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Arabic to English: تطوير التعليم العام في الكويت General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Arabic تطوير التعليم بكل أبعاده ومستوياته المختلفة أصبح حاجة ملحة ومنطلقاً رئيساً لتحقيق الرؤية المستقبلية لتطوير التعليم العام بدولة الكويت، والتي سيكون لها الأثر الكبير في تطوير الأداء التربوي وتجويده بصورة تتواكب مع الطموحات العليا لأمير البلاد صاحب السمو الشيخ صباح الأحمد الجابر الصباح.
تعتبر المدرسة هي الإنطلاقة الأولى في بناء وصفل شخصية الطالب ويعتبر مدير المدرسة من أكثر المتغيرات أهمية في فاعلية العملية التربوية وتطويرها، لذا تركزت الجهود ببناء قيادات تعليمية متميزة لتأسيس فكر قيادي تربوي يكون مرتكزاً ومساهماً في خلق رؤية مشتركة تقود ممارسات وأنشطة فاعلة في التغيير الثقافي المجتمعي والتفاعل معه.
Translation - English Education development with all its aspects and different levels has become an urgent necessity and a key starting point for achieving the futuristic vision for the development of public education in the State of Kuwait. Which will have the huge impact on educational performance and improving it in a way that keeps pace with the supreme inspirations His Highness Sheikh Sabah IV Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait, May Allah protects him, has.
The school is the first breakthrough in the building and refinement of student's personality, the school’s director is one of the most important variables in education process effectiveness and development. Therefore, Efforts are concentrated on excellent educational leadership creation to establish leading educational ideology, that is focused and contributing in developing a common vision, which can lead effective actions and activities in social cultural change and be able to interact with it.
English to Arabic: تأثير التغيير الوزاري على التعليم في الكويت General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English The Cabinet reshuffle has hampered the development of «Education» and returned it to square one; she called it through her participation in the seminar of the Democratic Forum by «The disaster that blew up the projects and the ideas».
Translation - Arabic عبلة العيسى: التغيير الوزاري أعاق تطور «التربية» وأرجعها إلى نقطة الصفر وصفته خلال مشاركتها بندوة المنبر الديموقراطي بـ«الكارثة التي نسفت المشاريع والأفكار»
Arabic to English: Arabic to English translation sample_Qalqashandi General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - Arabic قلت: قد تبين بما تقدم من كلام أبي الفضل الصوري [ما كان عليه الحال في زمنه] والذي عليه حال الديوان في زماننا فيما يتعلق بذلك أن الكتب الواردة إلى الأبواب السلطانية من أهل المملكة وغيرها من سائر الممالك يتلقاها أكبر الدوادارية، وهو مقدم ألف على ما تقدم ذكره في الكلام على ترتيب الديار المصرية ويحضر القاصج المحضر للكتاب من بريدي أو غيره، ثم يناوله للسلطان فيفض ختامه، وكاتب السر جالس بين يديه، فيدفعه السلطان إليه فيقرأه عليه ويستصحبه معه إلى الديوان فإن كان الكتاب عربياً دفعه كاتب السر إلى نائب أو من يخصه بذلك ليخلص معناه، فينعم النظر فيه، ويستوفي فصوله، ويلخص مقاصدها، ويكتب لكل ديوان من الدواوين التي يرفع إليها متعلق ذلك الكتاب ملخصاً بالفصول المتعلقة به في ورقة مفردة، ليجاوب عليها متولي ذلك الديوان بما رسم له من الجواب عنها.
Translation - English I said: it is shown from Abu Al Fadl Al Sowari’s words (The way it was at its time), which is the same state of Diwan at our times, regarding the incoming correspondences to the sultanic divisions from the people of the kingdom and other kingdoms, received by the highest ranking, that they increased a thousand times more than what was mentioned about the state of the Egyptian lands. The carrier of the correspondence is then summoned, then handles it to the Sultan, who unfolds it, in the presence of his secretary, to whom the Sultan handles the correspondence to read and take it with him to the Diwan. If the correspondence was in Arabic, the secretary forwards it to his delegate, or to whom it concerns, to summarize its meaning. he reads it thoroughly, regard all its chapters, summarize its meanings and writes to the concerned Diwans with this correspondence, a summary, of the related chapters in a separate paper to be answered by the president of this Diwan, with what he was authorized to.
