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French to English: Tete Alhinho biography
Source text - French FRENCH ORIGINAL :
Tété Alhinho
Quand les musiques du continent noir marquaient de leur sceau les années 1980, pas la moindre note ne parvenait du Cap-Vert, situé à 500 kilomètres des côtes de Dakar. Les temps changent. La musique de cet archipel a fini par s'imposer au monde grâce à Cesaria Evora et son ineffable morna, ce chant du vague à l'âme, empreint de troublante mélancolie. Depuis, d'autres styles, d’autres ambassadeurs de la musique capverdienne se sont révélé, tels Ildo Lobo, Bana, Bau, Tito Paris, Maria Alice ou Teofilo Chantre. Tel Simentera également, formé en 1992 par Mario Lucio. Dans la riche étoffe vocale de Simentera, une voix s’impose, séduit d’emblée, forte et vibrante : Tété Alhinho. Sur le premier album du groupe, « Raiz », où deux titres sont signés de sa main, la chanteuse accomplie montre également ses qualités à l’écriture et à la composition. Des aptitudes, des talents qu’elle avait déjà prouvés bien en amont. Si « Voz », son nouvel album qui sort aujourd’hui, montre que pour Tété Alhinho, il y a une vie après Simentera (ou plutôt à côté, car cette belle aventure collective continue de vivre avec elle), il y a aussi une vie avant Simentera, pleine de chant et de musique.
Née à Mindelo, en juin 1956, Tété Alhinho vit à Praia, capitale du Cap-Vert, sur l’île de Santiago. Elle y possède une chambre avec vue… sur la mer. Rien de tel pour prendre la tangente, laisser son imagination galoper avec le bruit des vagues, nourrir son inspiration. « De mon lit je ne vois qu’elle, c’est merveilleux ». Quand elle parle du nid qu’elle s’est construite elle-même, des paillettes d’enthousiasme font scintiller sa voix. La mer, Tété Alhinho vit avec depuis le jour de sa naissance. La mer, elle ne pourrait pas s’en passer. « Pour les gens des îles, dit-elle, c’est impossible de vivre sans elle. C’est elle qui donne toujours la nostalgie et pour nous les Capverdiens le sentiment de la « sodade ». La mer signifie à la fois la séparation et la liaison. Elle permet d’aller et venir, mais en même temps nous éloigne des gens qui doivent partir. » Quand Tété Alhinho remonte le fil de ses souvenirs, on l’imagine le regard perdu au loin, sur la mer.
Aussi loin qu’elle se souvienne, elle a, dit-elle, toujours chanté. De l’enfance à aujourd’hui, de ses collaborations passées avec Os Tubaores, Voz de Cabo Verde, Ritmos de Cabo Verde, à Simentera et ses propres albums. Comment est-elle arrivée au chant et à une carrière artistique ? Sans doute faut-il y voir la marque de la conspiration bienfaisante des hasards. Il y a cette émotion qui la submerge quand elle monte la première fois sur scène, à 5 ans, pour réciter un poème (« ce jour là, mon destin était décidé »). Puis à peine trois années plus tard, ce remplacement au pied lever d’une chanteuse dans un spectacle qu’elle a la charge de présenter au public. Il y a aussi ce piano à la maison « où l’on chantait tout le temps », sa mère la berçant avec d’anciennes mornas, son père, qui lui permet à elle de chanter et de danser, contrairement à ses frères et sœurs, avec qui, se souvient-elle, « on passait parfois la nuit, couchés sur le sol, à chanter sous la lune ». Quand elle quitte Mindelo, c’est pour aller étudier au Portugal, terre natale de son père. Elle n’y restera qu’un an. Le pays connaît de grands bouleversements. Après la Révolution des Œillets, quand l’université est fermée, elle part pour Cuba. Son séjour, ses études, s’y prolongeront cinq années durant. Elle enregistre le premier album sous son nom au Portugal, en 1989. «Mares do Sul» sera suivi en 1995 par « Menino das Ilhas », plus particulièrement destiné aux enfants, puis viendront « Sentires » (1999), enregistré au Sénégal, avec des chansons en espagnol, dont « Yolanda », de Pablo Milanes, figure marquante du mouvement musical de la nueva trova à Cuba, et enfin « De cor a som » (2000).
