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German to English: Magazine article General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - German Tradition trifft Moderne
Der stylish wirkende Hamburger Stadtteil Hafencity beherbergt auch die historische Speicherstadt. Hier gehen alteingesessene Kaufleute in den unter Denkmalschutz stehenden Backsteinlagerhäusern ihren traditionellen Geschäften nach.
Eine graue Stahltür trennt Mohammad-Reza Nobaris Kontor von seiner Schatzkammer: Auf knapp 1000 Quadratmetern lagern in der ersten Etage am Brook 7, einem der historischen Backsteingebäude in der Hamburger Speicherstadt, rund 7000 handgeknüpfte Teppiche auf Dielenböden. Zu Ballen gefaltet, fein säuberlich gestapelt liegen sie dort, kleine, große, farbenprächtige, meist mit filigranen floralen Mustern. Die wertvollsten, wie der rot leuchtende, 110 Jahre alte Perserteppich aus Isfahan, hängen links in der „Exklusivabteilung“ an der Wand. „Jedes traditionelle Teppichzentrum hat eigene Muster, das sind alles Unikate“, schwärmt der Chef des Djavad-Nobari- Orientteppiche-Import-Export-Großhandels.
Nobari ist einer der Großhändler in der denkmalgeschützten Speicherstadt mit ihren schönen Giebeln, Erkern und Türmen. Sie ist der weltgrößte zusammenhängende Lagerhauskomplex und eines der Wahrzeichen der Hansestadt. Der Bereich liegt zwischen Deichtorhallen und Baumwall im nordöstlichen Teil des Hamburger Hafens. Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts war er Drehund Angelpunkt des weltweiten Handels, modern und boomend, begehrte Adresse für Tee-, Kaffee-, Gewürz- und Teppichhändler, ganz so wie heute die Hafencity mit ihren prestigeträchtigen Bauwerken für Logistiker, Dienstleister und Agenturen. Seit 2008 gehört die Speicherstadt zum Stadtteil Hafencity. Trotz des Wandels im Handel ist sie ihrer ursprünglichen Bestimmung vielerorts treu geblieben: Am Brook, Brooktorkai und Sandtorkai beherbergt sie noch eine ganze Reihe von Teppichhändlern. Obwohl sich ihre Zahl in den vergangenen Jahren auf 57 nahezu halbiert hat, gilt Hamburg noch immer als der weltweit größte Teppich-Umschlagplatz. Die Hansestadt ist auch die Metropole des Tees: Rund 70 Prozent der nach Deutschland importieren Köstlichkeit landen dort. Die Pflasterstraße runter am Pickhuben sitzt seit 1879 der älteste Mieter der Speicherstadt, der Teegroßhändler Hälssen & Lyon. Durch die aufstrebende Nachbarschaft fühlen sich die Alteingesessenen keineswegs in den Schatten gestellt: „Jetzt haben wir eine gute Mischung an Gewerbe mit mehr Publikum“, freut sich Mohammad-Reza Nobari.
Die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise, sinkende Produktionszahlen in den klassischen Knüpferländern Iran, Afghanistan, Russland und China und die dadurch gestiegenen Preise: Das hat der Teppichbranche zu schaffen gemacht. In ganz Europa gingen in den letzten zehn Jahren die Importzahlen von 620 Millionen auf 100 Millionen zurück. Bei den Teppichhändlern in der Hamburger Speicherstadt kommt nur noch zwei- bis dreimal im Monat neue Ware an – so viel wie früher in einer Woche. Für Touristen ist es immer eine Attraktion, wenn die Teppiche wie einst auf den Boden gehievt werden.
Translation - English Traditional businesses in a modern world
The stylish new Hafencity district of Hamburg includes the historic Speicherstadt, or warehouse district, where traditional, long-established businesses operate from listed brick buildings.
A grey steel door separates Mohammed-Reza Nobari’s office from his treasure chamber. Some 7,000 hand-knotted carpets are stored on the wooden floor of the 1,000-square-foot first-floor warehouse at Brook 7, a historic building in Hamburg’s warehouse district. Folded into bales and neatly stacked, they come in all kinds of sizes, and most are covered in colourful and elaborate floral motifs. The most valuable, such as a brilliant red 110-year-old carpet from Isfahan in Persia, have their own section on the left-hand wall.
