| Topic | Poster Replies (Views) Latest post |
 | Poll: To how many professional translation associations do you belong? ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,285) |
 | Poll: Are you planning a career change, out of translation? | 12 (5,684) |
 | Poll: How long should a fair translation test be? ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,585) |
 | Poll: How many active clients do you have at the moment? | 10 (3,463) |
 | Poll: In general, have your rates over the last 12 months gone up, gone down, or stayed the same? | 7 (2,931) |
 | Poll: How do you socialize as a freelancer who works alone at home? ( 1... 2) | 20 (6,009) |
 | Poll: Which state-funded initiative for the protection of minority languages is most cost-effective? ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,401) |
 | Poll: You get a dream job offer but must travel to a far-away country for the duration of the project. ( 1... 2) | 24 (6,726) |
 | Poll: What to you see as the biggest threat to your business income? ( 1... 2) | 23 (8,982) |
 | Poll: In the future, large translation service providers... | 13 (3,900) |
 | Poll: Do you have a website/brand and use it with a paid email provider (e.g. myname@mysite.com)? | 14 (4,334) |
 | Poll: Do you provide your clients with your TMs related to your projects if they ask for them? ( 1... 2) | 23 (6,511) |
 | Poll: Do you have a degree higher than an undergraduate degree (such as an MA, PhD, etc)? | 10 (3,607) |
 | Poll: How much of the work you receive is created by non-native speakers, in your opinion? | 10 (3,292) |
 | Poll: Do you find it helpful having a webpage or a blog to get more jobs as a freelance translator? | 6 (2,696) |
 | Poll: Have you ever questioned the quality of your work? | 12 (3,880) |
 | Poll: Have you ever been asked to quote on the same document by different clients? | 14 (4,023) |
 | Poll: How many Blue Board ratings have you made for outsourcers you've worked with? ( 1... 2) | 20 (6,125) |
 | Poll: Have you ever purchased software which turned out to be useless to you? | 10 (3,474) |
 | Poll: Have you found it difficult to get clients to provide public feedback or testimonials for you? | 10 (3,533) |
 | Poll: How many hours are there in a reasonable freelancer's work day? | 10 (3,418) |
 | Poll: Do you have a network of experts who help you with difficult terminology/understanding? | 6 (2,523) |
 | Poll: Have you ever contacted the owners of your favorite websites or products to offer your services? | 9 (3,199) |
 | Poll: Have you ever acted as a mentor to less experienced translators? | 4 (2,160) |
 | Poll: Do you ever dream in the language(s) in which you are not native? | 9 (3,259) |
 | Poll: Do you find yourself mentally translating when you read something in your source language? | 11 (3,916) |
 | Poll: Do you feel like you have just the right number of clients at the moment? | 6 (2,520) |
 | Poll: Are you learning a new language now (for work or for fun)? ( 1... 2) | 23 (6,640) |
 | Poll: Have you ever received a gift or a bonus from a client? | 14 (4,181) |
 | Poll: Do you offer additional services (beyond translation) to your clients? ( 1... 2) | 21 (6,554) |
 | Poll: Do you find working for clients outside your country more lucrative than domestic clients? ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,272) |
 | Poll: How would you rate your computer skills? | 10 (3,666) |
 | Poll: How many new client inquiries have you had so far this year? | 11 (3,646) |
 | Poll: Would you pay a translator the same rate you charge for a very large text for your private affairs? | 11 (3,781) |
 | Poll: Which payment times do you apply the most? | 13 (3,705) |
 | Poll: Do you use cloud-based storage for work? | 12 (3,653) |
 | Poll: How does your current project affect your general mood? ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,562) |
 | Poll: How would you rate the first part of 2017 professionally? ( 1... 2) | 23 (7,371) |
 | Poll: How often do you receive small, minimum charge jobs? | 12 (3,817) |
 | Poll: Do you make exceptions and translate into your source language? ( 1, 2... 3) | 35 (10,529) |
 | Poll: Have you ever worked for a client who never paid you? ( 1... 2) | 23 (6,664) |
 | Poll: On average, what percentage of your total working capacity are you using? ( 1... 2) | 18 (5,904) |
 | Poll: How far into the future are you currently booked? | 10 (3,413) |
 | Poll: How old is the photo in your profile? | 14 (4,154) |
 | Poll: How do you feel when a client doesn't address you by your name in the head of emails? ( 1... 2) | 20 (6,680) |
 | Poll: Have you ever attached the wrong file when delivering a translation? ( 1... 2) | 22 (6,639) |
 | Poll: What motivates you most in your trade? ( 1... 2) | 17 (5,829) |
 | Poll: Do you think that raising kids can be an obstacle to succeeding as a freelance translator? ( 1... 2) | 20 (6,311) |
 | Poll: Do you use pen/pencil and paper for work anymore? | 10 (3,339) |
 | Poll: Do you set aside time in your work day for exercise? ( 1... 2) | 23 (6,800) |