Arabic to English: Sample (Terms&Condition)_AR-EN General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Arabic • يقر مقدم الطلب بصحة البيانات والمعلومات المدرجة في الطلب وفي حالة حدوث أي تعديلات عليه يجب إخطار الشركة بموجب خطاب رسمي وفي حالة عدم الإبلاغ يلتزم العميل بما يترتب على ذلك
• إن نموذج طلب التسهيلات وما يحتويه من بنود هو بمثابة عقد ملزم للعميل وتعهد منه بالسداد لقيمة البضاعة الموردة له خلال المدة الموضحة في طلب التسهيلات، ويحق لـ « شركة» في حال الامتناع عن السداد اللجوء إلى الجهات المختصة.
• يلتزم العميل بإخطار الشركة كتابياً في مدة أقصاها 15 يوم من تاريخ الفاتورة وذلك في حالة عدم استلام العميل لكل أو بعض المنتجات المدونة بالفاتورة.
• يتعهد العميل بسداد أية مبالغ مستحقة للشركة في تاريخ استحقاقها بدون أي تأخير حتى ولو لم يتجاوز رصيده سقف الائتمان الممنوح له، ويلتزم بسداد كافة المبالغ المستحقة بضمان الشركة وضمانه الشخصي.
• في حالة نشوب أي نزاع أو خلاف بين الشركة والعميل فإن المحاكم السعودية هي الجهة المختصة في نظر الخلاف طبقاً للأنظمة واللوائح السارية بالمملكة العربية السعودية
• يحق للشركة وفق رغبتها المطلقة زيادة أو تخفيض التسهيل الممنوح للعميل من حيث المبلغ أو المدة ولا يحق للعميل الاعتراض على ذلك.
• يلتزم العميل بمطابقة أرصدته لدى الشركة كل ثلاث أشهر أو كلما دعت الحاجة لذلك وفي حالة عدم المطابقة فإن الأرقام المسجلة في كشوفات الشركة هي التي يعتد بها حال وجود أي خلاف.
• لا تعتبر الفاتورة مسددة مالم يحصل العميل على إيصال (سند قبض) رسمي من الشركة يفيد السداد.
• يوافق العميل على أنه في حال وجود خلاف على فواتير معينة ان لا يمتنع عن سداد الفواتير الأخرى مالم يكن لها علاقة مباشرة مع الفاتورة محل الخلاف
• في حال تقديم شيكات فأنها تعتبر تحت التحصيل، ولا يتم قيدها لحساب العميل إلا عندما يقوم البنك بإخطار الشركة بتمام التحصيل وقيدها لحساب الشركة.
• في حالة إرجاع أي شيك فإن رصيد حساب العميل الإجمالي يعتبر مستحق السداد فورا ً وبالكامل.
• إذا ختم على أي فاتورة من فواتيركم الموجهة إلينا هو بمثابة استلامنا للبضاعة وصحة السعر الوارد بها، بغض النظر عمن قام بالاستلام. لذلك نؤكد لكم التزامنا الكامل بسداد جميع فواتيركم المختومة بختمنا الموضح أدناه مع العلم بأنه في حالة حدوث أي طارئ للختم ولم نشعركم كتابياً فإننا نتحمل كافة حقوقكم المالية المترتبة على الفواتير المختومة.
• اننا نوافق على التسديد خلال ...................... يوما من تاريخ كل فاتورة
• يلتزم العميل بإخطار الشركة فوراً في حال تغير عنوانه.
• في حال وجود تعارض بين النصين العربي والانجليزي فإن النص العربي هو المعتمد
• يعتبر ختمنا على كشف حسابكم بمثابة اعتراف بالدين وكفالة غرم وأداء لمديونيتكم حسب المبالغ الواردة بكشف حسابكم.
• أقر بصحة البيانات والمستندات وأتعهد بتنفيذ جميع شروط التعامل وعليه جرى التوقيع.
