Member since Sep '05 Working languages:
English to Italian German to Italian English (monolingual) Italian (monolingual) Italian to English German to English French to Italian
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Rate vendor Manage list IT Pros Subtitles® - Monica Paolillo Professional subtitling Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Local time : 23:24 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : Italian
, English
Translator likelihood of working again (LWA)
Professional subtitling services
Freelancer and outsourcer This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Blue Board affiliation:
Subtitling, Translation, Transcription, Software localization, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Training, Desktop publishing, Voiceover (dubbing), Native speaker conversation Specializes in: IT (Information Technology) Computers: Software Computers (general) Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Media / Multimedia Slang Medical (general) Gaming/Video-games/E-sports International Org/Dev/Coop General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Also works in: Sports / Fitness / Recreation Education / Pedagogy
Euro (eur) PRO-level points: 540 , Questions answered: 260 , Questions asked: 449 Wire transfer, Visa, MasterCard, American Express <3 employees Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd) Monymed Offers job opportunities for freelancers Other - 3 yr. University degree in Translation and Interpreting Years of experience: 29. Registered at Feb 2001. Became a member: Sep 2005. English to Italian (American Translators Association, verified) English to Italian (Scuola Superiore Per Interpreti E Traduttori, verified) German to Italian (Scuola Superiore Per Interpreti E Traduttori, verified) ATA Across, Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, Amara, Belle Nuit Subtitler, CaptionHub, CaptionMaker/MacCaption, Catalyst, DivXLand Media Subtitler, EZTitles, FinalSub, fiveLoadSub, Heartsome, Idiom, Indesign, Lingotek, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MovieCaptioner, Ninsight Ayato, Trados Studio 2021, Wordfast PRO, Passolo, Poliscript, Powerpoint, Projetex, SDLX, STAR Transit, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, titlebee, Titlevision Submachine, Trados Studio, VoxscribeCC, Wincaps Q4, Wordfast, XTM English (PDF) Training sessions attended IT Pros Subtitles® endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.0) . Meet new translation company clients Meet new end/direct clients Screen new clients (risk management) Network with other language professionals Find trusted individuals to outsource work to Build or grow a translation team
I'm an
experienced professional subtitler, Italian mother-tongue, English native
equivalent, German and French as foreign languages, with a degree in simultaneous interpreting and 25 years
of experience. I also lead a small team of subtitling pros.
Here’s a simplified list of titles among the many more that I’ve
subtitled over the years
further information about my professional profile and my team, check out Language combos: EN<>IT,
FR>FR, ES>ES and many more
EBU .stl /.SRT /DFXP/ vtt / ._890 / .pac / .scc / .sif / .rtf / .das / .dar /
.mtl / .cip / .sbv / .vtt / .usf / .fdx / .html / .fpc / .aqt / .asc / .ass /
.dat / .dks / .js / .jss / .lrc / .mpl / .ovr / .pan / .pjs / .rt / .s2k /
.sami / .sbt / .smi / .son / .srf / .ssa / .sst / .ssts / .stl / .stp / .sub /
.tts / .vkt / .vsf / .zeg / .txt / .xml
SubtitleNEXT, Annotation Edit, EZTitles, Wincaps, in-house secure platform
Areas of expertise: Cinema & entertainment, IT, gaming, Medical Some
industry relevant articles I've written and about my professional profile: tRh2CzFGim0RIMu9wuxBa2xoCuSrcdcxcYsLl7c lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_post_details%3B8yTx9n5iTnSan0HahGXHkQ%3D%3D lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_post_details%3B8yTx9n5iTnSan0HahGXHkQ%3D%3D lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_post_details%3B8yTx9n5iTnSan0HahGXHkQ%3D%3D to-industry-newcomers-and-help-improve-industry-standards/
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: subtitling, Italian subtitles, Untertitelung, subtitling companies, Italian subtitling companies, subtitling services, sottotitolaggio, sottotitolatura, sottotitoli italiani, subtitle translator. See more . subtitling, Italian subtitles, Untertitelung, subtitling companies, Italian subtitling companies, subtitling services, sottotitolaggio, sottotitolatura, sottotitoli italiani, subtitle translator, traduzione audiovisiva, audiovisual translation, sottotitolazione, translate subtitles, tradurre sottotitoli, traduttore sottotitoli, Italian subtitling services, translation and subtitling, Untertitel Übersetzer, Untertitelungsfirmen, servizi di sottotitolazione, Italian subtitler, Untertitel Übersetzen, Untertitelungsdienste, audiovisuelle Übersetzung, aziende di sottotitolaggio, aziende di sottotitolazione, italienische Untertitel, italienische Untertitelungsdienste, italienische Untertitel, servizi di sottotitolaggio italiano, servizi di sottotitolazione italiano, sottotitolatore italiano, sottotitolista italiano, traduzione e sottotitolaggio, traduzione e sottotitolazione, Übersetzung und Untertitelung, film translation, traduzione film, documentary translation, traduzione documentario, sottotitoli serie TV, sottotitoli film, TV series subtitles, film subtitles, sottotitolazione serie TV, sottotitolazione film, TV series subtitling, film subtitling, sottotitolazione documentario, documentary subtitling, sottotitolaggio serie TV, sottotitolaggio film, sottotitolaggio documentario, Audio descrizione, Audio description, Audiodeskription, soustitrage, subtitulado. See less . This profile has received 122 visits in the last month, from a total of 105 visitors Profile last updated Feb 7