εξαγορά
English to Greek
Adjoint au maireDeputy mayor
French to English   Law (general)
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