| Topic | Poster Replies (Views) Latest post |
| Translation Office 3000 or Xero? | 7 (3,124) |
| Word count tools for web pages? | 8 (5,021) |
| How can I get an ISO 1700 education certificate? | 3 (2,061) |
| Downloadable dictionary that I can use offline | 5 (3,193) |
| how to download glossaries | 2 (1,998) |
| Ordering online ATA practice tests - Multiple Options to Choose From - How do I choose? | 8 (4,110) |
| What software do you use to look for terms in reference documents? | 9 (3,658) |
| Learn how to translate with FoundCAT | 4 (2,922) |
| https://www.wikiwords.org/ google chrome privacy error - work ( 1... 2) | 16 (7,578) |
| Does anyone still use paper dictionaries? ( 1, 2... 3) | 37 (13,979) |
| Participation needed for answering questions regarding cloud-based TM systems for a presentation | 0 (852) |
| Blog article on building terminology (German-English) | 0 (899) |
| Specialized dictionaries | 5 (2,750) |
| Diatopix: are there any other geographical distribution tools out there? | 7 (3,233) |
| Euroglot software - anyone used it? | 2 (1,894) |
| Where do I find PDF files to practice translation? | 3 (2,120) |
| Koran (le Coran): French-English | 6 (2,931) |
| Acronyms Master PRO (very useful to scan/find undefined acronyms in src docs prior to translation) | 4 (2,872) |
| Webster's Online Dictionary - The Rosetta Edition | 3 (4,402) |
| English-Ukrainian-Italian-Latin Vocabulary of Main Trees | 0 (4,081) |
| Is Adobe Export PDF any better than other PDF converters? | 6 (4,467) |
| Impossible d'ouvrir Termium en ligne / Unable to open Termium online | 5 (2,638) |
| Wanted CMS or Wordpress plugin for translator | 2 (1,817) |
| Saarland University website (ecolotrain) down? | 5 (4,983) |
| What's the most user-friendly CAT software? ( 1... 2) | 22 (12,618) |
| Glossary | 10 (4,085) |
| Recommendations for subscriptions to academic articles? (medical) | 6 (3,013) |
| Fr-En online legal resource needed | 4 (2,172) |
| Good old Paper dictionaries! | 2 (2,054) |
| Corpora extraction and/or analysis tools for professional translators | 4 (2,466) |
| Help sourcing Spanish text for dissertation | 4 (2,603) |
| Off-topic: Resource: How to diversify service offerings in the new gig economy | 5 (2,600) |
| Wikipedia blacked out in Italy ( 1... 2) | 16 (6,734) |
| Online Nice Classification Resource? | 2 (1,532) |
| Off-topic: Survey on translation resources | 0 (6,139) |
| Medical dictionary English-German | 7 (2,833) |
| Concordance generator for linguists | 8 (2,936) |
| Model Contract for Freelance Translators | 12 (27,467) |
| ATA test study group ENG-SPA | 0 (790) |
| Looking for screenplays / movie scripts | 1 (1,449) |
| Article on translation | 2 (1,593) |
| Urgently need the book JEUX DE RÔLE POUR L'INTERPRÉTARIAT DE LIAISON in english and French | 2 (1,594) |
| Book related suggestions for Dialogica in English and French | 2 (1,442) |
| How many hits on Google | 6 (3,272) |
| Is there a way to download the contents on a Web site? | 10 (3,521) |
| Looking for Glossary of financial / business / economic terms. EN>SPANISH (online or PDF format) | 1 (3,783) |
| ParaCrawl corpus released (as .tmx) on OPUS corpora website! (Dutch>English .TMX = 2.5 million TUs!) | 6 (3,025) |
| Translation agencies that post assignments rather than email? | 11 (7,400) |
| About Slate (TM) | 13 (5,243) |
| Hebrew frequency list with example sentences | 0 (1,247) |