Member since Mar '03

Working languages:
Arabic to English
English to Arabic
Spanish to English
Spanish to Arabic

Yasser El Helw

Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
Local time: 12:03 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Arabic Native in Arabic, English Native in English
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No Arabic translator has more medical points! (
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing
Specializes in:
Medical (general)Medical: Cardiology
Medical: Health CareMedical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical: Oncology

Arabic to English - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 40 EUR per hour / 0.70 EUR per audio/video minute
English to Arabic - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 40 EUR per hour / 0.70 EUR per audio/video minute
Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 40 EUR per hour / 0.70 EUR per audio/video minute
Spanish to Arabic - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 40 EUR per hour / 0.70 EUR per audio/video minute

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 2456, Questions answered: 1989, Questions asked: 446
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Skrill, Wire transfer | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at Apr 2002. Became a member: Mar 2003. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Arabic (Alexandria University)
Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio, XTM

CV/Resume English (DOC)
Events and training
Powwows attended

Private English Language School where Anwar Sadat schooled his children (Port Said School, Cairo, Egypt).

Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

M.Sc. in Clinical & Chemical Pathology from Cairo University.
Title of thesis submitted: “The Immunobiology & Pathophysiology of Basophils & Mast Cells”


• Mother tongue
• Language of school education, social interaction, university studies and medical practice.
• Spanish Citizenship
• More than twenty years of marriage to an excellent teacher of 'Spanish as a foreign language'.
• Complete immersion in the Spanish culture .
• Long period of residence in Spain (>7 years).
• Different courses and workshops on diverse medical & linguistic subjects in Madrid, Spain.



 Cervantes Institute (Spanish Equivalent of the British Council)
 US Navy
 US Department of Commerce
 Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products
 Detroit Board of Education
 Maryland State Department of Education
 General Electric Medical Systems
 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
 Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI)
 Spanish Police Department
 US Patent & Trademark Office
 Pharmaceutical Companies including:

Via a Middle Eastern Agency:
 Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
 Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Division
 Onyx Pharmaceuticals
 Eli Lilly and Company
 Sankyo Company Limited
 Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd.
 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
 ID Biomedical Corporation of Québec
 Nova Nordisk
 Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Rib-X Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
 Cubist Pharmaceuticals, INC
 Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
 Intarcia Therapeutics, Inc.
 Corbus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
 and many more

Via UK Agencies:
 British Biotech
 Pharmion
 Pfizer Consumer Healthcare
 Laboratorios Farmaceuticos ROVI, S.A.
 Alcaliber S.A. (Spain)
 Allergan Pharmaceuticals (Ireland)
 Civitas Therapeutics, Inc. (Chelsea, MA, USA)

Via a Dutch Agency:
 Merck Serono International S.A., Switzerland
 EMD Serono, Inc., USA
 Vifor Pharma, Vifor (International) AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland
 Socar Research SA, Nyon, Switzerland

Via Spanish Agencies:
 Laboratorios VIR, S.A.
 SANIFIT Laboratoris

Via a French Agency:
 Genentech, Inc.
 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
 Laboratoires Panpharma, Fougères, France.
 RotexMedica Gmbh, Trittau, Germany

Via a Belgian Agency:
 Medtronic
 Puma Biotechnology
 Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
 Sirtex Technology Pty Ltd

Via a German Agency:
 B.Braun Melsungen AG
 Beromed GmbH
 Sirtex Technology Pty Ltd

Via US Agencies
 National Institutes of Health (USA)
 AbbVie
 Chimerix Inc.
 Epizyme Inc.
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)

Via an Australian Agency
 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd
 Mundipharma Pty Limited
 Ogilvy Healthworld
 AstraZeneca Australia Pty Ltd

Spanish to English translation of medical journal articles and case reports:

