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Rapid Improvements in OmegaT

Rapid Improvements in OmegaT

Jan. 13, 2011–OmegaT is a free and open source multi-platform Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tool, with fuzzy matching, translation memory, keyword search, glossaries, and translation leveraging into updated projects. The software uses the standard TMX file format to store and access translation memories.

During the past six months, the volunteer team of developers has implemented many improvements that greatly enhance the effectiveness and ease of use of this terrific CAT tool. The latest version is currently 2.2.3_01.

Some highlights:




OmegaT can be installed on any operating system capable of running version 1.5 of the Java runtime environment. You can download the latest version following the directions at:

The OmegaT Project always welcomes developers, localizers, and users to contribute their experience, knowledge, and insights to the software we release. All work is done by volunteers. Translators are needed to localize the site and documentation, since in many cases the currently available localization has not kept up with major programming changes.

    For more information:

    Search the archive under Technical forums: OmegaT support:

    The best way to get help is to join the Yahoo users' group at: