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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Education / Pedagogy
Science (general)
Medical (general)
Medical: Health Care
Also works in:
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Dutch to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.14 EUR per word / 35 - 40 EUR per hour English to Dutch - Rates: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR per word / 35 - 40 EUR per hour
Source text - Dutch Zorgpreferenties en competenties van jongeren met een chronische ziekte of beperking op weg naar hun volwassenheid
Aanleiding en achtergrond
Steeds meer kinderen met ernstige chronische ziektes en beperkingen overleven en worden volwassen. Jongeren met een chronische ziekte zijn op zoek naar hun eigen identiteit en maken soms keuzes die hun kwetsbare gezondheid kunnen schaden. Zorgverleners uit de kinderzorg en de volwassenenzorg melden veel problemen met jongeren, variërend van onvoldoende zelfstandigheid tot onvoldoende therapietrouw. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat de zorg in de adolescentieperiode niet is afgestemd op de behoeften van adolescenten en dat deze niet optimaal is georganiseerd. Vooral de voorbereiding van jongeren op hun volwassenwording (zelfmanagement, maatschappelijke participatie, regie over eigen leven en toekomst) en de onderlinge afstemming en coördinatie van zorg schieten te kort. De benodigde competenties (kennis en vaardigheden) van jongeren om als volwassen zorggebruiker te kunnen functioneren en de eigen regie te voeren over het leven met de ziekte worden in de zorgverlening onvoldoende systematisch ontwikkeld.
Daarbij komt dat in deze periode ook de overgang naar de volwassenenzorg, die meestal rond het 18e levensjaar plaatsvindt, moet worden voorbereid. In de praktijk verloopt deze vaak ad hoc, waarbij gebrek aan samenwerking, afstemming en continuïteit eerder regel dan uitzondering is. Jongeren, ouders én zorgverleners in de pediatrie en volwassenenzorg geven aan veel problemen te ervaren bij deze transitie in zorg. Toch is over de preferenties (voorkeuren) van jongeren over de inrichting van de adolescentenzorg weinig bekend.
Translation - English Preferences for care and competencies of adolescents suffering from chronic conditions or (physical) limitations
Cause and background
An increasing number of children suffering from severe chronic conditions and (physical) limitations survive and reach adulthood. Chronically ill adolescents are seeking their own identity and sometimes make decisions that may be detrimental to their fragile health. Health professionals in paediatric and adult care report many problems with adolescents, varying from insufficient independence to insufficient compliance. Indications exist that health care during adolescence is not keyed to the needs of adolescents and not optimally organized. Particularly, the process of preparing adolescents for adulthood (self-management, social participation, empowerment of their own life and future) is out of key with co-ordination of care. Competencies of adolescents required to function as an adult health care consumer and to independently manage their disease are developed insufficiently systematic in health care.
In addition, the transition to adult health care, which usually takes place around the age of 18, should be prepared during adolescence. In practice, however, this transition often goes ad hoc, and lack of cooperation, co-ordination and continuity is the rule rather than the exception. Adolescents, parents and health professionals in paediatric and adult care mention many problems by experience in this transition in care. However, there is little knowledge of adolescent preferences for the organization of adolescent care.
Dutch to English (Netherlands: LOI Univ. Higher Prof. Education) English to Dutch (Netherlands: LOI Univ. Higher Prof. Education) English (United Kingdom: University of Cambridge) English (United Kingdom: University of Oxford)
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, at least 4 digital dictionaries (CD-ROMs), Powerpoint, Wordfast
Extensive English teaching experience (CELTA certified), editing, translations
Highly experienced in editing texts related to oncology and scientific research (including dental surgery and rheumatology texts). Also ample experience in translating texts from Dutch into English.
In addition, I am fully qualified to teach English to adults (CELTA certificate), with extensive experience gained since 2008, e.g. conversation classes, business English.
I started my own company in June 2005 (IDEE Linguistic Services).
In 2006 and 2007 I was employed as an in-house translator at Rotterdam University (Hogeschool Rotterdam, The Netherlands). This position included translating the diploma supplements of all the 80+ study programmes available at this University of Applied Sciences (including approx. 20,000 course/subject names, often without any context).
Prior to my translation activities, I worked as an editor at two research departments in the Daniel den Hoed Kliniek (an oncology centre in Rotterdam, The Netherlands), for 17 years.
Translation and editing rates: English to Dutch: € 0,12 per word; Dutch to English: € 0,15 per word (based on the source text); proofreading/editing: € 0,03 to
€ 0,05 per word, depending on the quality of the text provided. All rates are 21% VAT extra.
Teaching rates: depending on type of course; individual or group classes; location + travel expenses.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: CELTA certificate. Quality. Accuracy, with an eye for detail. Ample experience (17 years) in editing medical research papers (papers; lectures; theses), rewriting, medical, oncology (all fields: treatment and research), rheumatology, health care, higher education, general.
Also available for transcripts.
Certificates: 1) LOI University of Higher Professional Education, The Netherlands: English Translator Certificate (including four pass certificates); 2) Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE); 3) Oxford Arels Examinations (higher and diploma levels).
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