How many programs/platforms should a freelance translator know/be acquainted with?
Thread poster: S_G_C (X)
S_G_C (X)
S_G_C (X)
Local time: 20:37
English to Romanian
Sep 18, 2023

These agencies are driving me nuts nowadays.

Some want Trados Studio (licensed).
Others want MemoQ.
Others want OmegaT.
One or two wanted Wordbee, which they would provide and teach me how to use it (never happened).
The latest one (like a few minutes ago) wants Across.

And then there are those who require freelancers to register with them in order to gain access to their platform and their internally designed translation tool(s).

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These agencies are driving me nuts nowadays.

Some want Trados Studio (licensed).
Others want MemoQ.
Others want OmegaT.
One or two wanted Wordbee, which they would provide and teach me how to use it (never happened).
The latest one (like a few minutes ago) wants Across.

And then there are those who require freelancers to register with them in order to gain access to their platform and their internally designed translation tool(s).

I am so tempted to use irony on them...

Tomasz Sienicki
Tomasz Sienicki  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
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Consider memoQ Sep 18, 2023

memoQ can process files and packages from SDL Studio, STAR Transit, Memsource/Phrase and many other CATs (via xlf files) so that you don't need to buy all of them.

Wolfgang Schoene
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua
Local time: 18:37
Member (2015)
English to Portuguese
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This is all part of a translator's job Sep 18, 2023

With regard to CAT tools, I don't see any problem in getting to know them all and using them. I've done myself it before, and I still do it, when it's needed.
However, you only need to work with one of them because there is the so-called interoperability between these tools, meaning that you can receive a project in Trados and translate it with another CAT tool.
As for the platforms, if they really are the translation agency platforms on which projects are assigned, sent and paid for
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With regard to CAT tools, I don't see any problem in getting to know them all and using them. I've done myself it before, and I still do it, when it's needed.
However, you only need to work with one of them because there is the so-called interoperability between these tools, meaning that you can receive a project in Trados and translate it with another CAT tool.
As for the platforms, if they really are the translation agency platforms on which projects are assigned, sent and paid for, I don't see the problem either... on the contrary, translators want to be paid on time for their work!
If you don't want to be registered on any platform or working with a CAT tool, the only thing you can do is reply saying you're not interested or simply delete their email and move on with your life.
The only thing I decline is working with any kind software installed on my machines to track my performance or progress of my translation tasks.
I also don't work with certain CAT tools developed by clients or other ones that I consider they don't assist me the way I want.
It's up to you to limit and select what is good for you and what is not.
Everything such as CAT tools, portals, contracts, translator forms, invoicing systems, etc... This is all part of a translator's job.

[Edited at 2023-09-18 11:27 GMT]

Emanuele Vacca
Kevin Fulton
Ester Vidal
Stepan Konev
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Lieven Malaise
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:37
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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How many? Sep 18, 2023

As many as he/she needs to…

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:37
Member (2008)
Italian to English
None Sep 18, 2023

Just as I wouldn't tell my dentist what tools to use, I don't accept work from anyone who tells me what tools to use for translating.

Jennifer Levey
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Christine Andersen
P.L.F. Persio
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
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English to Afrikaans
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@S Sep 18, 2023

S_G_C wrote:
These agencies are driving me nuts nowadays. ...

I hear you. There was a time when subject was the only specialism that clients asked for, but that time has been past for at least a decade now. Fortunately, there is much greater potential interoperability between many of the CAT tools than there used to be. Sure, you can't do everything in every tool, but in my experience clients are aware of how they can work with translators who use multiple tools and send them files in a format that they can handle. When you have time and money, try getting a license for a second or third tool, but in the meantime just be honest with clients about what you can and can't deliver, and keep on searching for agencies that value your service.

P.L.F. Persio
S_G_C (X)
S_G_C (X)
Local time: 20:37
English to Romanian
Only Sep 19, 2023

It's not about interoperability.

It's about them insisting that I ONLY use what they tell me to use and, ofc, them choosing someone else because I might have never heard of their tool of choice in the first place, let alone be familiar with it.

Wolfgang Schoene
Wolfgang Schoene  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
Member (2007)
English to German
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Hum, Sep 20, 2023

Tom in London wrote:

I don't accept work from anyone who tells me what tools to use for translating.

Given the current recession in translation work I don't think it's clever to not accept work for this reason.
My advice is to get a tool that rules them all (yeah, just like the (in)famous ring).
Ok for not accepting online tools, I hate them too, but if a customer asks for Studio, Studio he gets as I'm not telling him that I use MemoQ or Cafetran or FizzyWhizzy to process his sdlppx files, and as long as I deliver compatibility with his tool, I don't see the point.
I know that different tools have different segmentation, sometimes, but that's a risk to take.

[Edited at 2023-09-20 15:37 GMT]

Gauthier Casimiro
Gauthier Casimiro  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
English to French
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Doesn't matter that much anyway Sep 21, 2023

Honestly, once you know one tool, you can pretty much use any of the others. It's a matter of minutes to find where the different buttons and what the different shortcuts are, but they're all pretty similar.

Also, pretty much 90% of the industry uses either Trados, MemoQ, or Phrase/Memsource. The rest is more or less negligible.

Vi Pukite
Nourhane Atmani
Nourhane Atmani
Local time: 13:37
English to Arabic
+ ...
Well Oct 4, 2023

It depends on your niche and what expectations your clients have

Local time: 00:37
English to Khmer (Central)
+ ...
Hi Oct 6, 2023

I have around 4 to 6 platforms that I use daily. However, if I have any complicated task I could use even more.

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Easy Oct 14, 2023

I tell people that I am very familiar with CAT tools and use MemoQ daily, but can and will easily figure out any others that they wish me to use *IF* they can provide at least a 4-digit dollar amount of work there.

If not? MemoQ or a docx file.


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How many programs/platforms should a freelance translator know/be acquainted with?

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