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English to Croatian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.06 EUR per word / 12 - 18 EUR per hour English to Serbo-Croat - Rates: 0.04 - 0.06 EUR per word / 12 - 18 EUR per hour English to Bosnian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.06 EUR per word / 12 - 18 EUR per hour
English to Croatian: Company Quiz General field: Other Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English Compliance – We live by the rules
Compliance Quiz
1. What does compliance mean?
a) Insurance for damage of all kinds
b) Following the external laws and internal rules
c) Money-laundering
2. Who must follow the compliance rules in their daily work?
a) Only employees of the sales departments
b) Only managers
c) All employees, because compliance affects us all
3. If I notice a compliance violation, I should
a) Ignore it
b) Report it to my supervisor, the Help Desk or the Compliance Office
c) Inform the employee newspaper
4. What are the three pillars of the Company Compliance Program?
a) Prevent, Detect, Respond
b) Ignore, Get angry, Shout
c) Implement, Observe, Punish
5. What are the functions of the Compliance Office and the Compliance Program?
a) Ensure and promote the following of external laws and internal rules
b) To examine contracts
c) To train lawyers
6. What consequences face an employee who breaks internal rules?
a) Nothing will happen
b) As in soccer, the manager will warn the employee with a “yellow card”
c) Depending on the severity, the employee will be reprimanded or disciplined
7. Why is compliance so important for Company employees?
a) For calculating annual taxes
b) Because compliance protects against disciplinary punishments, punitive fines, and loss of image
c) It protects the technical specifications of our products worldwide
Answers: 1b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7b
Translation - Croatian Sukladnost – živimo prema pravilima
Kviz o sukladnosti
1. Što znači sukladnost?
a) Osiguranje od svih vrsta štete
b) Pridržavanje vanjskih zakona i internih pravila
c) Pranje novca
2. Tko se mora držati pravila o sukladnosti u svom svakodnevnom radu?
a) Samo zaposlenici prodajnih odjela
b) Samo rukovoditelji
c) Svi zaposlenici jer sukladnost utječe na sve nas
3. Ako uočim kršenje sukladnosti, moram
a) ga zanemariti
b) prijaviti ga nadzorniku, Službi za pomoć ili Uredu za sukladnost
c) obavijestiti o tome novine za zaposlenike
4. Koja su tri stupa Company programa sukladnosti?
a) Spriječiti, otkriti, odgovoriti
b) Zanemariti, biti ljutit, vikati
c) Provesti, pratiti, kazniti
5. Koje su funkcije Ureda za sukladnost i Programa za sukladnost?
b) Osigurati promicanje i poštivanje vanjskih zakona i internih pravila
b) Ispitivanje ugovora
c) Obučavati odvjetnike
6. S kojim će se posljedicama morati suočiti zaposlenik koji prekrši interna pravila?
a) Ništa se neće dogoditi
b) Kao i u nogometu, rukovoditelj će zaposlenika upozoriti “žutim kartonom”
c) Ovisno o težini, zaposlenik će biti ukoren ili stegovno kažnjen
7. Zašto je sukladnost toliko važna za Company zaposlenike?
a) Radi izračunavanja godišnjih poreznih obveza
b) Zato što sukladnost štiti od stegovnog kažnjavanja, kaznenih globa i gubitka imidža
c) Njome se štite tehnički podaci naših proizvoda širom svijeta
Odgovori: 1b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7b
English to Croatian: Hydraulic pumps General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English The vacuum pump is used to reduce oil spillage during maintenance.
The pump creates a vacuum in the hydraulic tank so that the oil remains in the system.
The vacuum pump can also be used to completely empty the machine of hydraulic oil prior to an oil change.
On the right main panel in the cab is an on/off button and an indicator that shows whether the vacuum pump is on or off. Maintenance work
If the vacuum pump is run for long periods air bubbles can form in the hydraulic oil.
These can damage the hydraulic pump.
Start the vacuum pump with the vacuum pump on/off button on the right main panel.
Switch off the vacuum pump.
If the maintenance work requires that the vacuum pump is used for a longer period, once the work is completed the engine should be idled at low speed for a few minutes without activating any functions.
This slowly fills the filter housing with hydraulic oil without forming harmful air bubbles.
Translation - Croatian Vakuumska crpka koristi se za smanjivanje izlijevanja ulja za vrijeme održavanja.
Crpka stvara vakuum u hidrauličnom spremniku tako da ulje ostane u sustavu.
Vakuumska crpka također se može koristiti za potpuno pražnjenje hidrauličnog ulja iz stroja prije zamjene ulja.
Na glavnoj desnoj ploči u kabini nalazi se gumb za uključivanje/isključivanje i indikator koji pokazuje da li je crpka uključena ili isključena.
Radovi na održavanju.
Uslijed dugotrajnog rada hidraulične crpke u hidrauličnom se ulju mogu pojaviti zračni mjehurići.
Oni mogu dovesti do oštećenja hidraulične crpke.
Vakuumsku crpku pokrenite gumbom za uključivanje/isključivanje na desnoj glavnoj ploči.
Isključite vakuumsku crpku.
Ako je radi održavanja vakuumsku crpku potrebno koristiti u dužem vremenskom periodu, nakon završetka radova motor se mora ostaviti da nekoliko minuta radi u praznom hodu bez aktiviranja bilo koje funkcije.
