• Poland12:53
  • Rate per word 0.12 PLN
  • Rate per hour 30.00 PLN
  • Professional experience translating:
  • Books
  • Graphics/Comics
  • Short stories
My main genre is speculative fiction - fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and all of the sub-genres. Even though my dissertation ("Is Techno Babble Redundant? Translating Specialised Language in Science-Fiction Movies and TV Series in the Light of Relevance Theory and Practical Constraints of Subtitling") concerned AVT mainly, almost half of it spoke of verisimilitude of narratives and the mechanics that allow authors to convince others that what is presented should seem real, at least for a second.
Interested in :
  • Books
  • Plays
  • Graphics/Comics
  • Poetry
  • Short stories
  • Songs
Specializing in:
  • Folklore
  • History
  • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
  • Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
  • Archaeology
  • Military / Defense
  • Linguistics
  • Poetry & Literature
  • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
  • Media / Multimedia


  • University of Lodz:
  • English to Polish
  • University of Lodz:
  • Polish to English
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