“Every traditional centre of carpet making has its own patterns, so they’re all unique creations,” enthuses Nobari, 59, the head of the Djavad-Nobari oriental carpet import, export and wholesale company.
His is one of many wholesale businesses in the warehouse district, with its beautiful listed gables, oriels and towers. It is the world’s largest contiguous area of warehouses, a Hamburg landmark, located between Deichtorehallen and Baumwall in the northeastern part of the port area. In the late 19th century it was a major centre of international trade, a booming and prestigious address for tea, coffee, spice and carpet merchants, just as the smart modern architecture of Hafencity is home to logistics service providers and agencies. Since 2008, the Speicherstadt has formed part of Hafencity.
For all the changes that have taken place, many of the buildings are still used for their original purpose. A whole series of carpet dealers are located at Brook 7, a historic brick edifice in the Speicherstadt. Although their number has almost halved over recent years, to 57, Hamburg is still the world’s largest carpet transshipment port. It is also a major centre for tea, with some 70 percent of German imports landing here. The warehouse district’s oldest tenant, the tea wholesaler Hälssen & Lyon, has been down the cobbled street at Pickhuben since 1879. But the old established operations feel anything but overshadowed by their upstart neighbours. “We now have a good mix of businesses, which attracts more people,” Nobari says.
The combination of a recession, falling output in the traditional carpet manufacturing centres of Iran, Afghanistan, Russia and China, and the resulting price increases have made this a tough time for the carpet industry. Over the past ten years, European imports have slumped from 620 million to 100 million. These days, carpet dealers in the Speicherstadt receive new deliveries two or three times a month, each the equivalent of what used to arrive in a week. But they are still a tourist attraction, especially when the carpets are winched into place in the traditional manner.
French to English: Guerlain fragrance copy General field: Other Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - French 160 ANS LE BON MARCHE
Guerlain pour le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, 160 ans de création.
Depuis 1952, vitrine des maisons françaises les plus luxueuses, le Bon Marché scelle jour après jour son appartenance à un univers où la créativité et l’authenticité sont les points d’équilibre. A l’occasion de ses 160 ans, la maison Guerlain lui adresse une attention toute particulière, en lui consacrant une pièce unique qui met en scène héritage et audace. Un témoignage créatif, comme une rencontre entre ces deux maisons françaises, réservé à un petit nombre d’initiés.
Guerlain met à l’honneur sa fragrance mythique Shalimar. Le récit de l’amour fou de Shah Jahan pour Mumtaz Mahala a enflammé l’imagination de Jacques Guerlain. En 1925, il créa Shalimar, le premier parfum oriental de l’histoire. Subtil mélange de fleurs et de sensuels accents ambrés boisés, cette fragrance est devenue à jamais l’essence de l’amour et de la féminité rayonnante. Follement Guerlain, merveilleusement classique, il fascine les jeunes femmes comme il a conquis toutes les générations avant elles.
L’Eau de Parfum Shalimar est présentée dans un flacon Abeilles, celui-même qui abrita l’Eau de Cologne Impériale crée pour l’impératrice Eugénie en 1853 et qui valut à Guerlain son titre de fournisseur de l’empereur. Une petite merveille d’élégance et de raffinement dont le col est, pour l’occasion, majestueusement orné d’un bijou de perles d’iolite d’un bleu intense qui met en valeur un camé aux traits fins. Cet hommage, chargé d’émotions a été réalisé par l’atelier de joaillerie parisien Truscelli.
Cette édition exclusive est limitée à vingt flacons numérotés exclusivement pour le Bon Marché.
Translation - English 160 YEARS OF LE BON MARCHÉ
Guerlain celebrates 160 years of creativity with a unique limited-edition fragrance for Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche
Ever since 1952, Le Bon Marché has been a showcase for France’s most luxurious brands, building on its core values of creativity and authenticity with every passing day. Now, Guerlain is celebrating its own 160th anniversary by dedicating a uniquely distinctive creation to Le Bon Marché, highlighting the ties that bind these two great French companies and reserved for a small number of fortunate owners.
Guerlain is paying homage to its legendary fragrance Shalimar, created in 1925 by Jacques Guerlain and inspired by the passion of Shah Jahan for Mumtaz Mahala, whose memorial was the Taj Mahal. Guerlain’s first oriental scent, a timelessly subtle blend of flowers and sensual woody amber notes, is the essence of loving, radiant femininity. This wonderful classic has entranced generations of young women.
To celebrate this historic occasion, Eau de Parfum Shalimar is presented in the same Abeilles bottle used to contain Eau de Cologne Impériale, created for the empress Eugénie in 1863, which earned Guerlain its title as supplier to the emperor. The bottle is a little marvel of elegant refinement, its neck majestically decorated for the occasion with a jewel of deep blue iolite pearls that form a sumptuous setting for a delicate cameo. This evocative homage was created by the Paris jewellery studio Truscelli.
The limited edition consists of twenty numbered bottles made exclusively for Le Bon Marché.
Dutch to English: Exhibition audioguide General field: Other Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Dutch 1. Frans Hals – Twee lachende jongens, ca 1628
Frans Hals was op zijn best in zijn genrestukken. Dan werd hij niet gehouden aan wensen van opdrachtgevers, maar kon hij vrijelijk schilderen. De figuren lijken te leven – ze zijn vrolijk en beweeglijk.
Deze jongen met grote bontmuts kijkt in een drinkkan. Hij is weergegeven als een zogeheten
kannenkijker: iemand die teveel drinkt.
Frans Hals schilderde vaker Kannenkijkers, maar dan volwassenen. Hier gaat het om een kind, dat speelt dat hij een drinkebroer is. De jongen moet er om lachen, en het kind op
de achtergrond lacht mee.
Het schilderij toont de typische ruwe en vlotte penseelstreek van Frans Hals. Vooral in de
bontmuts van de jongen is dat goed te zien. Karel van Mander, de leermeester van Frans
Hals, had een hele verhandeling geschreven over schilderen, Het Schilderboeck. Daarin adviseerde hij jonge schilders om te kiezen tussen een precieze, nette manier van schilderen én een ruwe. De ruwe manier was het moeilijkst, alleen de echte grote meesters beheersten deze schilderwijze, zoals de 16de-eeuwse Venetiaanse schilders Titiaan en Tintoretto.
Hals moet zijn uitgedaagd door de beweringen van zijn leermeester. In de Noordelijke
Nederlanden was hij de eerste die de ruwe manier toepaste.
In zijn genrestukken nog meer dan in zijn portretten. Hij werkte met snelle verfstreken,
schijnbaar uit de losse pols neergezet. Vrijwel iedere verfstreek is apart te onderscheiden. Zo wist hij precies het spontane karakter te vangen van een vrolijk moment.
Translation - English 1. Frans Hals, Two laughing boys, c. 1628
Frans Hals was at his best when painting generic figures rather than named portraits: there were no patrons to keep happy and he could give free rein to his creativity. These figures look almost alive: they’re full of joy and movement.
The boy in the big fur hat is known in Dutch as a kannekijker, literally someone looking into his beer mug, in other words a heavy drinker. Hals often painted such scenes, but with adult subjects. Here, the boy is pretending to be drunk, and the child in the background is laughing at him.
The painting shows Hals’s typically fast, fluid brushstrokes, which are particularly apparent in the fur hat. His teacher, Karel van Mander, wrote an influential treatise on art and artists entitled Het Schilderboeck, The Painting Book. He advised young painters to choose between a neat, precise manner of painting or a more relaxed and fluid style, which was more difficult, and claimed that only the truly great masters, such as the 16th-century Venetian painters Titian and Tintoretto, were able to reproduce it.
Hals appears to have taken his teacher’s assertion as a challenge, and he was the first painter in the northern Netherlands to use the fluid style. He did this more in his genre pieces than his portraits, using fast brushstrokes, apparently with his wrists very relaxed. Almost every stroke is visible, and Hals has captured the joy and spontaneity of this moment perfectly.
Spanish to English: Andorra winter sports website General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish Descubre la nieve en familia
Las estaciones del Principado te proponen multitud de actividades en la nieve con las que pasar un divertido día en familia. ¿Te lo vas a perder?
Parques y circuitos de nieve
Esta temporada, Vallnord estrena una zona de ocio junto al bosque con tres circuitos de diferentes niveles aptos para disfrutar en familia. El nuevo Family Park cuenta además con un gran iglú permanente. El sector Pal incorpora una zona de trineos y juegos para los más pequeños ubicada en el Jardín de Nieve.
