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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meet the people behind

February 14, 2009, 6:00 pm
PolandWarszawaIn personPolish
Valentine's Day Special ;)

Traditional informal gathering of translators&interpreters to meet old and new friends, network and discuss. An opportunity to meet “people behind profiles” - this time not only those who live near, but also the founder, Lead Technical Support and a bunch of moderators from Europe and USA.
Time: Feb 14th, 2009, 18:00
Place: Warsaw – Bookhouse Cafe, ul. Świętokrzyska 14

Wątek na forum:
Event Organizers:

Henry Dotterer

Christine Andersen

Jared Tabor

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (53) / Confirmed: 28 / Tentative: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Magda Dziadosz  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Jared Tabor  \"Organizer\" ...  y
Christine Andersen  \"Organizer\" Looking forward to meeting everyone :-)  y
Henry Dotterer  \"Organizer\" Looking forward!  
Yolanda Broad   Thank you for entertaining us out-of-towners! We had a lovely time.  y
Peter Broad   ...  
noo   ...  
Özden Arıkan   ...  y
Steffen Walter   Looking forward to it :-)  y
Monika Rozwarzewska   a chętnie!  
lim0nka   :)  
Jerzy Czopik   am there, willing to come  y
Natalie  \"Photographer\" :-)  
Barbara Gadomska   I'll do my best  
Andrzej Mierzejewski   zamierzam być  y
Monika Szyszlowska   Jeszcze nigdy nie byłam na powwow, ale spróbuję dołączyć  y
Attila Piróth   ...  y
XKhrystene (X)   plus 1!  y
Roman Kozierkiewicz   Z przyjemnością  
Araksia Sarkisian   RWA ;)  y
Caryl Swift   If I possibly can, I'll be there!  m
elzbieta jatowt  \"Photographer\" "ustawiłam" przelot, z przyjemnością i moją walentynkową matrycą (mężem)  y
Wolfgang Jörissen   Musze dojechac z daleka, ale staram sie jak najbardziej.  
XMichał Łypaczewski   Dopiero wpadłem na proz, i na to spotkanie też postaram się przybyć  y
Lidia Lewandowska-Nayar   może dopiero koło 20.30...jeśli jeszcze ktoś tam będzie...Walentynkowy koncert...  m
Paweł Boś   Nareszcie mam szansę pouczestniczyć ;-)  y
Andrzej L. Skup   maybe  m
Elzbieta Pulawska   ...  m
Kateryna Ferdyn   Tak, bardzo się cieszę, że to będzie w Warszawie, chętnie się dołączę :)  y
msokolow   Jeśli moja Walentynka-małżonek da się przekonać, aby mi towarzyszyć to będę :)  m
Emanuela Galdelli   I will be there!  y
Eugeniusz Tiemnikow   Chętnie!  y
XSebastian Ferdyn  \"Photographer\" Will go :)  
Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni   I will be there :)  y
Michal Kurpinski   i'll be there :-)  y
Agenor Hofmann-Delbor   Postaram się, ale szansę są 50%.  m
Taida Meredith   ja tez chce! choc na proz tak nieaktywnie...  y
Ralf Lemster   Great idea!  
Uldis Liepkalns   See you all there!  y
Kiryl Kurshuk   I would like to come if it were in March  
Alan Parsons   Hi, I would be interested but can't make Valentines day. Look forward to meeting you guys next time  
Angie Garbarino   I am really sorry, unexpected problems just occurred, hope to meet all of you in the next powwow   n
Tomasz Kościuczuk   ...  y
Iwona Szymaniak   If I can come to Warsaw I'll be there. :)  
Michał Szcześniewski   Będę.  y
Magdalena Szwedowska   I hope I can make it.  
chouache   Confirmed  
Oleg Rudavin   Me coming  y
Xkasiamaja (X)   looking forward to it!  y
Krzysztof Kłonica   Będę. Mój pierwszy powwow :)  y
Khanda   B there  
Wit   striving not to miss such a jet set get-together...  
Daniele Martoglio   bylem :)  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Warszawa - Poland
Khrystene (X)
Khrystene (X)
Polish to English
+ ...
Any ideas for a Venue yet? Feb 1, 2009

There's a great place called Babooshka which has one off Krakowskie Przedmiescie, and now another just opened on Krucza, near Nowogrodzka. That's my humble suggestion.

