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            • i papërshkueshëm nga puplat, pushi
          • Definition(s)
            • Pëlhura e papërshkueshme nga puplat dhe pushi është një pëlhurë e endur dendur në një mënyrë që lejon ajrosjen por, pengon depërtimin dhe daljen (e padëshiruar) të puplave dhe pushit të shpendëve, që përbëjnë mbushjen e jastëkëve ose jorganëve. Own research - by Albana Dhimitri
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 1)What is Down? Down is warm and light. It is the soft fluffy undercoating of waterfowl that traps the body's natural warmth and protects birds from the elements. The down grows next to the body of the goose or duck, underneath the protective layer of feathers. Each down cluster is made up of thousands of light, fluffy filaments but without a quill shaft. The down cluster is three dimensional and does not contain a quill shaft. Because of this structure down clusters can loft without matting together. Lofting or filling up space is what creates trapped air and keeps us warm. In every pound of feather there is only four or five ounces of down. Pound for pound, down is nature’s most efficient insulator. Simply put: Down is a soft and fluffy substance found beneath the breast feathers of ducks and geese. Down is an extremely light insulator that keeps duck and geese (and humans when used in bedding products) warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 2)What is Down Proof? Fabric with a 230 thread count or higher is considered down proof which means it has low air permeability, which prevents down and feathers from leaking out from the inside. - campusbedding by Albana Dhimitri
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