Grandvalira ha ampliado los circuitos infantiles temáticos Imaginarium y Bababoom Circus. Además, el dominio cuenta con el Circuito infantil Grau Roig, donde los más pequeños pueden aprender a esquiar de forma divertida y reconocer los animales más representativos del territorio (la marmota, el zorro, el urogallo y el rebeco), que aparecen representados en este espacio en forma de dibujo animado.
A parte de los circuitos de aventura, Vallnord y Grandvalira te proponen divertidas actividades para hacer en familia: el Snow Snake, los trineos de nieve, mushing y recorridos en raquetas de nieve… entre muchas otras.
En Naturlandia existen varias opciones para disfrutar de la nieve. El eco parque destina un espacio para los niños donde se encuentran el Baby Parc, una zona en la que construir muñecos de nieve o realizar recorridos en trineos, y los toboganes de nieve Tubby o Fun-lifts por los que deslizarse con neumáticos a partir de los 7 años. Para los niños de entre 3 y 6 años, Naturlandia dispone de un área de juegos adaptada.
Además, el bosque de aventura Parc Inuit ofrece otras actividades de aventura y diversión a partir de los 7 años en un área delimitada de 3.000 m²: juegos en las copas de los árboles, inicio a la escalada, parque de juegos, torre panorámica con tobogán…
Finalmente, Naturlandia propone un viaje a través del bosque para el invierno. El Tobotronc permite deslizarse por un tobogán en un trineo biplaza dirigido por uno mismo entre la nieve y la naturaleza. Descender por esta atracción de 5,3 km de recorrido considerada como el tobogán alpino más largo del mundo es una forma diferente de adentrarse en la naturaleza de Andorra.
Vivir como un esquimal
En Andorra los más pequeños podrán sentirse como un esquimal por un día. Con tu familia, tienes la posibilidad de pasar una divertida tarde en la nieve construyendo un iglú. Dirigidos por monitores profesionales, aprenderéis las técnicas de construcción de refugios de hielo, descubriréis cómo protegeros del frío y os convertiréis por un día en auténticos esquimales.
En el espacio infantil Family Park de Vallnord-Arcalís puede encontrarse a partir de esta temporada de invierno un gran iglú permanente de 3,4 metros de altura y 5 metros de diámetro. En el sector Grau-Roig de Grandvalira, además de alzar una construcción de hielo con ayuda de monitores pueden realizarse actividades complementarias de nieve como el mushing o los paseos en raquetas.
Descubrir la velocidad en familia
Montarse en una moto de nieve y recorrer pistas y bosques nevados es una aventura que los más pequeños pueden experimentar, siempre en compañía de un adulto. Las excursiones en grupo pueden realizarse de día y de noche y en compañía de un monitor que guía al grupo por los senderos.
Las estaciones disponen de un circuito infantil para niños de 4 a 12 años que es posible recorrer en moto bajo la supervisión de monitores.
Más diversión en el Palau de Gel
El Palau de Gel de Canillo es un espacio para la diversión en familia o con amigos. Situado a pie de la estación de esquí Grandvalira, cuenta con una pista de hielo y una piscina donde practicar deporte y realizar actividades de entretenimiento durante todo el año: patinaje sobre hielo para niños y adultos, jardín de hielo para niños de 4 a 9 años, iniciación al hockey sobre hielo, al Ballon Ballai o al curling… entre muchas otras.
El Palau de Gel oferta una gran variedad de opciones para el día y para la noche que combinan deporte, salud y diversión para todas las edades.
Translation - English Family fun in the snow
Andorra’s ski resorts offer a multitude of options if you’re in search of a fun day out for the family.
Snow parks and trails
This season, Vallnord is launching a woodland family recreation area with three trails on different levels. The new Family Park now has a large permanent igloo, while the Pal sector has a sledging and games area for youngsters in the Jardín de Nieve.
Grandvalira has expanded its themed children’s areas, Imaginarium and Bababoom Circus. It also has the Grau Roig children’s trail, where kids can have fun learning to ski and meet animated versions of four local animals: the marmot, fox, grouse and ibex.
Apart from the adventure trails, Vallnord and Grandvalira offer a variety of family activities: the Snow Snake, sledging, dogsledding, snowshoeing and many others.
