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French to English - Standard rate: 0.06 GBP per word Russian to English - Standard rate: 0.06 GBP per word Italian to English - Standard rate: 0.06 GBP per word
French to English: The Bad Life - Frédéric Mitterrand (Analysis) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - French Dans ce livre, l'auteur décrit le recours à la prostitution. Ce récit, en partie autobiographique, fut l'objet d'attaques en octobre 2009.
Lancement de la polémique
Sorti en 2005, le livre revient dans l'actualité le 5 octobre 2009 lorsque Marine Le Pen, du Front national, invitée de l'émission Mots croisés (dont le sujet est la récidive des criminels sexuels), cite un passage du livre de Frédéric Mitterrand, ministre de la Culture depuis quelques mois.
Frédéric Mitterrand raconte dans ce livre comment un homme en vient à avoir des rapports sexuels avec des garçons qui se prostituent : « J'ai pris le pli de payer pour des garçons », écrit-il (Chapitre 5). Marine Le Pen cite cette phrase du livre puis lit de manière erronée un autre passage issu du chapitre 10 (le chapitre consacré au tourisme sexuel en Asie) : au lieu de « garçons attrayants », elle dit « jeunes garçons très attrayants ». Marine Le Pen lit en réalité le texte de la pétition lancée le 1er octobre par le Front National, texte qui reprend, seulement en partie et sans respecter l'esprit et la syntaxe, le quatrième paragraphe du chapitre 10 de La Mauvaise Vie.
Translation - English In "The Bad Life", the author describes frequenting prostitutes. Though partly autobiographical, the book came under fire in October 2009.
The beginning of the controversy
Released in 2005, the book made news again on 5 October 2009 when the National Front's Marine Le Pen was invited onto the programme "Mots croisés" to discuss the recidivism of sexual criminals. Le Pen quoted Frédéric Mitterrand, who had been appointed as Minister of Culture a few months prior.
In the book, Frédéric Mitterrand writes about how a man comes to have sex with young men who sell their bodies: "I got into the habit of paying for boys” (Chapter 5). After quoting this sentence from the book, Le Pen went on to misquote another passage from Chapter 10 (which deals with the subject of sex tourism in Asia), replacing "attractive boys" with "very attractive young boys". What Le Pen read was actually the text from a petition launched by the National Front on 1 October. This petition partially quoted the fourth paragraph from Chapter 10 of "The Bad Life" without respecting the spirit and syntax of Mitterrand's novel.
French to English: Anti-Semitism in the Chamber of Deputies General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - French Plusieurs de ces députés ne sont pas réélus aux législatives de 1893, qui voient cependant l'entrée de Théodore Denis, Henri Michelin et le vicomte d'Hugues, élu dans les Basses-Alpes et fier d'être le seul « qui ait inscrit dans son programme électoral la question juive ». D'Hugues reste cependant discret à la Chambre.
En mai 1895, plusieurs de ces députés (Théodore Denis, le comte de Pontbriand, Baudry d'Asson) réclament l'exclusion des juifs de la fonction publique, voire de le retrait de leur nationalité française. Ces propositions ne reçoivent cependant que peu d'échos parmi leurs collègues. La presse ridiculise ces deux jours de débat oiseux.
Translation - English Several of these deputies were not re-elected in the 1893 legislative election. They were replaced, however, by Théodore Denis, Henri Michelin and the Viscount d'Hugues, the latter of whom was elected in Basse-Alpes and prided himself on being the only candidate "to include the Jewish issue in his manifesto". However, he kept a low profile in the Chamber.
In May 1895, several of these deputies (Théodore Denis, the Count of Pontbriand and Baudry d'Asson) demanded that Jews be excluded from politics and even that have their French citizenship revoked. These demands, however, were met with little support from their fellow deputies. The press ridiculed these two days of pointless debate.
Russian to English: The Stranger - Max Frei (Summary) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Russian Джуба Чебобарго и другие милые люди
Во второй повести сэр Макс, принятый на службу в Тайный Сыск «ночным лицом» сэра Джуффина и заслуживший за своё первое дело Королевскую Награду, начинает постепенно обустраиваться в Ехо. Однако скоро выясняется, что напротив его дома поселилась странная разновидность нечисти, питающаяся снами и жизнями своих соседей. Вместе с сэром Джуффином и сэром Шурфом Лонли-Локли, ещё одним его коллегой, они обнаруживают эту «разновидность», т. н. фэтана, и уничтожают её. Параллельно сэр Мелифаро ведёт расследование серии похожих краж в различных уголках Ехо, которые приводят его к Джубе Чебобарго, кукольнику, чьи куклы и совершали кражи.
Translation - English Juba Chebobargo and Other Delightful People
By the beginning of the second tale, Sir Max has been awarded the Royal Prize for his first case and taken on the role of Sir Juffin’s ‘Night Face’ for the Arcane Investigators. Just as he begins to settle into life in Echo, he discovers that a strange kind of evil spirit has taken up residence in the house across the street and is feeding on the dreams and lives of its neighbours. With the help of Sir Juffin and another of his colleagues, Sir Shurf Lonly-Lokly, they manage to locate the creature (which turns out to be a ‘Fetan’) and destroy it. Meanwhile, Sir Melifaro looks into a string of similar thefts that have taken place all across Echo. His investigations lead him to Juba Chebobargo, a puppeteer who was using puppets to commit the thefts.