Translation - English • The applicant acknowledges the authentication of data and information stated in the application and in case of any amendments occur, the company must be notified by an official letter and in the case of failure to report, the client shall comply with the consequent.
• A request for the facilitation requisition form and what clauses it contains, is a binding contract for the client and a pledge to repay for the value of the goods supplied to him within the period set out in the facilitation requisition form, and the “company” reserves the right in the case of payment abstaining to resort to the competent authorities.
• The client shall notify the company, in writing within a period of 15 days from the invoice date, in the event that a client receiving all or some of the products entitled in the bill.
• The client pledges to repay any payments owed to the company by their due date without any delay, even if it exceeds the total credit ceiling assigned to him, and to repay all payments owed by the company’s and his guarantee.
• In case of any litigation or conflict between the company and the client, the Saudis courts are the competent authority to adjudicate the litigation, according to the rules and regulations in force in Saudi Arabia.
• The company has the right, according to its ultimate desire, to increase or decrease the facilitation assigned to the client in the means of money amount or duration and the client has no right to appeal.
• The client pledges to resemble his stocks in the company every three months or whenever necessary and in case of lack of compatibility "accordance", the figures recorded in the company's entries are reliable, if there is no difference.
• The bill is considered unpaid, if the client did not get an official receipt from the company confirming the payment.
• The client agrees, in cases of any disagreement on specific bills, not to decline to pay the other bills, if they are not related to the bill, which presents the underlying disagreement.
• In case of presenting checks, they will be considered as outstanding or drafted for collection, and they will not be credited to the client’s account unless the bank notifies the company that the collection was conducted successfully and they were credited to the company’s account.
• In case of returning any check, the client’s total account balance is considered payable immediately in full.
• If any bills directed to us from your side was stamped, it will be considered as we received the goods and the authentication of the price stated inside, regardless of whom received it. Therefore, we emphasize on our full commitment to pay all your stamped bills with our underlying stamp below, knowing that in case of emergency in stamping and we did not notify you in writing, we will bear all your resultant financial rights on the stamped bills.
• We agreed on paying within …………… days from the date of every bill.
• The client pledges to notify the company immediately, if his address is changed.
• In case of any disaccord between both the Arabic and English contents, the Arabic content will be the trustworthy.
• Our stamp on your statement is considered as a recognition of the debt and a guarantee to pay it according to the amounts stated in your statement.
• I acknowledge the validity of the data and documents, pledge to all the deal terms and will sign accordingly.
German to English: German to English translation sample_Lease agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - German § 10 Aufzug (soweit vorhanden)
Schadensersatz wegen Nichtbenutzbarkeit des Aufzuges kann nicht verlangt werden bei Stilllegung infolge Stromausfalls, notwendiger Reparaturen, Wartungen oder behördlicher Anordnungen, es sei denn, dass den Vermieter ein Verschulden trifft.
§ 11 Benutzung der Mieträume, Gebrauchsüberlassung
1. Der Mieter darf die Mietsache zu anderen als den in § 1 bestimmten Zwecken nur mit Einwilligung des Vermieters benutzen.
2. Will der Mieter Raume, die gesetzlich nicht mit Rauchwarnmeldern auszustatten sind, zu Schlafzwecken – wenn auch nur vorübergehend – nutzen, so verpflichtet er sich die Nutzungsänderung dem Vermieter anzuzeigen.
3. Der Mieter ist zu einer Untervermietung sämtlicher Mietraume ohne Einwilligung des Vermieters nicht berechtigt (§ 540 BGB). Besteht kein berechtigtes Interesse an einer Teilweisen Untervermietung oder Gebrauchsüberlassung, kann der Vermieter die ist. Die Einwilligung kann befristet und aus wichtigem Grund wiederrufen werden.
4. Die Einwilligung nach § 11 Ziff. 1 und 3 dieses Vertrages soll schriftlich erfolgen.
Translation - English § 10 Elevator (if applicable)
Damages for the inability of the elevator cannot be required closure because of power failure, necessary repairs, maintenance or regulatory arrangements, unless the lessor conducts an error.
