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German to Lithuanian Lithuanian to French French to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Belarusian Belarusian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Ukrainian Ukrainian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Danish Danish to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Estonian Estonian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Czech Czech to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Italian Italian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Spanish Spanish to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Latvian Latvian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Portuguese Portuguese to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Norwegian Norwegian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Finnish Finnish to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Swedish Swedish to Lithuanian English to Russian Russian to English Serbian to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Dutch Dutch to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Serbian Lithuanian to Serbo-Croat Serbo-Croat to Lithuanian Lithuanian to Chinese Chinese to Lithuanian
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Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, Trados Studio
ADJUTOR is a translation agency, offering the top-quality translations in a range of Central and Eastern European languages. The agency is located in Lithuania and our top-expertise area is language combinations with Baltic or Slavonic (Russian, Byelorussian, Ukrainian etc.) languages.
Our translators are all highly qualified and experienced. Many of them are professionals working in specific fields (computing, medicine, finance etc.), whose professional qualifications in the relevant area make them more appropriate for particularly specialized texts.
We can offer translations in the following fields: engineering and technology, agriculture, biology, chemistry, education, environment, food and drink industry, medicine and pharmaceutics, computing, sales and marketing etc. All translations are reviewed by proofreaders and editors. ADJUTOR offers also other servises: conference planning activities, organization and technical maintenance services during conferences/ events/ meetings in Lithuhania. We guarantee the high quality of the aforementioned activities during the entire organizational process, as well as professional attention till the very end of any event. We can assist you, save your time and money, as well as make every effort to ensure the best contracts for you with providers of different services. We can also guarantee the high quality in performance of orders, efficiency, confidentiality and safety of documents.
Our relationship with major clients such as those mentioned below is further evidence of the quality of our services:
Philip Morris, Grand Casino International, Hanner, HANSAB, PANASONIC representatives in Lithuania, ABB etc.
Keywords: Translation agency, translation service, translation services, Lithuanian translation, Lithuanian translations, localization, Latvian translation, top-quality translations, Baltic languages, Slavonic languages. See more.Translation agency, translation service, translation services, Lithuanian translation, Lithuanian translations, localization, Latvian translation, top-quality translations, Baltic languages, Slavonic languages, Lithuania, specialized texts, engineering and technology, agriculture, biology, chemistry, education, environment, food and drink industry, medicine and pharmaceutics, computing, sales and marketing, conference planing, meetings, lease of conference halls, design works, advertising. Vertimu biuras, vertimai, vertimai Kaune, Vertimai Vilniuje, English Lithuanian translation, proofreading and localization, technical, medical, economics, certificates, contract law, pc, ES documents, general, marketing, automotive, experienced, experience, quality translation, manual, appliance, fast and reliable, deadline, russian, polish, review, general, documents, passport, IT, printer, TV, truck, electrical tools, domestic violence, tourism, aircraft, instruments, Adjutor, Rasmera, best, cheap, top, urgent, easy, cheapest, certified, sworn, bilingual, mother tongue, reference, biology, environment, html, pc, IT, computing, interpretor, portfolio, credentials, member, work, job, helpful, traductor, MA in translation, EN-LT, LT-EN, RU-LT, Translation, Translation Agency, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Art, Construction, Economics, Electronical engineering, IT, computering, Journalism, Law, Literature, Marketing, Media, Medicine, Music, Audio, Science, Politics, Sport, Tourism, Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Banking, Technics, Insurance, Mechanical, engineering, Contracts, Patents, SAP, Environmental, legal, technology, Telecommunication, Correspondence, Biology, Culture, Physics, Advertising, Logistics, Navigation, Aviation, Humanities, Automotive engineering, Instructions, Manuals, Textile, Industry, Food, legal translator, automotive translation, engineering translation, IT translation, online translation, English into Lithuanian translator, Latvian into Lithuanian translator, Russian into Lithuanian translator, German into Lithuanian, French into Lithuanian translator, Polish into Lithuanian translator, Estonian into Lithuanian translator, Finnish into Lithuanian translator, Norwegian into Lithuanian translator, Swedish into Lithuanian translator, Croatian into Lithuanian translator, text proofreading, text editing, localisation, Trados, SDLX, Lithuanian native speaker, Russian native speaker, Technische Übersetzung, Technische Übersetzer, Gesetzliche Übersetzer, Kraftfahrtechnische Übersetzung, Kraftfahrtechnische Übersetzer, Online-Übersetzung, Englisch ins Litauische Übersetzer, Lettischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Russischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Deutschen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Französischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Polnischen ins Litauischen Übersetzer, Finnischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Estnischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Norwegischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Schwedischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Kroatischen ins Litauische Übersetzer, Redigieren, Korrekturen, Lokalisation, Litauisch als Muttersprache, Russisch als Muttersprache, traduction technique, traducteur technique, traduction légale, traducteur légale, traduction automotrice, traduction en ligne, traduction du français vers le lituanien, traduction de l'anglais vers le lituanien, traduction en russe vers le lituanien, traduction du letton vers le lituanien, traduction du norvégien vers le lituanien, traduction de l'estonien vers le lituanien, traduction du finnois vers le lituanien, traduction du polonais vers le lituanien, технический перевод, технический переводчик, юридический перевод, юридический переводчик, автомобильный перевод, IT перевод, интерактивный перевод, перевод с английского языка на литовский, перевод с латышского языка на литовский, перевод с немецкого языка на литовский, перевод с норвежского языка на литовский, перевод с польского языка на литовский, перевод с финского языка на литовский, перевод с французского языка на литовский, перевод с хорватского языка на литовский, перевод с шведского языка на литовский, перевод с эстонского языка на литовский, редактирование, локализация, techniniai vertimai, techninis vertėjas, teisiniai vertimai, vertimas internetu, automobiliniai tekstai, inžineriniai tekstai, IT tekstai, iš anglų į lietuvių, iš rusų į lietuvių, iš latvių į lietuvių, iš estų į lietuvių, iš suomių į lietuvių, iš norvegų į lietuvių, iš švedų į lietuvių, iš lenkų į lietuvių, iš kroatų į lietuvių, lokalizacija, 从立陶宛语翻译, 立陶宛语, 拉托维亚语, 俄语, 爱萨尼亚语, 英语, 德语, 自由译员, language solutions, Rasmera, Adjutor. See less.
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