Time će se osigurati usporeno punjenje kućišta filtra hidrauličnim uljem bez stvaranja štetnih zračnih mjehurića.
English to Croatian: Internet protection General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English XXX Anti-Theft protects your personal files from thieves by locking your PC, tracking its location, and securing your files so only you can open them.
XXX Mobile Security protects your mobile device against threats, tracks and locks your device if it’s lost or stolen, and backs up your data so you can access and restore it from the web.
XXX Mobile Security protects your mobile device against threats, tracks and locks your device if it’s lost or stolen, and backs up your data so you can access and restore it from the web.
You can tailor security settings for each child in your family, monitor the sites they visit, and receive alerts when they try to view inappropriate content.
Using and other companies’ services, you can easily print directly from your smartphone, tablet PC or laptop, anytime and practically anywhere even across the globe! For more information about the printing and other services, visit the following address:
Translation - Croatian XXX Anti-Theft štiti vaše osobne datoteke od kradljivaca tako što zaključava vaše računalo, prati njegovu lokaciju i štiti vaše datoteke tako da ih samo vi možete otvoriti.
XXX Mobile Security štiti vaš mobilni uređaj od prijetnji, prati i zaključava vaš uređaj ako ga izgubite ili ga ukradu i arhivira vaše podatke tako da i m možete pristupiti i obnoviti ih s interneta.
XXX Mobile Security štiti vaš mobilni uređaj od prijetnji, prati i zaključava vaš uređaj ako ga izgubite ili ga ukradu i arhivira vaše podatke tako da i m možete pristupiti i obnoviti ih s interneta.
Postavke sigurnosti možete prilagoditi svakom djetetu u obitelji, pratiti stranice koje ona posjećuju i zaprimati upozorenja u slučaju da pokušaju pristupiti neprikladnim sadržajima.
Korištenjem usluge i ostalih usluga tvrtke možete jednostavno izravno izvoditi ispise s pametnog telefona, tabletnog ili prijenosnog računala, u svakom trenutku i praktično s bilo kojeg mjesta na svijetu! Više pojedinosti o ispisu i drugim uslugama potražite na sljedećoj adresi:
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Jan 2003. Became a member: Jul 2005.
Catalyst, DejaVu, Heartsome, Idiom, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Catalyst, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartling, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
PC under MS Windows XP/2000/Vista (few models), ADSL Internet access 2048/256kbps, Wireless access to internet, CD R/W, DVD, scanner HP 3500
Translation work experience:
Translating technical documents, User guides, User manuals, IEC standards and other technical documents, Project documents, Mobile Phone Software Strings, Data Acquisiton Software, and other similar subjects
As a full time-freelance translator I am working mostly for European and World translation agencies and companies.
There is a list of some references
Cisco VoIP products, IP phones (over 100.000 words)
Cisco VoIP Call Manager several series (over 100.00 words)
Vodafone wireless Internet connection software and hardware (10.000)
Mozy application translation (over 10.000 words)
SonyEricsson mobile phone software (over 20.000 words)
Docuware strings and texts translation (10.000 words)
Iskraemeco remote measurement software translation (50.000 words)
Caterpillar user manuals several volumes (100.000 words)
Mazda user manuals several volumes (100.000 words)
Opel automotives several types (50.00 words)
Hitachi excavators (40.000 words)
JCB fork trucks (150.000 words)
Komatsu forwarders and harvesters (60.000 words)
Toshiba air conditioners (50.000 words)
Toshiba electronic and video devices (over 100.000 words)
Briggs & Stratton engines (over 100.000 words)
Wayne and Dalton garage doors (50.000 words)
ABB UNITROL power supply system for generator exciter (50.000 words)
ABB Surge protectors (10.000 words)
HP portable computers (50.000 words)
Canon inkjet printers (30.000 words)
Epson inkjet printers (50.000 words)
Samsung printers and projectors (10.000 words)
Brother printers (10.000 words)
GE Healthcare medical devices, several volumes (over 300.000 words)
…and many, many other under 5000 words projects for different clients …
The translation scope:
User guides for electronic and household devices and appliances (TV, VCR, DVD etc)
User and install guides for Computer devices.
GSM user guides.
Air conditioner user / install guides.
Service manuals.
Software user manuals.
And the other technical documents.
Fields of specialization:
Technical, electronics, computers, user guides and manuals, service manuals for all electric, electronic and other technical devices.
Service and user manuals for Cars, Forktrucks, Excavators and other mechanical and automotive machines.
Technical documents, software, hardware user/install guides.
GSM, TV, VCR, DVD and the other similar devices
Localization of websites, software and hardware.
Keywords: computer, car, automotive, automobile, truck, motorcycle, power electronic, user guide, power supply, GSM. See, car, automotive, automobile, truck, motorcycle, power electronic, user guide, power supply, GSM, electrotechnic, electronic, printer, hardware, software, air conditioner, manual, service, TV, DVD, VCR, camcorder, palmcorder, video, IT, technical, antivirus, antimalware, croatian, english, prevoditelj, računala, automobil, viličar, bager, rovokopač, disk, televizor, projektor, električno napajanje, pisač, hardver, softver, elektronika, elektronički, klimatizacija, sigurnosni list, antivirus, kvaliteta, točnost, brzina, iskustvo, quality, accuracy, promptness, experience. Lego. See less.