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Arabic to English: The Role of Yemeni Women in Educational Endowments in Taiz City General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - Arabic يستعرض هذا البحث دور المرأة في الوقف للإنفاق على التعليم في مدينة تعز في اليمن في القرنين الثامن والتاسع للهجرة/الرابع عشر والخامس عشر للميلاد، وأهمها دراسة لوثائق وقفيات ثلاث مدارس لثلاث نساء، وذلك لتبيان أن وقفيات المرأة في مدينة تعز باليمن، كان لها دور كبير في خدمة العملية التعليمية والدينية لهذه المدينة. وذلك يدل على أن المرأة آنذاك في تلك المدينة كان لها قدر كبير من المعرفة الدينية، وحس ديني عال جعلها توجه اهتمامها إلى العمل الخيري الذي يقربها إلى الله تعالى، بتخصيص جزء كبير من أموالها لصالح العملية التعليمية والدينية.
أولاً: المدرسة المُعتبية:
بنتها زوجة السلطان الأشرف إسماعيل بن العباس بن علي بن رسول (778-803هـ/1376-1400م)، وأم أربعة من أولاده أهمهم السلطان الناصر أحمد بن إسماعيل (803-827هـ/1400-1423م)، أطلق عليها جهة الطواشي مُعتب نسبة إلى متولي أعمالها جهة الطواشي الآجل جمال الدين مُعتب بن عبد الله بن مُعتب ابن عبد الله الأشرفي، ولذلك سميت بالمدرسة المُعتبية نسبة إلى متولي أعمالها مُعتب. وكانت وفاتها في 18 صفر من سنة 796هـ/1393م.
الوقف: وعن مقدار الوقف والمستفيدين منه، فقد حددت الوقفية الهيئة الإدارية الدينية والتعليمية للمدرسة وهم المستفيدون من الوقف بقولها: "رتبت فيها مدرسًا ومعيدًا وطلبة وإمامًا ومؤذنًا ومعلمًا وأيتامًا يتعلمون القرآن الكريم، ووقفت عليهم أوقافًا حسنة تقوم بكفايتهم" ذلك ما أوردته المصادر عن المدرسة المُعتبية بتعز.
Translation - English This research reviews the role of women in making endowments to spend on education in Taiz city during the 8th and 9th centuries AH (corresponding to the 14th and 15th centuries AD). The most important aspect in this research is the endowment documents of three schools that were endowed by three women in order to show that women’s endowments in Taiz had an important impact in serving the educational and religious process in the city. It shows also that women in Taiz at that time enjoyed a significant amount of religious knowledge, and a high religious sense that motivated them to direct their attention to philanthropic activities that drew them closer to Allah, Almighty, as they dedicated a significant amount of their money for the religious and educational process.
First: Al-Muatibya School:
It was built by the wife of sultan Al-Ashraf Ismail bin Abbas bin Ali bin Rasul who ruled between 778-803 AH (1376-1400 AD). She gave birth to four of his children, and the most significant of them was sultan Al-Naser Ahmad bin Ismail who ruled between 803-827 AH (1400-1423 AD). She was called Jiha Al-Tawashi Muatib after the man in charge of her businesses Jiha Al-Tawashi Al-Ajal Jamal Al-Deen Muatib bin Abd Allah bin Muatib bin Abd Allah Al-Ashrafi. Therefore, it was called Al-Muatibya school after Muatiby, the person in charge of her businesses. She passed away in Safar 18th, 796 AH (1393 AD).
The endowment: As for the amount of the endowment and the beneficiaries, the document maintained that the endowment defined the educational and religious committees of the school to be the beneficiaries, “She employed in the school a teacher, a teaching assistant, students, an imam, a muezzin, an instructor, and orphans to learn the Holy Quran, and she dedicated for them sufficient endowments”, as mentioned in several sources about Al-Muatibya school in Taiz.
Master's degree - Higher Institute For Translation and Interpreting -- Damascus University
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jan 2011. Became a member: Mar 2019.
Arabic to English (Sworn translator certified by the Ministry of Justice in Syria, verified) English to Arabic (Sworn translator certified by the Ministry of Justice in Syria, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, Amara, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Ooona, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTM
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I graduated from the English Language Department at Damascus University in 2009. Translation was just one of the modules students take at the department, so I wanted to study it professionally. I applied for an MA degree in Written Translation at the Higher Institute of Translation and Interpreting and obtained it in 2013. Since then, I started working as a freelance translator, and in 2018, I got certified by the Ministry of Justice in Syria as a sworn translator.
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