We should get something well in advance as the Valentine's crowd will book almost everything out...

Monika Rozwarzewska
Monika Rozwarzewska  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:30
Member (2006)
English to Polish
+ ...
so where are we meeting? Feb 6, 2009

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Member (2003)
French to Italian
+ ...
Need suggestion for Hotel Feb 8, 2009

Can someone suggest a hotel near the venue of the powwow?

Thank you very much, if you can helpicon_smile.gif

Tomasz Kościuczuk
Tomasz Kościuczuk  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Member (2007)
English to Polish
+ ...
Location? Feb 8, 2009

I would like to attend but need to know the location and arrange some hotel accommodation. Can you help?

Barbara Gadomska
Barbara Gadomska  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
Magda Feb 8, 2009

It's getting sort of late, seeing as this is Valentine's Day... There'a a nice Chinese on Rynek Mariensztacki, called Bliss. Nothing fancy, but decent. I know Chinese is cliche, but...

Khrystene (X)
Khrystene (X)
Polish to English
+ ...
Hotel or Hostel? Feb 8, 2009

Angioletta and Tomasz, do you want hotels or hostels?

I would suggest anywhere in the centre firstly as it's close to everything. Depending on which you're after, then I can perhaps suggest a decent Hostel, where I have stayed in the past, near Krakowskie Przedmiescie - Helvetia. As to Hotels - well it depends on your price range.

Khrystene (X)
Khrystene (X)
Polish to English
+ ...
Why don't we.... Feb 8, 2009

Just find any old nook and book it - asap. It's ridiculously close to V day so we will be lucky to get much that's not overpriced for the occasion.

ALSO: Can we book somewhere that won't force us to just have one bill, because (based on past experience) I'm not prepared to fight over the bill at the end of it all.icon_smile.gif

Khrystene (X)
Khrystene (X)
Polish to English
+ ...
Okay, going by the above... Feb 8, 2009 seems we have a venue. Is this confirmed Magda?

Time: Feb 14th, 2009, 18:00
Place: Warsaw – Bookhouse Cafe, ul. Świętokrzyska 14

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Member (2003)
Polish to German
+ ...
Good hotel deals Feb 8, 2009

can be often found via
With a quick search via this page I found hotels starting from 31 EUR per night - single room, single occupancy

Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Member (2004)
English to Polish
+ ...
Venue: Feb 8, 2009

Hi All,
We have a place booked, it's called Bookhouse Cafe at Świętokrzyska 14 (opposite NBP).
The place is large enough to accommodate us all (we will have a separate space right at the entrance), the menu is cafe-style rather than restaurant - selection of cakes, hot sandwiches, quiches, etc, soft drinks and wine.

Thank you all for good suggestions - both here on the PW Board and in private mails. I've checked them all, but unfortunately most have been already boo
... See more
Hi All,
We have a place booked, it's called Bookhouse Cafe at Świętokrzyska 14 (opposite NBP).
The place is large enough to accommodate us all (we will have a separate space right at the entrance), the menu is cafe-style rather than restaurant - selection of cakes, hot sandwiches, quiches, etc, soft drinks and wine.

Thank you all for good suggestions - both here on the PW Board and in private mails. I've checked them all, but unfortunately most have been already booked (V-Day..).

See you all on Saturday!

Michał Szcześniewski
Michał Szcześniewski  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
meeting place Feb 9, 2009

Hi All,
If you're afraid of losing your way in Warsaw, I can help you reach the venue.
Feel free to contact me via profile:)
See you soon

Khrystene (X)
Khrystene (X)
Polish to English
+ ...
As Michal said... Feb 9, 2009

... I can also assist if someone needs info, directions or to meet up somewhere... because methinks me will be comin'!icon_razz.gif

Khrystene (X)
Khrystene (X)
Polish to English
+ ...
Plus 1? Feb 13, 2009

Hey, can I bring someone? She's a Polish to German translator, but knows English as well.icon_smile.gif

Barbara Gadomska
Barbara Gadomska  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
verrrry sorrrry Feb 14, 2009

I cannot make it, after all. Have a good time!

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Member (2003)
Polish to German
+ ...
Proszę o kontakt Feb 15, 2009

Niestety nie udało mi się "zlokalizować" profilu Aleksandry Henschke i Doroty Szmajdy-Kuberczyk. Bardzo proszę o kontakt przez mój profil

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