The Naturlandia ecopark offers a variety of winter leisure activities. The children’s area combines the Baby Parc, a snowman-building and sledging area, Tubby and Fun-lift toboggans for those aged 7 and over, and a play area for children aged 3 to 6.
The Parc Inuit adventure forest offers a range of enjoyable activities for children aged 7 and over in a 3,000-square-metre enclosed area, including treetop games, an introduction to climbing, a play park, a viewing tower, and tobogganing.
Naturlandia also offers an unusual way of exploring the forest in winter. The Tobotronc is a two-seater self-guided toboggan that takes you along a 5.3-kilometre course. It is the world’s largest alpine toboggan, offering an unusual new perspective on Andorra’s great outdoors.
Live like an Eskimo
You and your kids can also spend an enjoyable afternoon pretending to be Eskimos and building an igloo. Professional instructors will take you through the construction techniques involved, and teach you how to protect yourself from the cold.
This season, the Vallnord-Arcalís Family Park children’s area has a permanent igloo 3.4 metres high and 5 metres in diameter. In the Grau-Roig sector of Grandvalira, you can make ice sculptures with the help of instructors, go dogsledding or snowshoeing, and enjoy a host of other winter activities.
Indulge your taste for speed
Accompanied children can explore snow-covered tracks and forests on the back of a snowmobile, with guided group excursions taking place during the day and at night.
Both resorts also have children’s trails where 4- to 12-year-olds can go snowmobiling under the watchful eye of an instructor.
More entertainment at the Palau de Gel
Canillo’s Palau de Gel, or ice palace, is a great place to let your hair down with family or friends. Located at the foot of the Grandvalira ski resort, it has an ice rink, a pool, and a year-round programme of activities including adults’ and children’s skating, a play area for children aged 4 to 9, introductions to ice hockey, broom ball and curling, and lots more.
The Palau de Gel offers a great variety of daytime and evening options for all ages and abilities.
Italian to English: Chocolate company's website Detailed field: Food & Drink
Source text - Italian Una storia di gusto dal 1959
Witor’s celebra il suo 50° anniversario proponendo un’edizione limitata del prodotto simbolo dell’azienda: il celebre Boero, geniale connubio di cioccolato extra fondente, liquore e ciliegia. Una prelibatezza da non perdere.
La bontà della tradizione, il gusto della novità.
La creatività e l’esperienza Witor’s ripropongono il Gianduiotto, un grande classico della pasticceria italiana, in esclusive varianti di gusto in grado di stupire anche i palati più esigenti.
Gianduiotto Classico
Dall’unione del cacao con le più pregiate nocciole del Piemonte, il gusto inconfondibile del Gianduiotto originale.
Gianduiotto Fondente
L’irresistibile tentazione del cioccolato fondente unito a gustose nocciole per un incontro con il sapore dal carattere forte e deciso.
Gianduiotto alla Pera
La piacevolezza cremosa del ripieno alla pera e la prelibatezza del gianduia fondente per un gusto esclusivo firmato Witor’s.
Il gusto autentico del puro cioccolato
Due straordinarie linee di tavolette di cioccolato, Puro e Oro Puro, in tante esclusive varianti, per riscoprire il gusto unico del vero cioccolato a cui si uniscono ingredienti scelti e selezionati. Tante prelibatezze da assaporare morso dopo morso.
La più tradizionale delle ricette, frutto dell'esperienza Witor’s, in tre varianti dal gusto inconfondibile che accontentano il palato di grandi e piccini.
Al gustoso cioccolato si aggiunge la prelibatezza delle nocciole intere più pregiate per un incontro dal sapore inimitabile, firmato Witor’s.
Linea Oro
L’irresistibile bontà del cioccolato extra fine Witor’s in tre varianti di gusto che seducono anche i palati più esigenti.
Dalla passione Witor’s nascono le tavolette che uniscono gustoso cioccolato extra fine e prelibate nocciole intere: una tentazione davvero irresistibile.
Dall’unione del cioccolato più prelibato con ingredienti scelti e selezionati, nascono le golose tavolette ripiene: una vera esplosione di bontà.
(Bianco Cuore)
Golosa pralina di cioccolato al latte con un cuore di crema al latte e cereali croccanti: un momento di dolcezza che conquista grandi e piccini.
Prelibato cioccolato fondente con ripieno di granella di cacao: una vera delizia per il palato degli amanti del gusto deciso.
