| Topic | Poster Replies (Views) Latest post |
| Poll: Have any of your clients gone out of business over the past year? | 9 (3,146) |
| Poll: How often do you usually buy new dictionaries or reference material? ( 1... 2) | 19 (4,934) |
| Poll: How have your rates changed over the last 3 years? | 3 (1,511) |
| Poll: Do you pick up new words for your translations from the media (TV, radio, cinema, etc.)? | 11 (2,930) |
| Poll: Formal or friendly: which do you most use with new clients? | 9 (2,662) |
| Poll: Are you sending cards and/or presents to your clients for the holidays? ( 1... 2) | 15 (3,820) |
| Poll: Do you plan on working or being available during the Christmas and year-end holidays? ( 1... 2) | 16 (4,175) |
| Poll: Do you keep record of all the projects you've worked on? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,595) |
| Poll: What is the sound environment like in your workspace? ( 1... 2) | 20 (4,927) |
| Poll: Would you prefer to spend more, or less, time translating than you currently do? | 11 (2,566) |
| Poll: When learning something new for work, in general I prefer: | 9 (2,380) |
| Poll: What has been the longest period when you had little or no work? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,663) |
| Poll: In your experience, which of these is most time-consuming? | 11 (2,613) |
| Poll: Who do you prefer working for? | 12 (2,947) |
| Poll: Should a freelancer observe their local holidays? | 12 (3,002) |
| Poll: Have you done a translation of a language you can't speak with an automatic translator? ( 1... 2) | 21 (5,071) |
| Poll: Worst phobia afflicting language professionals? ( 1... 2) | 21 (5,123) |
| Poll: Do you accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment? | 10 (2,736) |
| Poll: Do you have professional goals for the coming year? | 7 (2,056) |
| Poll: Do you have some skills that "go to waste" as a freelance translator/interpreter? | 9 (2,501) |
| Poll: When a client is dissatisfied, I can usually correct the problem to their satisfaction. | 5 (1,921) |
| Poll: Is your reading material lately related to your work? | 9 (2,449) |
| Poll: Does your work volume increase or decrease around this time of year? | 9 (2,369) |
| Poll: On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your work-life balance? | 12 (4,245) |
| Poll: Do you think you offer better value than average in your language pair? ( 1... 2) | 21 (4,830) |
| Poll: Would you recommend any books on freelance translation to beginners? | 13 (3,265) |
| Poll: Have you suffered from burnout this year? | 8 (2,217) |
| Poll: Is getting started as a freelancer more difficult than in other jobs? | 12 (2,773) |
| Poll: Work-wise, has 2017 been better, or worse, than 2016? | 10 (2,541) |
| Poll: How many fingers do you use for typing? ( 1, 2... 3) | 30 (9,388) |
| Poll: Do you think today, in the Internet age, it is necessary to have business cards? ( 1... 2) | 17 (5,399) |
| Poll: Are you currently living outside the country in which you were born? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,078) |
| Poll: Approximately what percentage of the first draft of your translations makes it to the end unchanged? ( 1... 2) | 19 (4,573) |
| Poll: Have you studied the semantic and/or syntactic differences between your source and target languages? | 10 (2,764) |
| Poll: Have you ever seen one of your old translations and been shocked at how bad it was? | 7 (2,109) |
| Poll: Has LinkedIn proved useful to you in getting work? ( 1... 2) | 18 (5,215) |
| Poll: Which of these traits is most important to a good translator/interpreter? ( 1... 2) | 18 (4,643) |
| Poll: Has Facebook proved useful to you in getting work? | 9 (2,611) |
| Poll: Have contacts you made at powwows or other translator gatherings led to work? | 7 (2,040) |
| Poll: In the Venn diagram of quality, price and speed, where would you place yourself? | 13 (3,308) |
| Poll: Would you work on a project that is specifically aimed at improving machine translation? | 14 (3,226) |
| Poll: Have you ever received a complaint about the quality of your work from a client? ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,147) |
| Poll: Negative feedback from a client is just a chance to improve my services: ( 1... 2) | 16 (4,637) |
| Poll: Do you ever worry about carpal tunnel syndrome? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,319) |
| Poll: What kind of payment issue do you most often encounter? | 11 (2,700) |
| Poll: In which currency do you prefer to be paid? | 4 (1,782) |
| Poll: How much non-work time do you spend on the internet? | 8 (2,322) |
| Poll: How many clients have you had to "fire"? | 12 (2,828) |
| Poll: Have you ever been overly confident of your translation abilities? | 6 (2,070) |
| Poll: Is there a field you would like to specialize in that you are not already? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,265) |