 Gimena et al. Chest pain and peripheral eosinophilia. Rev Clin Esp. 2007;207(2):93-4
 Vila JJ et al. Utility of bolus somatostatin administration in preventing pancreatitis after ERCP: A controlled, non-randomised study. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006;29(4):231-6
 S. Santos Lasaosa et al. Letters to the Editor. Levetiracetam & Restless Legs Syndrome. Neurologia 2008;23(6):395-398
 J. Guerra Laso et al. Cavitated Pneumonia with Sputum Culture Positive for Mycobacterium gastri. REv Clin Esp. 2008;208(5):237-8
 E. Gomez-de la Fuente. Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Lidocaine in Ear Drops. Actas Dermosifilogr. 2008;99:407-10
 J.M. Prieto de Paula et al. Sixty nine-year old male patient with impairment of physical condition, hyperpigmentation, cutaneous lesion and a deficient response to treatment. An Med Interna (Madrid) 2007; 24: 599-601
 M. A. Palomero Rodríguez et al. Aspiration pneumonia and laryngospasm-induced pulmonary oedema. Differential diagnosis. Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación
 Teixidor Ribaudi Irene et al. Estudio piloto exploratorio sobre el efecto del Lactobacillus casei variedad rhamnosus Döderlein en el pH, disconfort vaginal y la sintomatología consecutivos a micosis recurrentes y otras etiologías.
 Isabel Aburto T. Gestión Clínica y Administrativa en la Implementación de la Curación Avanzada de Heridas en Chile.
 Bayarri E et al. Valoración de 26 casos aplicando un protocolo de prevención con ácidos grasos hiperoxigenados junto a un apósito protector para talón y maléolos.
 V. Camarero, L Llara, E. Ruiz & G. Torres. Plasmapheresis in Amiodarone-Induced Hyperthyroidism. NEPHROLOGÍA. Volume 26. Number 1. 2006
 C. Perez-Cimarra, C. Font, E. Gredilla, F. Gilsanz. Adverse Effects associated with the use of Inotropic Agents in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
 Dra. Florencia S. Grabois, Dr. Tomás Voievdca, Dra. Adriana Aqcuavita, Dra. Viviana Kizlansky, Dr. Daniel Saint Genez y Dr. Santiago Vidaurreta. Use of sterile petrolatum for extravasation injury in a premature infant. Arch Argent Pediatr 2008;106(6):533-551
 M.D. Gomez Bustos, A. Garcia Ron, I. Ibarra de la Rosa & J.L. Perez Navero. Lactic Acidosis Secondary to the Inhalation of High Doses of Salbutamol. An Pediatr (Barc). 2008;69(6):577-92
 Miguel Galicia, Santiago Nogué, Jordi To-Figueras, José-Luís Echarte, M. Luisa Iglesias and Oscar Miró. Cases of Liquid Ecstasy Poisoning Treated at Barcelona City Hospital Emergency Departments in a Two-Year Period. Med Clin (Barc). 2008;130(7):254-8
 M. Zaballos, C. Jimeno, C. Jimenez, J. R. Fraile, Almendral, E. García de Lucas. Arrhythmia Induced by Dual Atrioventricular Nodal Pathways associated with severe Haemodynamic Decompensation during Liver Re-Transplantation. Rev. Esp. Anestesiol. Reanim. 2005;52:355-358
 M. Morales Conejo, V.J. Moreno Cuerda, J. Abelian Martinez and R. Rubio. Severe side effects arising from drug interactions involving antiretroviral treatment. Rev Clin Esp. 2008;208(11):557-60
 C. Varela, F. Palacio, M. Á. Reina, A. López, J. Benito-León. Horner's Syndrome Secondary to Epidural Anaesthesia. Neurología 2007;22(3):196-200
 F. Parramón, O. Pineda, B. Pardina, J. Rodriguez, B. Ruiz, A. Villalonga. Two cases of early postoperative massive pulmonary thromboembolism following bariatric surgery. Rev. Esp. Anestesiol. Reanim. 2007; 54: 242-245
 Guillermo Careaga-Reyna, Maricela Jiménez-Valdivia, Rubén Arguero-Sánchez. Heart transplantation. Preservation and surgical technique. Eleven years of experience. Revista de Investigación Clínica/ Vol. 57, Núm. 2 / March-April, 2005 / 344-349
 R. Gordo-Mañas, A. Villarejo-Galende, C. Dominguez-González, L. Ballesteros-Plaza, G. Ruiz-López del Prado. Vertical nystagmus secondary to epidural administration of morphine. Rev Neurol 2007;44(7)
 F. J. García Callejo, J. B. Ramírez Sabio, N. Conill Tobías, E. Sebastián Gil, M. H. Orts Alborch, J. Marco Algarra. Immune-mediation or hyperviscosity in rapidly progressive sensorineural hearing loss. A therapeutic approach. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp 2006; 57: 204-209
 José Manuel Porcel, Luis Brieva and Joan Antoni Schoenenberger. Acute transient ataxia caused by local lidocaine injection during insertion of a pleural catheter. Archivos de Bronconeumologia.
 Manuela Moreno Higueras, M. Concepción López Robles, M. Pilar Giner Escobar & Jesús Cantero Hinojosa. Methaemoglobinaemia induced by local anaesthesia administered prior to laser hair removal. Med Clin (Barc). 2008;131(5):198-9
 Carlos Centeno Cortésa, and Clara Olier Gárate. Hyperalgesia in opioid-treated subjects: when "more morphine" means "more pain". Med Clin (Barc).
 Pilar Tamayo Alonso, Ricardo Ruano Pérez and Ángel Muñoz Herrera. Diagnosing and monitoring head and neck paragangliomas. Nuclear medicine contributions. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2009;60 Suppl. 1:68-75
 Maria Chaparro. Natural history, complications, safety and pregnancy in inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015;38(Supl 1):20-31