§ 11 Use of the leased premises, cession
1. The lessee may use the leased property for other than the purposes specified in § 1, only with the consent of the lessor.
2. If the leased spaces which by law are not equipped with smoke detectors, is used for sleeping purposes - if only temporarily -, so he commits himself to show the lessor the change of use.
3. The lessee is not entitled to a subletting of all leased premises without the consent of the lessor (§ 540 8GB). In case of no legitimate interest in a partial sub-letting or cession, the lessor can refuse the consent (§ 553 BGB). A consent is excluded in particular, as far as, the lessor's aim is unreasonable, and the consent can be temporary and revoked for cause.
4. The consent shall be in writing, pursuant to § 11 point 1 and 3 of this lease agreement.
German to English: German to English translation sample_Medical report General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - German Diagnose: Intraforaminaler Bandscheibenprolaps L3/4 links.
Anamnese: Die Patientin hat seit Februar 2016 Kreuzschmerzen mit Ausstrahlung ins linke Bein
bis zum Knie, sie hat diverse Therapien erhalten, insgesamt ist es etwas besser geworden, zufrieden
ist sie allerdings nicht, da sie doch noch immer wieder Schmerzen hat.
Befund: Druckschmerz links gluteal und paravertebral in Höhe L3/4, keine neurologischen
MRT: Intraforaminaler Bandscheibenprolaps L3/4 links.
Beurteilung: Da die Patientin nicht beschwerdefrei ist, möchte sie die mikrochirurgische OP.
Alternativ ist ihr auch eine periradikuläre Infiltration angeboten worden, wobei hier der Dauereffekt
nicht gesichert ist.
Diagnosis: Disc hemiation L3/4 left sided, indication for microsurgery.
Translation - English Diagnosis: Disc herniation L3/4 left sided.
Medical history: The patient has suffered, since February 2016, from a back-pain radiating in the left leg
up to the knee, she has received various therapies, overall, she has become slightly better, but she is not
satisfied because she still has pain.
Findings: Left-sided pressure pain gluteal and paravertebral at level L3/4, there were no neurological
MRI: Intra-foraminal slipped disc L3/4 on left side.
Evaluation: As the patient is not free of pain, she requires the microsurgical surgery. Alternatively, a
periradicular infiltration has been offered to her, even though the duration effect is not guaranteed.
Diagnosis: Disc herniation L3/4 left sided, indication for microsurgery.
French to English: French to English_Legal sample General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - French II. Agissements reprochés à M. Mukhtar Ablyazov dans le cadre de la présente plainte
5. Présentation générale des infractions commises par M. Ablyazov
5.1. Comme mentionné ci-dessus (§ 4.2), les autorités kazakhes ont identifié plus de 160 ensembles de faits délictuels commis par M. Ablyazov.
Il est à noter que M. Ablyazov a utilisé de nombreux schémas différents pour mettre en œuvre ses opérations frauduleuses. Dans la présente plainte, nous entendons seulement décrire brièvement, à ce stade, trois types de montages imaginés et utilisés par M. Ablyazov au Kazakhstan et au Royaume-Uni.
Ainsi que ci-dessus rappelé, les montages ayant un lien avec le territoire du Royaume-Uni et pour lesquels la compétence des juridictions anglaises a été retenue ont d’ores et déjà été sanctionnés sur le plan civil par les tribunaux de Londres et ont donné lieu à des condamnations de M. Ablyazov et de ses complices s’élevant à ce jour à plus de 4 milliards USD.
Translation - English II. Alleged acts against M. Mukhtar Ablyazov in the context of the present complaint
5. Overview and presentation of the alleged offenses committed by M. Ablyazov
5.1. As mentioned above in (§ 4.2), Kazakh authorities have identified more than 160 sets of tortious acts; committed by Mr Ablyazov.
It is worth emphasizing that M. Ablyazov has used many different schemas to conduct his fraudulent operations. In this complaint, we hear only briefly, at this stage, three types of imagined, used and designed fixtures by M. Ablyazov in Kazakhstan and United Kingdom.
