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English to Chinese - Rates: 0.04 - 0.10 USD per word / 18 - 45 USD per hour Chinese to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.10 USD per character / 18 - 45 USD per hour Chinese - Rates: 0.03 - 0.10 USD per character / 18 - 45 USD per hour English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.10 USD per word / 18 - 45 USD per hour
Chinese to English: 3M's Localized Operation General field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese 2012年将有更多的中国龙宝宝出生,专家预测,从2008年开始的中国第四次生育高峰将持续十多年的,但是激烈竞争的中国纸尿裤市场使一些纸尿裤知名品牌在华业务高速增长后却出现销售增长减缓的现象,而作为纸尿裤材料供应商的3M中国个人护理部门是如何调整策略在短暂的顿挫中迅速崛起,从2010年开始保持平均每年30%的高增长率,牢牢抓住兔年和即将开始的龙年宝宝潮商机呢?
Translation - English There will be more babies born in 2012, Chinese Year of the Dragon. According to experts’ prediction, the fourth baby boom in China starting from 2008 will last more than a decade. However, on the fiercely competitive paper diaper market in China, the business growth of some paper diaper well-known brands slowed down after the rapid increase. As a supplier of paper diaper materials, how does Personal Care Division of 3M China adjust its strategy and witness a rapid rise after a short-term setback, maintain the average annual growth rate of as high as 30% since 2010, and firmly seize the opportunities of baby booms in the Year of the Rabbit and the upcoming Year of the Dragon?
Just thanks to the clear judgment of the situations, the first client visited by Carl after he took office was a local diaper brand manufacturers (LKA), this attention has been was fed backed with good response from local customers, and it also made a good start for 3M’s later cooperation with other local brands. With respect to GKA, a multinational customer, in addition to the strategic adjustments of strengthening the technical cooperation in high-end diapers, in conjunction with the needs of large customers’ penetration into secondary and tertiary markets, 3M began to develop adhesive products applied to middle and low-grade paper diapers, and always keep pace with customers’ market development orientation. After effective adjustment of strategies, after the sales setback fall frustration experienced in 2009, the sales of PCD of 3M China once again entered the fast lane of rapid growth.
Localization and scaled production effectively reduced costs, but in-depth investigation and survey probe on customers research, the PCD team found that local brands have unique needs for and production processes of the diaper materials, in large cities, magic buckles hooks with higher cost are usually used in diapers which can be pasted repeatedly, but local brands commonly used relatively low-cost tape materials, and their production process are entirely different from international clients. In order to meet the needs of local customers, 3M China's engineers in technology and manufacturing process began to actively participate in local brands’ new product development, tailored the adhesive bonding materials for local customers to meet their production technology and market demand, and through the localized improvement of 3M’s existing materials and production processes, it is in two ways to ensure that 3M can truly provide high quality products to local customers.
Chinese to English: Economic Crisis and Skyscrapers General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Chinese “高楼建成之日,即是市场衰退之时”,这是德意志银行的证券分析师安德鲁•劳伦斯于1999年发表的判言。2006年2月15日,雷曼兄弟公司在北京召开全球经济会议,其全球首席经济学家卢埃林向我国客户提及“摩天大楼指数”的预言:“如果全球有发生经济危机的可能性,那很可能会在2007年或2008年。”
Translation - English "When skyscrapers rise, the market falls", runs the assertion made in 1999 by Andrew Lawrence, a security analyst of Deutsche Bank. At the global economic conference convened by Lehman Brothers in Beijing on February 15th, 2006, Llewellyn, Lehman's global chief economist, mentioned his prediction about skyscraper index to Chinese clients: "If a global economic crisis is possible to occur, it will be in 2007 or 2008."
Lehman's chief economist did anticipate the economic crisis in 2007 and 2008, but it never occurred to him that it is in this crisis that Lehman's centennial legacy vanished like bubbles. In terms of economy, are skyscrapers a glory or a curse? Are they really so closely related with economic crises?
In 1999, after thorough research, Andrew Lawrence verified the connection between skyscrapers and economic crisis, which he termed "skyscraper index". The emergence of each skyscraper that breaks the world record is usually accompanied by economic downturn. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there are four rounds of skyscraper craze, with each time followed by economic crisis or financial turbulence.
Just like the circulation of days & nights and the alternation of summers & winters, economy has its own boom-recession cycle. The price of any commodity is affected by the supply-demand relationship. Out of bliss come misfortunes, and after a zenith comes a wane. With the joint effect of low interest rate, expanding demand, rising capital price and the blind optimism of most people, the “golden state” takes shape, which constitutes the demand for skyscrapers, but such a state is unsustainable.
Consequently, in most cases, it is when the economy is in the downturn that skyscrapers are just completed. When they are actually put into use, the economy is quite likely to have been stuck in plight, which results in the body-shadow connection between skyscrapers and economic crisis. As a result, the highest building in the world, regrettably, is usually reduced to a monument to the bygone prosperity.