(Très Giolì)
Straordinario connubio di cioccolato extra fondente, ciliegia intera e liquore per una sinfonia di gusto inconfondibile.
(Grand Biscuit)
Ripieno di cacao e cialda di biscotto ricoperto da un guscio di prelibato cioccolato fondente per una tentazione davvero irresistibile.
(Golden Poker)
Gustoso cioccolato al latte con cuore di crema alla nocciola e cereali croccanti: un’armonia di sapori da gustare da soli o in compagnia.
Translation - English Celebrating flavour since 1959
We’re marking our 50th birthday with a limited edition of our flagship product, the famous Boero. This brilliant blending of extra-dark chocolate, liqueur and cherries is an experience not to be missed.
A tradition of quality meets a talent for innovation
We’re drawing on our creative experience by relaunching Gianduiotto, a great classic of Italian confectionery, in a series of exclusive flavours which will delight the most demanding of palates.
Gianduiotto Classico
A marriage of the finest cocoa beans with carefully selected Piedmont hazelnuts: the unmistakable flavour of the original Gianduiotto.
Gianduiotto Fondente
Irresistibly tempting dark chocolate and delicious hazelnuts combined to create a bold and distinctive flavour.
Gianduiotto alla Pera
The pleasant creaminess of ripe pears and the subtlety of dark gianduia (a blend of sweet chocolate and hazelnut paste) in an exclusive flavour that could only be Witor’s.
The authentic taste of pure chocolate
Two exquisite chocolate bar ranges, Puro and Oro Puro, in a variety of exclusive flavours. Rediscover the unique taste of real chocolate and carefully selected ingredients, and you’ll savour every melting mouthful.
Our most traditional recipe, the fruit of Witor’s half-century of experience. Three unique flavours, equally popular with adults and children.
Delectable chocolate and choice whole hazelnuts in the inimitable style of Witor’s.
Linea Oro
The irresistible goodness of extra-fine Witor’s chocolate in three different flavours, for the true connoisseur.
Witor’s passion for chocolate is abundantly apparent in this irresistibly sumptuous bar, a blend of extra-fine chocolate and luscious whole hazelnuts.
A bar that combines the very finest chocolate with selected ingredients to create an explosion of flavour.
Bianco Cuore)
Mouthwatering milk chocolate praline filled with dairy cream and crunchy cereal: pure sweetness that’s popular with young and old alike.
Fine dark chocolate with a cocoa-bean filling: a delight for those who love strong flavours.
(Très Giolì)
An extraordinary melding of extra-dark chocolate, whole cherry and liqueur in a unique symphony of flavour.
(Grand Biscuit)
Few can resist this cocoa and biscuit-crumb filling layered with exquisite dark chocolate.
(Golden Poker)
Mellow milk chocolate with a hazelnut cream and crispy cereal filling: a harmonious blend of flavours to enjoy alone or share with a friend.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Cambridge
Years of experience: 37. Registered at Mar 2004.
Translation is very often imperfect. It retains the syntax of the original, reproduces the flaws, and simply doesn't sound quite right.
A lot of the time, that doesn't matter. If you just want to convey a message and aren't worried by stylistic niceties, a less-than-excellent translation will do fine. It can even convey an endearing sense of foreignness, like Ikea's refusal to translate the names of its products.
But sometimes second best won't do, and that's where I can help. I write flawless, publication-quality English that doesn't look translated.
I can turn my hand to any subject area that's not highly technical. If your text is about patents or pharmacology or particle physics, I'm not the person for you.
These are some of the things I do:
Creative advertising and marketing texts. I've produced copy for brands like BMW, Cartier, Google, Swarovski and Volkswagen, and I can translate anything that uses finely crafted words to sell things to people. I also do crisp, persuasive English copywriting to a brief.
Arts and media. I've done books, exhibition catalogues, academic papers, and large numbers of museum and art gallery audioguides.
Finance. Before I decided that I preferred words to numbers and became a translator, I trained as an accountant and worked as a financial analyst for Citibank. So I know my way around a company annual report.
Legal documents. Translating a contract or court judgment isn't something you'd normally associate with creativity. But reproducing the exact meaning of the original, and making it read elegantly using plain English, is a skill in itself.
You'll find some samples of my translations, English copywriting, and newspaper journalism on my website. If you like them, please contact me for a quotation.
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