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Search results: (431 matches)
Language Industry Events & Announcements Book presentation in Madrid - «El vestido rojo de Yohana y otros cuentos» by Susana Cano Méndez I'm glad to announce the presentation of my new
book «El vestido rojo de Yohana y otros
cuentos», on Friday 25th October 2019, 6.30
pm. Place: Librería Burma C/ Ave María,
Susana E. Cano Méndez Oct 23, 2019
Spanish Traducción de un símil en un libro para niños Calabaza Hola, Fede. A mí me ha sonado enseguida a algo
que es demasiado grande para sus cabezas y muy
naranja (¿Metáfora el sol ardiente?). Pero
claro, no soy una niña (esto dicho por aclar
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 27, 2019
French Grecque par opposition à grec Right [quote]Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen wrote: Masculin :
grec Féminin : grecque (sans
l'accent) [/quote] Yes, you are right, sorry!
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 16, 2019
French Grecque par opposition à grec Français, anglais donc grec Bonjour Yogim. Je ne comprends pas le
problème: on ne dit pas «écrit en
*française/*anglaise», donc on ne peut pas dire
«écrit en *grècque.» C'est un nom et non pas
un adje
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 15, 2019
Spanish Uso de guiones intercalados Guiones Buenos días, Ángel. La RAE no admite estos
guiones. Por lo tanto, es mejor ponerlo sin
guiones. Yo te aconsejaría que si dudas con
alguno, pongas un sinónimo (cuando sea posible).
Susana E. Cano Méndez Nov 26, 2018 bugs Invoicing issues Hello, I have just made an invoice. I have chosen
Save And Send and I have been told that I hadn't
selected a client, which was not true. I have
selected it twice more. Seeing that it was
Susana E. Cano Méndez Oct 29, 2018
Spanish ¿qué os parece el error de traducción en la demanda de Puigdemont? Traducción y política Yo, como traductora jurada de francés, no puedo
juzgar la intencionalidad de nadie. Tu pregunta va
más allá de la traducción para iniciar una
conversación política que aquí no tiene
Susana E. Cano Méndez Aug 29, 2018
Scams Scam: THREAT Blackmail OMG. This is blackmail. Have your friend reported
it to the police and to Proz? Thanks for warning
us. [I have just seen your friend has

[Edited at 2018-07-22 11:31 GM
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jul 22, 2018
CafeTran support CafeTran Espresso 2018 Akua released ty [quote]Igor Kmitowski wrote: There is a chance
you still have those segments in Project memory or
project backup file. You would need to contact the
support to help you. [/quote] Th
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 27, 2018
CafeTran support CafeTran Espresso 2018 Akua released Lost [quote]Igor Kmitowski wrote: Export your
current translation and close the program.
[/quote] Done it but nothing has been saved :(.
I have lost my work.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 27, 2018
CafeTran support CafeTran Espresso 2018 Akua released Troubles saving the project, the glossary and the TM! Hello again. I'm working on a project with
CafeTran Akua but the system keeps on saying that
there is an error while saving the project, the
glossary and the TM. I don't know what to do,
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 27, 2018
CafeTran support CafeTran Espresso 2018 Akua released Sorry [quote]Jean Dimitriadis wrote: Hello
Susana, The statement that the previous version
of CT "is not working" is a bit
vague[/quote] Yes, I apologize for this. I
meant it doesn'
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 26, 2018
CafeTran support CafeTran Espresso 2018 Akua released Download Hello Igor, Since Akua was released, my
previous version of Cafetran -got from Plus Proz
subscription- is not working. Where can I download
Akua now? Is it included in Proz
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 25, 2018 directory Sworn translators Idea An idea would be to validate the credentials of
being a sworn translator/interpreter and specify
in which country, since what date, under what
circumstances and with which attributions. In
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 4, 2018 directory Sworn translators Sworn translator Hello, Kevin. It would be a nice idea to
implement. I would add in the search what kind of
certificate we bear: through examination, through
degree or through homologation of a foreign
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 4, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do when you find errors in a translation after delivering it? It depends If it's a typo, I always rely on the corrector's
job and I say nothing. If it's a major mistake, I
tell the client and send a new file. In most
cases, the client is happy to know that the
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 31, 2017 suggestions Why do I have to prove that I´m not a robot every time I want to enter the forum? No captcha I haven't been prompted to verify I'm not a robot
this morning! Hooray!
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 29, 2017 suggestions Captcha verification No captcha No Captcha this morning, thanks a lot :) Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 29, 2017 suggestions Captcha verification T-shirt [quote]Jean Dimitriadis wrote: I already
picture a T-shirt slogan saying: "I'm not a robot,
I'm a translator" :-) [/quote] I want one!
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 25, 2017 suggestions Captcha verification Thanks @Victoria I would have bet on it... @Tina I
agree. Besides, I feel a bit 'fallen in
disgrace' after clicking more than one screen of
presumed street signs... Are my username, my
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 24, 2017 suggestions Captcha verification Hello, has anyone had a bad experience with the
captcha system? For some reason my logging in has
taken several minutes instead of some seconds. I'm
not sure I want this.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 24, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you done a translation of a language you can't speak with an automatic translator? Yes, for private use Hello all, Thank you for answering to my
poll. I have asked this question because most
of us know automatic translators that can improve
our productivity in the pairs we work in. But
Susana E. Cano Méndez Nov 29, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your reading material lately related to your work? No I'm reading in Spanish "Muerte accidental de un
anarquista" by Dario Fo.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Nov 25, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Is this true for translation? Spain As we say in Spain, 'la duda ofende' (I'm offended
by your lack of faith)... I'm a sworn translator
and a teacher in translation for more than 25
years. Those who can, do... and some of
Susana E. Cano Méndez Oct 17, 2017
Scams Sofia Porte / Ann Broklyn - scam from new users claiming to be freelancers in France Thanks [quote]Natalie wrote: Hi folks, This is a
banned outsourcer from Latvia who keeps creating
fake profiles (a few more have been removed
earlier today). The profile and the email addr
Susana E. Cano Méndez Oct 8, 2017
Scams Sofia Porte / Ann Broklyn - scam from new users claiming to be freelancers in France Same e-mail Dear Thomas, I have just received the same
e-mail. I have laughed at 'If you know both,
you can get 2 projects!' They know they can
tantalize us with more than one project. This is a
Susana E. Cano Méndez Oct 8, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: You get a dream job offer but must travel to a far-away country for the duration of the project. I'd travel ... And I did in 2012 to Côte d'Ivoire. Just 7-10
days with two more colleagues from two
universities to teach translation at a private
school in Abidjan. I had a great time, I learnt a
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 29, 2017
In memoriam Siegfried Armbruster RIP I'm sorry for the loss, Jared. Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 28, 2017 Translator Coop Announcing a new "What I am working on" feature Thanks [quote]Lucia Leszinsky wrote: Hi
Susana, Since "What I'm working on" is a
profile-related feature, a direct link to your
posts is available at the top of you profile
page. In
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 14, 2017 Translator Coop Announcing a new "What I am working on" feature Quick access Hello, I would appreciate an access to wiwos at
the menu that drops when hovering the cursor on
our name (picture). Would it be possible or is
the feature already there (and I haven't s
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 14, 2017
Linguistics Need help to identify this language. No idea Hello, no idea about the language, but I have done
a search with Google
631122/ Hope it helps.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 14, 2017 Translator Coop New Plus package benefit: Free download of Henk Sanderson's IATE terminology packages Thanks I wish to express my thankfulness to Henk, who has
granted TM-Town permission (under a specific
agreement, I suppose) to release these glossaries
for free.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 3, 2017
Spanish Traduccion jurada de solo un parrafo de un documento España [quote]María José Iglesias wrote: En este
caso, podrías quitar de tu juramento el término
"COMPLETA". [/quote] En España no se puede
modificar la diligencia o certificació
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 28, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Being an ATA-certified translator... Don't know Since I'm Spanish and not American, I can't know
if it helps. But I'm not a member either of
ASETRAD (Asociación Española de Traductores,
Correctores e Intérpretes)- although I'm a Swor
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 9, 2017
Spanish Traducción de una página web Presupuesto Buenos días, Laura. Las tarifas son libres y
tienes aquí las tarifas medias de los
profesionales de Proz: Pase lo que
pase, las sigas o no (
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 2, 2017
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Traducir para estudiantes, es ético? Pregunta al revés Buenos días. Aunque la ética es algo
individual y esta práctica no entraría en mis
supuestos, ya que soy profesora de traducción y,
por lo tanto, evaluadora, tengo una pregunta par
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How many payment methods do you provide for clients? 3 Cash, wire transfer and PayPal. But most of my
clients prefer wire transfer.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 26, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Where do you most prefer to work? No discussion At home, with the cat pounding on the keyboard for
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 24, 2017
Translator resources Is there an English-Spanish glossary consisting solely of a list of criminal charges? Not just criminal charges but... Hello, Robert, if you wish, I can send you a
glossary, a part of which is about criminal
procedure. I paste an image. It's not a big
glossary but it's from a

Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 20, 2017
CafeTran support Import target document OK [quote]Igor Kmitowski wrote: mean Import
(not Export). In that case, you wish to import the
already translated target file as the translation
in another project, right? It is not
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 17, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you learning a new language now (for work or for fun)? Planning Always planning to learn a new language (I can
speak a bit a portuguese, so it would be a good
idea to go continue, or maybe italian, or
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 16, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think SEO translations are a legitimate job? I see now [quote]Chris S wrote: SEO is writing in a way
that gets more Google hits, so logically SEO
translation would be writing your translation in
that same way. [/quote] Thank you Chris
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 14, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think SEO translations are a legitimate job? I don't know... How translating for SEO Birdlife might be a
nuisance for me or other people ;) . Eager to read
further comments on this poll, because I haven't
got a clue.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 14, 2017 membership Another question about Certified Pro status Ok [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: Why not simply
place the seal next to the pair(s) rather than the
name? [/quote] This is a good idea indeed!
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 12, 2017
CafeTran support Import target document Hello, does anyone know if there is a way to
import an already translated document as the
target file in CafeTrans? I know I can import a
bilingual document (previously aligned I suppose),
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 12, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Why are you a translator? Other It's really one of the subjects I'm good at since
school, at the Lycée Français in Madrid. My
career was always language-oriented as an adult: I
specialized at the university in Linguist
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 10, 2017
Translator resources Rubric for evaluating difficulty of translations Some useful parameters As a philologist, I can tell you that a text may
increase, not its difficulty, because it's a
subjective feature (as our colleagues John and
Sheila are pointing out) but its complexity:
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 6, 2017
Linguistics Welcome or Welcome To Both + 1 Hello, 1. "Welcome" may be a convention:
"Welcome *,* S. dealers". 2. "Welcome" may be a
verb: "(We) welcome S. dealers". 2. "Welcome" may
be a noun: "(We give a warm) welcome *to* S
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 21, 2017
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Examenes de traductor jurado Desagradable [quote]Álvaro Espantaleón wrote: - Me
sellan traducciones por 0.02-0.04 por palabra.
Esto es, reciben traducción y original y
verifican y sellan. El precio indicaría que no le
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 19, 2017
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Examenes de traductor jurado @Maria (y Natalia) Aquí está la web con todo (incluidos exámenes
de otros años):
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 17, 2017

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