Epuré, d’un intimisme chaleureux, frémissant d’une mélancolique élégance, « Voz », le nouvel album, est un tête à tête, un moment de partage entre Tété Alhinho et Mario Lucio, l’ami, le complice avec qui elle travaille depuis des années. Outre leur relation privilégiée à travers Simentera, il a également produit ses deux disques précédents. « Voz », commente Tété Alhinho, « c’est la chose très naturelle de deux personnes qui ont l’habitude de jouer ensemble, qui ont la même manière de sentir les choses. Avec une seule guitare, Mario condense toutes les émotions que font passent les gens réunis dans Simentera ». Entre mornas languides et coladeras fruitées, la voix, pleine et vibrante y affirme son caractère, joue avec les silences, libre et en pleine lumière, comme un oiseau en vol au-dessus de la mer.
Translation - English MY ENGLISH TRANSLATION :
Tété Alhinho
When the influence of Black Africa was leaving its mark on the music of the 1980s, not a single note came from Cape Verde, situated 500 kilometres off the coast of Dakar. Times have changed. The music of this archipelago went on to gain world recognition thanks to Cesaria Evora and her indescribable morna, a song of melancholy, the very sound of a troubled soul. Since then, other styles and indeed other ambassadors of Cape Verdean music have appeared, like Ildo Lobo, Bana, Bau, Tito Paris, Maria Alice and Teofilo Chantre. And, of course, Simentera, created in 1992 by Mario Lucio. From the rich vocal fabric of Simentera, one voice in particular stood out, immediately seductive, strong and warm : the voice of Tété Alhinho. The group’s first album, ‘Raiz’, which includes two of her own songs, bears witness to this accomplished singer’s additional talents as songwriter/composer, talents she had already proved long before. ‘Voz’, her new album, is released today ; and if this album shows that for Tété Alhinho there is life after Simentera (or rather alongside it, as that beautiful ‘group love affair’ lives on with her), there was also life before Simentera, filled with music and song.
Born in Mindelo, in June 1956, Tété Alhinho now lives in Praia, capital of Cape Verde, on the island of Santiago. There, she has a room with a view…of the sea. Such surroundings have an unparalleled capacity for allowing her to slip away and let her imagination run wild to the sound of the waves, and for feeding her inspiration. “From my bed I see only the ocean, it’s wonderful.” When she speaks of this nest she has made for herself, her voice seems to sparkle with enthusiasm. Tété Alhinho has lived near the sea since the day she was born. In fact, she couldn’t do without it. “For island people, she says, it’s impossible to live without it. The sea is a constant source of nostalgia and, for us Cape Verdeans, the feeling of ‘sodade’. The sea symbolizes separation and togetherness simultaneously. It allows us to come and go, but at the same time it distances us from those who must leave us.” When Tété Alhinho reminisces, she gazes out over the sea with a faraway look in her eyes.
From as far back as she can remember, she says, she has always sung : from her childhood up to the present, through her past collaborations with Os Tubaores, Voz de Cabo Verde, Ritmos de Cabo Verde, to Simentera and her own albums. But how did she succeed as a singer and achieve an artistic career ? It could certainly be said that luck played some part. Or perhaps it was something do with the feeling that engulfed her, when she stepped on stage for the first time, aged 5, to recite a poem (“that day, my fate was sealed”). Then, barely three years later, she stood in at the last minute for a singer in a show she had to present to the audience. There was also the piano at home “where we sang all the time”, with her mother gently rocking her to the sound old mornas and her father (who allowed her, but not her brothers and sisters, to sing and dance). With her father, she remembers, “we would sometimes spend the whole night, lying out on the ground, singing in the light of the moon.” When she left Mindelo, it was to go and study in Portugal, her father’s birthplace. She would stay there only a year, however, as the country was experiencing major unrest at the time. After the Carnation Revolution, when the university was closed, she headed for Cuba. Her stay there, and her studies, would last five years. She later recorded the first of her own albums in Portugal, in 1989. ‘Mares do Sul’ was followed in 1995 by ‘Menino das Ilhas’, aimed mostly at children, and then came ‘Sentires’ (1999), recorded in Senegal, with songs in Spanish, one of which was ‘Yolanda’, by Pablo Milanes, an important figure in the nueva trova musical movement in Cuba, and finally ‘De cor a som’ (2000).
