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    • Spanish
      • Petroleum Eng/Sci
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          • Term
            • Porosidad
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          • Definition(s)
            • Volumen de espacios vacios dentro de la roca que pueden ser ocupados por fluidos (agua, gas, petroleo,etc). Se expresa en porciento del volumen total de la roca. Por ej. 20% de porosidad significa un 20% de espacios vación dentro de la roca. Own research - by caere
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La porosidad útil es, en general, inferior en un 20-50% a la total, dependiendo, sobre todo, del tamaño de grano de la roca: cuanto menor sea este tamaño de grano, más baja será la porosidad útil respecto a la total. También influye la forma de los granos. - monografí by caere
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    • English
      • Petroleum Eng/Sci
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            • porosity
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            • The volume of spaces within rock that might contain oil and gas (like the amount of water a sponge can hold); the open or void space within rock – usually expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume. Thus porosity measures the capacity of the rock to hold natural gas, crude oil or water. Canadian Association Petroleum Producers
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The porosity profile in any individual well depends on the maximum effective stress, which is generally determined by the maximum burial depth. - U.S. Geological Survey
            • Carbonate reservoirs have lower values of median and maximum porosity for a given burial depth, probably because of greater chemical reactivity of carbonate minerals relative to quartz and the resulting lower resistance to chemical compaction and associated cementation. - GeoScienceWorld
            • Porosity and permeability reduction due to burial and compaction acts differently on different sediment types. Sandstone is more resistant to porosity and perm reduction due to compaction, whereas shales and siltstone are generally more prone to perm reduction. - All Experts
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    • Chinese
      • Petroleum Eng/Sci
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            • 孔隙度,孔隙率
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            • 又称孔隙率。土或岩石的孔隙体积与包括孔隙在内的土或岩石的总体积之比。 孔隙度 - by Yurek
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 计算每种材料的孔隙度,方法是用能倒入烧杯中的水的体积除以材料的总体积。然后用百分数表示结果。 例如,如果能在 350 ml 的砾石中加入 90 ml 的水,孔隙度则为 90 ml ----------- = .2571 = 25.71% 350 ml - 孔隙度 by Yurek
            • 又称储层孔隙率。衡量油气储层岩石中所含孔隙体积多少的一种参数,孔隙度反映岩石储存流体的能力,通常用(D表示。单位是用百分数或小数表示的比值,依其所指孔隙类型的不同,又可分为总孔隙度和有效孔隙度。最常用的是有效孔隙度故因而直称其为孔隙度,它是评价储油层和计算储量的一个重要指标。影响孔隙度的因素主要是颗粒大小的差异(分选程度)、排列方式(主要反映压实程度)、颗粒形状、胶结程度及类型、粘土含量等,而与颗粒直径的大小无关。由等直径球粒堆积成的理想体,无论其粒径大小,只要它们的排列方式相同,其孔隙度是一样的,数值介于25 9%~47 6%之间。天然砂岩的孔隙度最大不超过40%,一般为16%~30%;碳酸盐岩孔隙度在3%~30%之问;松散粘土的孔隙度可以高达40%~50%以上,甚至更高。储油层按其孔隙度的大小可划分为以下五等:>20%,极好;15%~20%,好;l0%~l5%,中等;5%~l0%,差;<5%,极差。 - 储层孔隙度 by Yurek
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