Russian to English: Tour Description for Central Asia Travel General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Russian Предлагаем сразу 4 уникальных тура – групповых комбинированных программ, каждая из которых охватывает 2 страны, и 2 типа отдыха – треккинг и экскурсии. Поедем в красивые горы Памира и Тянь-Шаня налегке и с максимальным бытовым комфортом, а после гор окунемся в грандиозную восточную архитектуру Самарканда, Бухары и Хивы:
1) «Восточный микс» (14 дней/ 16 дней): легкий треккинг с гидом в горах Памира (Киргизия) с проживанием в супер комфортном юртовом лагере у подножия семитысячника – пика Ленина; + экскурсии по городам Шелкового пути - Риштану, Коканду, Ташкенту, Самарканду, Бухаре и Хиве (Узбекистан). Уровень сложности горной части – простой, маршрут осилят все здоровые люди 8-70 лет, будем гулять по потрясающе красивым окрестностям 2 юртовых лагерей, заглянем в гости к местным кочевникам, увидим ледник, эдельвейсы и разноцветные горы, как в Перу.
2) «Восточная сказка про горы и Тамерлана» (14 дней/ 16 дней): красивый треккинг налегке к заповедному озеру Сары-Челек в горах Тянь-Шаня с горным гидом и командой сопровождения; + экскурсионный маршрут, соединяющий Киргизию и Узбекистан – через Ферганскую долину к сердцу империи Тамерлана – Самарканду и далее в Бухару и Хиву. Уровень сложности трека - простой-средний, весь груз, включая личный, перевозится на лошадях, все необходимое снаряжение выдадим бесплатно, а очень вкусную еду готовит повар и его помощники.
3) «Многоликий Восток» (15 дней/ 17 дней): треккинг с гидом и командой сопровождения в грандиозном скальном царстве у подножия пика Аксу (Киргизия) – этот район Памира называют Азиатской Патагонией, только здесь теплее и комфортнее; и далее экскурсионная программа по легендарным городам Узбекистана. Уровень сложности трека - простой-средний, личные вещи и снаряжение перевозятся на лошадях, вся забота о приготовлении пищи и установке лагерей лежит на плечах команды сопровождения, а гости наслаждаются видами и отдыхают.
4) «Фанские горы и Узбекская классика» (12 дней/ 14 дней) живописный треккинг среди разноцветных озер и остроконечных пиков Фанских гор (Таджикистан), на стыке двух огромных хребтов Памиро-Алая – Заравшанского и Гиссарского; и классический маршрут по самым известным историческим городам Узбекистана. Уровень сложности трека - простой-средний, команда сопровождения устанавливает палаточные лагеря, готовит еду, моет посуду и делает всю невидимую работу по жизнеобеспечению экспедиции.
Комбинированные туры предназначены для любознательных туристов, которые любят и горы, и экскурсии. В Средней Азии одно неотделимо от другого – понять суть и всю палитру местной культуры можно только исследовав регион со всех сторон, погрузившись сначала в красоту горной природы, а затем в архитектурное царство человека.
Добро пожаловать в горы и города Средней Азии!
Translation - English Let’s dive right in with four unique tours, all of which are combined group programmes involving two countries and two types of holiday – hiking and sightseeing. We’ll start off in the beautiful Pamir and Tian Shan mountains, travelling light but in maximum comfort, and then immerse ourselves in the grand eastern architecture of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva:
1) ‘An Eastern Mix’ (14 days/16 days): A gentle, guided hike in Kyrgyzstan’s Pamir mountains, with accommodation in a luxurious yurt camp at the foot of Lenin Peak, which stands at over 7000 metres tall + trips to Uzbek towns along the Silk Road, including Rishtan, Kokand, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. Hiking difficulty: gentle, doable for anyone between the ages of 8-70 in good health. You’ll walk around the stunning surrounding areas of two yurt camps, drop by to see some local nomads, and see a glacier, edelweiss flowers and colourful mountains just like the ones in Peru.
2) ‘An Eastern Tale: Mountains and Timur’ (14 days/16 days): A beautiful guided hike to the Sary-Chelek lake in Tian-Shan's nature reservation with an escort team + a sightseeing itinerary spanning Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan through the Fergana Valley to the heart of the Timurid Empire, Samarkand, and then onwards to Bukhara and Khiva. Hiking difficulty: gentle/moderate. Packhorses will transport all baggage, including your own, all necessary gear will be provided at no extra cost, and you’ll be treated to delicious food prepared by our chef and his assistants.
3) 'The Many Faces of the East' (15 days/17 days): A guided hike with an escort team in the rocky realm at the foot of Kyrgyzstan’s Aksu Peak. This area of Pamir is known as the Asian version of Patagonia, but warmer and better for hiking. After our hike, we’ll set off on excursions to see the legendary cities of Uzbekistan. Hiking difficulty: gentle/moderate. All personal items and equipment will be transported by packhorses, and meals and camp setup will be taken care of by the escort team, leaving you to kick back, relax and just take in the views.