Chinese to English: ŠKODA Launches New Models General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Chinese 11月22日,以“绿色科技和谐未来”的主题的第九届广州车展在羊城正式拉开帷幕,由昊锐、明锐、晶锐三大车系13款车型组成的强大参展阵容使上海大众斯柯达展台成为本届广州车展人气最高的展台之一。作为首发新车亮相的Fabia晶锐家族新成员——全新跨界个性车型Fabia Scout,以更具野性时尚气息的形象展现了百年斯柯达品牌的创新活力,而首次亮相的昊锐2012年度车型、8月上市的明锐2012年度车型以及刚上市不久的新Fabia晶锐则昭示着上海大众斯柯达产品线的全面升级,新Fabia晶锐的形象代言人张靓颖在现场极富动感时尚的演出也进一步彰显了斯柯达这个百年汽车品牌在中国市场迸发出的年轻与活力。
Translation - English The 9th China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition, themed with “Green Technology, Harmonious Future”, was officially unveiled in Guangzhou on November 22nd, 2011. Shanghai Volkswagen ŠKODA (hereinafter “SVW ŠKODA”), with an impressive line-up of 13 models from Superb, Octavia and Fabia families, became one of the highlights at this Guangzhou Auto Show (hereinafter “this Show”). Fabia Scout, a distinctive crossover model and a new member of the Fabia family, made its debut with its more savage and fashionable image, which demonstrated the innovative vibrancy of century-old ŠKODA. Besides, there were also models of Superb 2012 that was staged for the first time, Octavia 2012 that was launched in August and a Fabia model that was released recently, showing that the product line of SVW ŠKODA had been fully upgraded. Jane Zhang, new Fabia’s image spokesperson, gave a dynamic and fashionable performance on the exhibition zone, which added youth and vitality to the century-old ŠKODA.
Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition, one of China's three major auto shows, is held at the end of each year and regarded as a grand gathering with special significance for China's auto market because it bids farewell to the old year and ushers in the new, so its importance is self-evident. Despite the slowdown of China's auto market in 2011, SVW ŠKODA still participated in this Show with a fully upgraded line-up, which indicated ŠKODA’s confidence of the demands for automobiles in China. This confidence derives not only from SVW ŠKODA’s inheritance of ŠKODA’s century-old culture, but also from its innovation capability which has been reflected at this Show. As a joint-ventured brand that is highly promising on China’s auto market, ŠKODA expressed its determination to expand its business presence in China.
English to Chinese: Non-solicitation and Indemnity General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English NON-SOLICITATION
Neither Party shall (except with the prior written consent of the other Party) directly or indirectly solicit or entice away (or attempt to solicit or entice away) from the employment of the other Party any person employed or engaged by such other Party in the provision of the Services or (in the case of Party B) in the receipt of the Services at any time during the Term or for a further period of 6 (six) months after the termination or expiry of this Agreement other than by means of a national advertising campaign open to all comers and not specifically targeted at any of the staff of the other Party.
If either Party A or Party B commits any breach of clause 9.1, the breaching Party shall, on demand, pay to the claiming Party a sum equal to 6 (six) months’ basic salary or the annual fee that was payable by the claiming Party to that employee, worker or independent contractor plus the recruitment costs incurred by the claiming Party in replacing such person.
In addition to any other remedy available to Party B, Party A agrees to indemnify Party B and all other members of its Group in full and on demand and keep them so indemnified from and against all Loss incurred or suffered by any members of the Party B Group as a result of:
(A) any breach of any statutory duty or this Agreement by Party A, any Party A’s Personnel or any Sub-Contractor or any negligent or wrongful act or omission including any delays by any of them;
(B) any claim, action, suit or other proceeding by a third party alleging that the provision or receipt of the Services and/or the Party B Group’s receipt, ownership, use, modification or development of the products of the Services (including the Deliverables) infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of that or another third party anywhere in the world,
except to the extent that such liabilities have resulted as a direct result of the action of any member of the Party B Group.
English to Chinese: Payment and Modifications General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English PAYMENT
In Consideration of the Services to be performed by Contractor under this Agreement and subject to any adjustments pursuant to Section 6 or as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Customer agrees to pay Contractor in accordance with the price structure and terms of payment specified in Exhibit B. The fixed monthly fees stated herein are due and payable, in advance and without demand, beginning on the first day of the month following the commencement of this Agreement, and shall be due on a recurring basis on the first of each month thereafter during the Term of the Agreement. If the agreement does not commence on the first day of the month, a pro-rated portion of the fixed fees accrued during the time from commencement to the first day of the following month shall be due on the first day of the month following commencement. Variable fees stated herein shall be due and payable thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice.
Each Party may, from time to time, propose changes in the scope of the Services to be provided by Contractor under this Agreement, which will be subject to mutual agreement of the Parties. Contractor will advise Customer if any proposed change will result in a change in the price or payments, anticipated schedule of performance, performance guarantees, if any, or have any other impact on cost or performance under this Agreement. Contractor shall not be obliged to proceed with any change until the Parties have agreed upon its effect and signed a written amendment or change order document. Customer will advise Contractor if any of Customer’s obligations under the Agreement are affected by any proposed changes. Contractor has the right to replace Equipment at any time.
English to Chinese: Quality Risks General field: Marketing
Source text - English The External Quality Message Doesn’t Match Internal Practices
There is no substitute for a powerful “tone at the top” but recent corporate crises have shown that tone by itself is not enough to support quality. Companies widely considered to be the quality leaders in their fields have been battered by quality problems, in part because of a disconnect between the company’s message to the public and to its own employees. Toyota has become an iconic example of this “message disconnect.” According to industry experts, Toyota’s leadership set a blistering production pace at the same time it systematically slashed operating costs. Despite the public statements of leaders reiterating the company’s legendary commitment to quality, Toyota’s policies sent a very different and clear message to employees and suppliers: quantity and cost trump quality. The consequences of that unspoken message were played out this year through massive recalls and investigations by national enforcement agencies across the globe.
In many companies, the contradiction between what is said externally and what is instituted internally is less obvious or intentional. David Spong, President of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), offers a telling example of one company’s careless quality message to employees. As a way of reducing its operating costs, that company shuffled departments to maximize the use of space. While Finance, Operations and Strategic Planning retained their offices, the Quality Department was banished to a room originally built to house computer servers.
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Auto/machinery/engineering: Volkswagen, Renault, First Automobile Works, Beijing Automobile Works, Chang’an Automobile, Fangzheng Valve Group, Shanghai Boilers, Sany Group, Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group