Working languages:
English to Arabic
Arabic to English
Persian (Farsi) to Arabic
Persian (Farsi) to English
Italian to Arabic

Availability today:

February 2025

Sameh Elnokaly
Immediate availability & 100% accuracy

Al Jizah, Cairo, Egypt
Local time: 02:21 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Arabic (Variants: Jordanian, Lebanese) Native in Arabic, English Native in English
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93 positive reviews
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21 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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My name is Sameh Elnokaly an accomplished, experienced and recognized Arabic and English translator, and proofreader for almost 10 years in the translation business with numerous clients.
Using relatively Trados as my CAT tools but relying widely on my language skills, I can handle any type of texts, whether legal, newspaper, IT, tourism and technical as well as I have a long experience in subtitling, ensuring highly accurate quality outcome.
Per regard of your prospective projects, I can deliver affordable and reliable translations at their due time and for really unbeatable and unmatched rates, for a daily turnaround of 2500 to 3000 WPD.

For your convenience, and willing to go through sample test.
Further details regarding my skills and experience are available within my full membership profile at: and reachable at the following contact details:
Cell phone: +2 01003722591
Emails: ,
Skype: s.elnokaly
I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon.
Best regards
Sameh Elnokaly

My CV and Certificate has been stolen by scammers. Please, if anyone contacted you claiming to be Sameh Elnokaly, please ask for a proof of identity and/or get in contact with me via Skype (s.elnokaly) or email: is NOT my e-mail, but from someone pretending to be me.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 145
PRO-level pts: 125

Top general fields (PRO)
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Poetry & Literature9
Law (general)8
Transport / Transportation / Shipping8
Cooking / Culinary8
Food & Drink4
International Org/Dev/Coop4
Forestry / Wood / Timber4
Pts in 15 more flds >

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Keywords: Arabic, , Arabic translations, translations, Arabic localization localization, localization, localization, multilingual DTP, Arabic DTP DTP, DTP. See more.Arabic, , Arabic translations, translations, Arabic localization localization, localization, localization, multilingual DTP, Arabic DTP DTP, DTP, DTP, Arabic technical writing, English technical writing, Arabic technical trasnlations technical translation, legal translation, technical translation, Arabic software localization software localization, software localization, software localization, website localization, multimedia localization, resource files translation, gtaphics, images and icons localization, help files translation, read-me files translation, packaging translation, warranty cards translation, software licenses translation, user manuals translation, owner manuals translation, tutorials translation, user guides translation, technical overviews translation, data sheets translation, design guides translation, application notes translation, technology bulletins translation, white papers translation, reference manuals translation, IT translation, telecommunication translation, Automotive translation, weaponry translation, medical translation, legal translation, commercial translation, financial translation, chemicals translation, E-learning translation, Education translation, marketing translation, business translation, books translation, scientific translation, islamic studies translation, literary translation, english arabic translation, arabic english translation, english farsi translation, frasi english translation, english translation, english translation, english translation, englsih translation, arabic technical translators technical translators, technical translators, techical translators, arabic localizers localizers, localizers, localizer, arabic medical translators medical translators, medical translators, medial translators, arabic legal translators legal translators, legal translators, literary translators, social arabic translators, financial translators, commercial translators, word arabic translation, pdf arabic translation, xml arabic translation, excel arabic translation, html arabic translation, php arabic translation, powerpoint arabic translation, word farsi translation, pdf farsi translation, excel farsi translation, xml farsi translation, html farsi translation, php farsi translation, powerpoint farsi translation, word translation, excel translation, powerpoint translation, pdf translation, html translation, xml translation, word translation, excel translation, powerpoint translation, html translation, xml translation, php translation, large database of arabic translators, database of farsi translators, database of translators, database of translators, multilingual DTP specialists, multilingual DTPers, english technical writers, database of arabic proofreaders, CAT tools, trados arabic translation, SDLX arabic translation. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 29