• Medical Textbooks for different publishers (see CV)
• Instruction manuals of Medical Equipment
• Medical Reports for the US Social Security Department
• Medical Reports for the US Veterans Administration

Spanish to English translation for a UK-based agency of more than 60 Discharge Reports for SAE monitoring from hospitals all over Spain including:

 Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona
 Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid
 Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid
 Hospital Del Río Hortera, Valladolid
 Hospital Universitari de Girona, Joseph Trueta
 Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Juan Catalejo, A Coruña
 Gurutzetako Ospitalea, Hospital de Cruces, Servicio Vasco de Salud
 Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla
 Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo
 Hospital Universitario “Miguel Servet”, Zaragoza
 Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, Badalona
 Corporacío Parc Tauli, Sabadell, Barcelona
 Hospital de la Princesa
 Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, Madrid
 Hospital Royo Villanova, Servicio Aragonés de Salud
 Clínic Corporacío Sanitaria
 Capio Sanidad, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid
 Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla, Santander
 Hospital Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Barcelona
 Clínica Hospital de Navarra

I specialize in Arabic medical translation & Spanish medical translation. I have ample experience translating and backtranslating informed consent forms, patient information sheets, diaries, emergency cards, pharmaceutical drug marketing applications, trial SAE (serious adverse events), hospital discharge reports, abstracts, ODD (Orphan Drug Designation) applications and medical journal articles.

Arabic Medical Translator Arab Medical translations ICF Translator Medicine Pharmaceutical
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 2694
PRO-level pts: 2456

Top languages (PRO)
Spanish to English1014
Arabic to English478
English to Arabic456
English to Spanish453
Spanish to Arabic51
Pts in 1 more pair >
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences93
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Medical (general)789
Medical: Health Care203
Medical: Pharmaceuticals182
Medical: Cardiology92
Government / Politics80
Law (general)62
Pts in 56 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: medical arabic translator medical arabic translation arabic medical translator arabic medical translation medical translation arabic medical translations arabic back-translations spanish medical translation spanish back-translation arabic clinical pathology chemical pathology hematology haematology hematologist clinical chemistry microbiology parasitology clinical trials pharmaceuticals pharmacology informed consent forms ICF

Profile last updated
Nov 20, 2024