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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translating while on vacation?

June 10, 2011, 3:00 pm
CanadaTorontoIn personEnglish
It's more than 3 months since our last powwow, and I'd like to suggest a new one before people start leaving the city (if you do).

Suggested venue: L'espresso Bar Mercurio on the south-east corner of Bloor and St. George - 30 seconds from the St. George subway station.

They serve drinks, appetizers, sandwiches, cakes and salads and will allow us to reserve a table beforehand.

Tell me what you think!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (25) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
XJohnson Wong (X)   Hi Hege, I would love to attend.  y
Raymond Siu  \"Photographer\" I'd love to attend as well!  
Simon Charass   Unfortunately I am not available.  
Martin Boyd   Sorry! Something's come up and I won't be able to make it. Hope to be there for the next one.  n
Tania Samsonova   Sorry, I am leaving for Alberta on June 5th. Hopefully some next time. Have fun!  n
domillette   It will be my first time and event through ProZ  y
Bianca Bold   ...  y
Jamie McLennan   See you there!  y
Gary Wellman   I look forward to attending  
Irene Fridman   ...  m
anastaw   Looking forward..  y
Eman AbuKhadra   Would love to join. Will do my best.   m
Manon Gagne-Kellman   Sorry, change of plans; will be heading to Montreal for the next two weeks.  n
Suzanne Deliscar   I cannot attend, have fun. For those who are interested, please see the February powwow report on continuing legal eduation for linguists:  n
Babar Khan   ...  y
Matthew McCarthy   Looking forward to my first powwow.  y
Yuri Geifman  \"Photographer\" ...  
XItal translator   ...  
yukiocha   Not sure I can make it, I'll try, it would be my first time.  m
XSusan Spier (X)   Will attend - but can't stay too long. My 2nd powwow.  y
Ambrose Li   Sorry for the remove-and-add spam, but I need to remove the two icons. I might end up not being able to go to this one as well.  m
Nicholas Ferreira   I hope I can make it, just saw this today, so need to see if I can fit it in and meet all you good folks :)  m
Elena Novski   Dear Hege, thank you, I am a little busy, but will try to join you  m
Katherine Zei  \"Photographer\" I already thought I signed up for this, but evidently my post didn't "take". I'm coming anyways though -- see you there!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Toronto - Canada
Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:59
Member (2002)
English to Norwegian
+ ...
Early summer powwow: Sharing stories about translators' time management in the summer May 13, 2011

It's more than 3 months since our last powwow, and I'd like to suggest a new venue since Le Marche seems to be too confusing and loud, and "real restaurants" oblige everyone to order a meal, and some may just want a drink and a chat.
How about meeting at L'Espresso Bar Mercurio (south east corner of Bloor and st. George). It is very close to the St. George subway station; they allow you to reserve tables beforehand, and you can go for either just a drink, or appetizers, sandwiches.
... See more
It's more than 3 months since our last powwow, and I'd like to suggest a new venue since Le Marche seems to be too confusing and loud, and "real restaurants" oblige everyone to order a meal, and some may just want a drink and a chat.
How about meeting at L'Espresso Bar Mercurio (south east corner of Bloor and st. George). It is very close to the St. George subway station; they allow you to reserve tables beforehand, and you can go for either just a drink, or appetizers, sandwiches.

Let's talk informally about how we manage our workload through "the travel season" and share stories about vacations ruined by translation, searching desperately for internet connections while in a foreign city, or even what to do when you take 2 or 3 weeks completely off from work.

[Edited at 2011-05-13 16:12 GMT]

[Edited at 2011-05-16 16:34 GMT]

Soula Kokotinis
Soula Kokotinis
Local time: 05:59
French to English
+ ...
Sounds like a great idea May 13, 2011

I have never attended a powwow but I like your suggestion on topics and location!

Carla Catolino
Carla Catolino
Local time: 11:59
Member (2008)
Italian to English
+ ...
July????? May 13, 2011

I would like to be part if I can juggle it. I am originally from London Ontario, currently live in Italy but will be back home on holidays!

Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:59
Member (2002)
English to Norwegian
+ ...
July is usually difficult May 13, 2011

Because that's when a lot of translators go on language-maintenance trips, either "back home" or to countries where their source language is spoken (myself being no exception).

Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:59
Member (2002)
English to Norwegian
+ ...
Starting this week the L'espresso Bar mercurio closes at 7:30 instead of 11 p.m. May 31, 2011

Though that's a bummer, there are plenty of alternatives in the area. The more expensive one is diagonally across from the original venue at Bar Mercurio- but if we're more than 8 participants it's not conducive to talk between tables.

The other option is the Madison Ave Pub & RestaurantAdresse:
14 Madison Avenue (about halfway between Spadina and St. George stations)‎

It is quite large, not noisy and has several rooms and patios.
... See more
Though that's a bummer, there are plenty of alternatives in the area. The more expensive one is diagonally across from the original venue at Bar Mercurio- but if we're more than 8 participants it's not conducive to talk between tables.

The other option is the Madison Ave Pub & RestaurantAdresse:
14 Madison Avenue (about halfway between Spadina and St. George stations)‎

It is quite large, not noisy and has several rooms and patios.

Let me know what you think!

Martin Boyd
Martin Boyd  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:59
Member (2007)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Works for me May 31, 2011

Sounds like a convenient central location.

Bianca Bold
Bianca Bold
Local time: 05:59
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Madison Ave Pub May 31, 2011

As we'll probably be more than eight, I'd suggest Madison Ave Pub.

domillette  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:59
English to French
+ ...
The Madison is the best choice - lots of room and a big patio May 31, 2011

Also, could you remind me of the start time please? thank you.

Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:59
Member (2002)
English to Norwegian
+ ...
Start time 7 p.m. May 31, 2011

- and I'll be sending out reminders this weekend!

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:59
English to Russian
+ ...
Works for me too Jun 6, 2011

I'll definitely try to make it

Yone Simidzu
Yone Simidzu  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:59
English to Portuguese
+ ...
My very first one Jun 6, 2011

I've never been to one. I will certainly be there.icon_smile.gif

Amero Communications
Amero Communications
Local time: 05:59
English to Spanish
+ ...
Can't make this one Jun 6, 2011


Unfortunately we can't make this one.

good luck!

Bianca Bold
Bianca Bold
Local time: 05:59
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I'm so sorry Jun 11, 2011

I couldn't make it!

Elena Novski
Elena Novski
Local time: 05:59
Russian to English
+ ...
Really sorry, Jun 12, 2011

I could not attend - next time perhaps! Hope you had a good time there.


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