4) ‘The Fann Mountains and Uzbek Classics’ (12 days/14 days): A picturesque hike among the multicoloured lakes and jagged peaks of Tajikistan’s Fann Mountains at the intersection of the huge Zarafshan and Gissar ranges in the Pamir-Alay, followed by a classic sightseeing itinerary featuring the most famous historical cities Uzbekistan has to offer. Hiking difficulty: gentle/moderate. The escort team will set up camp, cook your meals, wash the dishes and take care of all the behind-the-scenes work to guarantee the smooth sailing of the expedition.
These combined tours have been put together for curious travellers who love both hiking and sightseeing. These two things are one and the same in Central Asia, as the only way to truly immerse yourself in the local culture is to experience the region from every angle, taking in the stunning mountain scenery before admiring the architectural kingdom of mankind.
Welcome to the mountains and cities of Central Asia!
Russian to English: UX Design for Jinx Design Studio General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Russian Представь ситуацию: Иван Царевич хочет жениться на Василисе Прекрасной. Ему понадобится приложение для регистрации брака.
Твоей команде поручили разработать приложение для пар. Чтобы они могли отправлять друг другу приглашения в ЗАГС, обходить бюрократические препятствия и выбирать время и место регистрации. Project-менеджер составил техническое задание, подробно описал функции. Вроде, всё понятно, и ты на основе ТЗ рисуешь макеты экранов. Но скоро только сказка сказывается, а в подобном подходе есть подвох. Опираясь лишь на функционал, можно упустить важные детали реального поведения пользователя в продукте.
Чтобы по дороге к законному браку Царевичу не захотелось свернуть или отправить приложение в корзину, команда продумывает оптимальный маршрут. Путь пользователя в продукте должен быть интуитивным, лаконичным и бесшовным — потоком простых и логических действий. Это и есть User Flow.
User Flow — сценарий движения пользователя. Дизайнер создает его в виде блок-схемы, наброска макета, детализированного прототипа экранов или гибрида из всего этого.
Задачи User Flow:
отработать сценарии поведения пользователя
показать заказчику и разработчикам, как человек доберется до нужной ему функции
найти способы приятного и легкого движения пользователя к его цели
Translation - English Here’s the situation: Prince Charming wants to marry Cinderella. Looks like someone’s going to need an app to register the marriage!
Your team’s been tasked with making this app for the couple. They need to be able to send each other invitations to the castle’s registry office, get round all that fairy-tale bureaucracy and choose a time and place to register. Your project manager has drawn up an action plan and explained all the features in detail. Everything seems pretty clear, so you follow his instructions and get to drawing up some screen designs. But the King’s castle wasn’t built in a day, and more haste means less speed! If you just focus on the features, you’re not thinking about how real users actually use products.
You don’t want Prince Charming to get cold feet or chuck the app on his way to get married, so your team works out the best route to get him there. Your users’ paths should be intuitive, brief and seamless. They should feel like a stream of simple, logical actions. That’s User Flow.
User Flow is a script for user movement. The designer creates it in the form of a flowchart, layout outline, a detailed screen prototype or a hybrid of all three.
User Flow is designed to:
work out a script for user behaviour
show clients and developers how people get to the features they need
find ways to help make a user’s journey towards their goal simple and enjoyable.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Glasgow
Years of experience: 2. Registered at May 2023. Became a member: May 2023.
I am a British English speaker with a first class degree in French and Russian, awarded with distinction in both French and Russian Oral.
I spent half a year in Brussels, where I worked as a French-English translator and proofreader. I translated a wide variety of texts, but I focused mostly on business, marketing, and self-improvement non-fiction, as well as on literary analyses. The experience as a proofreader allowed me to polish my English skills and master the more subtle differences between English and other languages, particularly punctuation, which unfortunately is often overlooked when translating. I also have experience in interpreting (Russian-English) in a theatre setting as well as in localising CVs for the English-speaking job market.
My word choice here is very deliberate, as I believe that the vast majority of texts should be localised, and not simply translated, for an English-speaking audience. Context is a vital aspect of translation, and I always confer with a client before starting a job in order to produce the best possible translation for their needs.
I pride myself on this approach, and the results can be seen in the satisfaction of my clients; I have had former clients reach out to me for consultations to help with the rebranding of their business for an English-speaking market.
As a TEFL-qualified teacher, I also take a keen interest in the teaching industry, and I have been teaching English, French, Italian and Russian as second languages for the past 4 years. In addition, I am currently learning Portuguese and Japanese with the aim of adding both to my list of working languages.
I only translate to English, as I believe that translating into my native language is the best way to guarantee the quality that my clients expect. However, as I was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, I am comfortable using Scottish English as well as standard British English, and I welcome the chance to incorporate the former into localisation projects when the situation calls for it. Of course, I always tailor the style and language of my translation to match my clients’ needs.
Examples of my translations from French can be found here: