Dictionary of medical surgical terms - English-Chinese
Thread poster: fang liu
fang liu
fang liu
Mar 9

General Surgery 普外
appendectomy (appendicectomy) 阑尾切除术
cholecystectmy 胆囊切除术
cholecystostomy 胆囊造⼝术
drainage of the abscess 脓肿引流
enterostomy 肠造⼝术
exploratory laparotomy 开腹探查术
gastrectomy 胃切除术
gastroduodenostomy 胃⼗⼆指肠吻合术
hemorrhoidectomy 痔切除术
hepaticotomy 肝管切开术
hepatectomy 肝切除术
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General Surgery 普外
appendectomy (appendicectomy) 阑尾切除术
cholecystectmy 胆囊切除术
cholecystostomy 胆囊造⼝术
drainage of the abscess 脓肿引流
enterostomy 肠造⼝术
exploratory laparotomy 开腹探查术
gastrectomy 胃切除术
gastroduodenostomy 胃⼗⼆指肠吻合术
hemorrhoidectomy 痔切除术
hepaticotomy 肝管切开术
hepatectomy 肝切除术
herniorrhaphy 疝修补术
ligation of lower oesophageal veins 低位⻝管静脉结扎
pancreatectomy 胰切除术
portal vena cava anastomosis ⻔腔静脉吻合术
pyloroplasty 幽⻔成形术
mastectomy 乳房切除术
splenectomy 脾切除术
thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术
thyroid lobectomy 甲状腺叶切除术
vagotomy 迷⾛神经切断术
Orthopedics ⻣科
amputation 截肢
arthrodesis 关节固定术
curettage if bone tumor ⻣瘤刮除术
excision of bone tumor ⻣瘤切除术
external fixation 外固定
fasciotomy 筋膜切开术
free skin graft ⾃由⽪瓣移植
internal fixation 内固定
plaster cast ⽯膏管形
plaster splintage ⽯膏夹板固定
prosthetic replacement for joint ⼈⼯关节置换术
reduction of fracture ⻣折复位
reduction of joint dislocation 关节脱位复位
repair if ligament 韧带修补
replantation if digit断指再植
skeletal traction ⻣牵引
tenorrhaphy 腱缝合术
Thoracic Surgery 胸外科
aortocoronary bypass 主动脉冠状动脉分流
closed drainage of pleural cavity 胸腔闭式引流
complete intracardiac repair of Fallot's Tetralogy 法洛完全修复

dilation of aortic valular stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄扩张术
exploratory thoracotomy 开胸探查
heart transplantation ⼼脏移植
heart valve replacement ⼼脏瓣膜置换术
ligation of patent ductus arteriosis 动脉导管未闭结扎术
lobectomy of lungs 肺叶切除
local excision of tumor of lungs 肺肿瘤局部切除术
parial esophagectomy and reconstruction of esophagus
repair of auricular septal defect 房间隔缺损修补术
repair if ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损修补术
repair if valvular insufficiency 瓣膜闭锁不全的修补
pericardiectomy ⼼包切除术
peicardiotomy ⼼包切开术
pulmonary embolectomy 肺动脉栓⼦切除术
resection of arterial aneurysm动脉瘤切除术
Urology 泌尿科
cystoplasty 膀胱成形术
cystostomy 膀胱造⼝术
nephrectomy 肾切除术
renal biopsy肾活检
renal transplantation肾移植
urethroplasty 尿道成形术
vasoligation 输精管结扎术
Neurosurgery 神经外科
decompression 减压术
excision of brain tumor 脑瘤切除术
exploratory craniotomy开颅探查术
lobectomy (脑)叶切除术
removed of intracranial hematoma 颅内⾎肿清除术
repair of dura defect 硬脑膜缺损修补术
Dentistry ⽛科
dental prosthetics 镶⽛
filling ⽛填充
orthodontic treatment ⽛矫正术
periodontal treatment ⽛周治疗
tooth extraction 拔⽛
Gynecology & Obstetrics 妇产科
amniocentesis ⽺膜穿刺术
cervicectomy ⼦宫颈切除术
cesarean section 剖宫产术剖腹产
culdocentesis 后穹隆穿刺术
dilatation of the cervix 宫颈扩张术
excision of Bartholin cyst 巴⽒腺囊肿切除术
hysterectomy ⼦宫切除术
induction of labor 引产术
ovarian cystectomy 助产术
oophorectomy 卵巢切除术
salpingectomy 输卵管切除术
sterilization 绝育术
uterine curetlage 刮宫术
vulvectomy 外阴切除术
Ophthalmology & Otorhinolaryngology 五官科
aspiration of cataract ⽩内障吸出术
closed reduction of nasal bone ⿐⻣闭合复位
corneal grafting ⻆膜移植
enucleation of eyeball 眼球摘除术
excision of turbinates ⿐甲切除术
extraction of intra-ocular foreign body 眼内异物摘除
laryngectomy and laryngostomy 喉切除术和喉造⼝术
lens extraction 晶体摘除

Yi Cao
Yi Cao  Identity Verified
New Zealand
Local time: 07:12
Chinese to English
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Dictionary of medical surgical terms - English-Chinese

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