Refined, warmly intimate, and quivering with a melancholic elegance, ‘Voz’, the new album, is a ‘tête-à-tête’, a moment of sharing between Tété Alhinho and Mario Lucio, the friend and companion with whom she has worked for years. Apart from the special relationship they enjoyed throughout Simentera, he also produced her two earlier records. “Voz”, observes Tété Alhinho, “is the very natural thing that exists between two people who are used to playing together - and who feel things in the same way. With just one guitar, Mario encapsulates the whole range of emotions the members of Simentera make you feel”. From the languid mornas to the fresh coladeras of this album, her voice, rich and warm, underlines her character and plays with the silences, free in the daylight, like a bird flying over the sea.
Elizabeth Carol Foster, BA (Hons), Dip. Trans IOL, MCIL: Freelance French to English Translator
I am a Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (London) and am featured on its
'Find A Linguist' page with the French>English language pair.
With nearly ten years' translation experience, I specialise in technical, especially environmental, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and engineering language. I also handle general, business, financial, IT, medical and legal texts. See below for a selection of titles (in English) illustrating the sort of translations I generally handle. In addition to the samples provided on this site, other samples of my work - with all confidential details suppressed - are available on request.
I am happy to submit short translation tests for agencies/clients contacting me for the first time.
I was awarded the IOL (Institute of Linguists) 'Diploma In Translation' in 2005, having obtained a 'Merit' in both of the semi-specialised options: Paper 2 (Technology) and Paper 3 (Science). I worked as in-house translator for the UK subsidary of global pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. from 1999 until August 2005, when I left to work as a full-time freelance translator. I now handle a steady stream of documents, covering a wide range of subjects. Recent jobs include the following: translating EU directives and new legislation; environmental issues including: water treatment, drainage, waste disposal, recycling, new fuels and water purification in particular; general engineering; pharmaceuticals; IT; business development; framework contracts; communications; travel and tourism and many other subjects. I have also translated biographies and some short literary pieces.
Translation software: for large jobs I am currently using WordFast Pro (I also use V5 or Classic) and sometimes SDLX although I do not own the full version of TRADOS. I also proof-read and edit French to English translations.
Rates: Available on application. I am usually told by agencies that my rates are fairly standard for the industry and I do seem to get a lot of repeat work, so I think my quotes must be fair. I usually quote per source word but occasionally per hour for jobs which are not purely translation (e.g. part translation, part proof-reading/editing).
Selected examples of FRENCH > ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS I have done in recent years, for various agencies:
*Research Report:“Assessment of methane emissions from landfills and a review of greenhouse gas emission reduction policies”
*'Estimating methane emissions from a household waste landfill site' - EPER directive
*'Recommended Practice on drinking water meters' - European directive 75/33/CEE
*'Inventory / Sampling of hazardous industrial waste at an orphan site' - status report
*' The design and dimensioning of geosynthetic drainage lining systems (GDLS): potential failures'
* Utilities Service Provision Contract: compressed air, hot and chilled water
*Letter of appointment and job description: Technical Committee Secretary in a public company
*'X Water Works: A Review of the Draft Maintenance Policy'
*Descriptions of apartments and studios for rent in Paris for a website aimed at the U.S. market
*'Aeration by flexible membrane diffusers' - 130-slide Powerpoint presentation
*Draft warning letter to shareholders on the practices of 'Late Trading' and 'Market Timing'
*'Managing the risk of bromate formation linked with the ozonation of drinking water': paper
*'Knowledge Management in the {major French utilities company} Group'
*'Organization/structure of a leak detection campaign (water): loss diagnostics' (30 page report)
*'Creating a marketing campaign: the multichannel solution' - software manual
*Annual audit of a wastewater treatment plant in eastern Europe (a 20-page report)
*Mechanical handbook for a precision dosing pump drive system (60 pages)
*A short biography of Cape Verdean singer Tete Alhinho - currently on the web:
Keywords: general, biography, technical, technology, science, pharmaceutical, business, computing, finance, law. See more.general,biography,technical,technology,science,pharmaceutical,business,computing,finance,law,travel,tourism,engineering,IT,journalism,financial,surveys,health,medical,culture,art,construction,building,manufacturing,chemical engineering,human resources,history,geography,transport,contracts. See less.
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