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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • Veblen good
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          • Definition(s)
            • A product for which a higher price stimulates increased customer demand. Such items are used to advance the status of the purchaser and provide value other than direct functionality. Common examples include art, wine and jewelry.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Additionally, whether or not foreign workers view Saudi Arabia’s labor market as a Veblen good has different repercussions for the policy’s future effectiveness. For instance, if we assume that the policy’s primary objective has been to curb foreign worker flows into the country, then the policy did not accomplish its goals (yet). - Georgetown Public Policy Review by
            • A Veblen good does not adhere to the traditional laws of price and demand. Below a certain price, the price/demand dynamics are consistent with conventional products – higher prices result in a lower demand. However, above a certain price, this relationship reverses, and demand rises along with price increases. - Forbes by
            • UK housebuilders are marching upwards after Berkeley hiked its shareholder bung. The builder of Veblen-good towerblocks in subprime neighbourhoods will return an extra £455m over the next two years, on top of a £280m per annum already announced. It’ll be in a tax-streamlined B and C share structure that supersedes the current £140m dividend cost, with £500m going back to investors in March 2020 at 400p per share and in March 2021 at 440p. - Financial Times Alphaville by
  • Compare this term in: Arabic, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian

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