By recalling the above-mentioned notes, fixtures, having a strong connection with the territory of United Kingdom and for which the jurisdiction of the English courts has been selected, had already been sanctioned on the civilian level by courts in London and resulted in convictions of M. Ablyazov and his accomplices amounting to more than $ 4 billion, so far.
French to English: French to English_Financial sample General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - French Les retardataires se sont-ils tous équipés ?
Loin de là... « Nous sommes encore en train d'équiper des TPE », indique Laurent Ouazana, président du directoire du courtier (Ciprès Assurances), qui estime qu'environ 30 % des entreprises ne se sont pas encore conformées à l'ANI. « Il y a probablement entre 15 et 20 % d'entreprises qui ne se sont pas mises en conformité », avance de son côté Christophe Scherrer, directeur général adjoint de Malakoff Médéric, en charge du développement et du marketing stratégique.
Comme les entreprises ne risquent pas grand-chose à rester hors des clous, à part d'être traînées aux prud'hommes, certaines ne se sont donc pas précipitées... Les assureurs se sont aussi trouvés face à un phénomène qu'ils avaient sous-estimé, celui des « coquilles vides ». Certaines entreprises ont bien mis en place des contrats collectifs, mais sans pour autant que (tous) leurs salariés s'y affilient. Beaucoup d'entre eux, en effet, ont fait jouer les clauses de dispense permettant de conserver son assurance individuelle jusqu'à son échéance annuelle ou de rester sur le contrat obligatoire de son conjoint. « Dans les contrats ANI hors branches, le taux d'affiliation tourne autour de 50 %. C'est moins que dans les contrats de branche, où il est d'environ 70 %, et c'est moins qu'attendu », indique Christophe Scherrer.
Translation - English Did the latecomers all equip themselves?
Far away from it ... "We are still trying to equip VSB (very small businesses)", indicates Laurent Ouazana, chairman of supervisory board of insurance brokerage (Ciprès Assurances), which gave an estimation that nearly 30% of corporations have not yet complied with the national inter-professional agreement. "There are probably between 15 and 20% of corporations that have not been in compliance", indicates Christophe Scherrer, Deputy CEO of Malakoff Médéric, in charge of development and strategic marketing.
As companies do not likely risk doing it the wrong way, apart from being dragged to court; some have not rushed ... Insurance providers (brokers) found themselves facing a phenomenon they had underestimated; "empty shells". Some corporations have conducted collective contracts. However, without (all) their employees joining. Many of them, as a matter of fact, have utilized the clauses of exemption permitting them to keep their individual insurance until their annual maturity or to remain on the binding contract of his spouse. "In non-branch national inter-professional agreement level contracts, the membership (enrollment) rate is around 50%. That is less than in branch contracts type, where it is around 70%, and it is less than expected", says Christophe Scherrer.
Years of experience: 12. Registered at May 2015. Became a member: May 2018.
My name is Moustafa Abouelkheir, Egyptian, holder of MSc in Mechatronics Engineering. I've been a professional translator and proofreader for (Arabic to English / German to English / French to English / English to Arabic / German to Arabic / French to Arabic) language pairs for more than 12 years, living in Tallinn, Estonia, a native Arabic speaker. I've translated 2 books and worked on an enormous number of projects throughout those past years.
I translated the book of (Kitab al-Masa'il wa-l-ajwiba), that was written by 'Ammar al-Basri, an early Arabic Christian text, in the eighth or ninth century CE; the version is approximately 270 pages long, and is polemical (although for current purposes it is merely a historical text). I also translated French book: "Karim BELLAZAAR & S. Forbes DAWSON (2012) Reality Taule, au delà des barreaux to English.
While cooperating with more than 50 resources and great company, I translated millions of words in the pairs I mentioned and my experience covers a broad scope of subjects, including legal (contracts, CVs, court documents), medical reports, financial reports (insurance, agreements), technical papers, social topics, documentary movies, sports, political, medical, etc. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have on my e-mail "" to send you samples, recommendation letters, and other qualifications.
Keywords: Translation, proofreading, Arabic, English to Arabic, Arabic to English.