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    • English
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        • Term
          • lung infiltrate
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        • Definition(s)
          • Also pulmonary infiltrate. From a pathophysiological perspective, the term "infiltrate" refers to “an abnormal substance that accumulates gradually within cells or body tissues” or “any substance or type of cell that occurs within or spreads as through the interstices (interstitium and/or alveoli) of the lung, that is foreign to the lung, or that accumulates in greater than normal quantity within it”. Radiopaedia
        • Example sentence(s)
          • But CT usage, which can show a hazy lung infiltrate indicative of COVID-19, is, itself, not hazard-free. Beyond the risks from radiation exposure, heavily used machines can themselves become infected and spread the virus. - DotMed by
          • Category 3 includes persons with severe disease, RR more than 30, Spo lesser than 93, Pao2/Fio2 lesser than 300, lung infiltrate higher than 50 per cent of lung within 24 to 48 hours. - New Indian Express by
          • However, on March 20 doctors said that he had significant lung infiltrate and respiratory distress. He was then transferred to an intensive care unit for isolation treatment. - Taiwan News by
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    • Croatian
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        • Term
          • plućni infiltrat
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          • Ponekad u području tkiva može postojati kondenzacija, u nekim slučajevima može doći i kod nekog organa, na primjer u plućima. Brtvljenje nastaje zbog akumulacije krvi ili stanica u zasebnom području. Ova bolest će se zvati infiltrirati. medicinski portal - by Sandra Burgsteiner
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Plućni infiltrati mogu se pojaviti iz raznih razloga. Trećina pacijenata imala je mehanički učinak, dok je druga trećina imala infiltraciju pluća kao rezultat penetracije odontogenih infekcija. - medicinski portal by Sandra Burgsteiner
          • Eozinofilna pneumonija, zvana i plućni infiltrati s eozinofilnim sindromom (PIE), je skupina plućnih bolesti u kojima se u povećanom broju u plućima, a obično i u krvnoj struji, pojavljuju eozinofili (poseban tip bijelih krvnih stanica). - medicinski priručnik by Sandra Burgsteiner
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