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Search results: (35 matches)
Lighter side of trans/interp Future business Why not? [quote]Jan Truper wrote: [quote]Boris Rogowski
wrote: (Take that, Yngwie!) [/quote] In
1994, fresh after getting my diploma in Electric
Guitar from Guitar Institute of Technology,
Boris Rogowski May 9, 2023
Lighter side of trans/interp Future business There is an ambivalent aspect [quote]Baran Keki wrote: Is this meant to be a
joke[/quote] Well, the post is my actual reply
to an actual job offer, so whether or not it is a
joke remains to be seen (as it really
Boris Rogowski May 9, 2023
Lighter side of trans/interp Future business Hi xxx, thanks for your mail! I have
forwarded the project info (huge project, 0.0165
EUR per word, non-negotiable) to my machine
translation model (Mezzopiano) who does 1000w in
Boris Rogowski May 9, 2023
Wordfast support Spell check: I cannot add terms to dictionary WF Support? I think it's a crying shame that these issues
still haven't been sorted out. I have raised this
problem with WF support multiple times now and
never even received an answer. Now we have 2.
Boris Rogowski Aug 11, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What are your favorite munchies while you work? Gummi bears No doubt. Boris Rogowski Mar 27, 2011
Wordfast support Adding terms to the Hunspell dictionary in WF Pro 2.4.1 (Mac!) That's not what I meant Thanks esperantisto, but that's not my problem. I
know how to add entries via a text editor, but I'd
like to add them "on the fly" via the WordFast
Spellchecker. In the Windows version, wh
Boris Rogowski Mar 1, 2011
Wordfast support Adding terms to the Hunspell dictionary in WF Pro 2.4.1 (Mac!) Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone will be able
to help me with a question about the Mac version
of WordFast Pro (I'm using 2.4.1, the latest
version): Apart from the missing option of
Boris Rogowski Feb 28, 2011
Off topic What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? American Beauty Road to Perdition, Revolutionary Road... god how I
hate Sam Mendes. Interestingly, I really like some
of the movies named in this thread, most notably
Salò (true, you can't *like* this on
Boris Rogowski Oct 13, 2009
Literature / Poetry The 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature Pynchon Pynchon clearly deserves the Nobel Prize, in fact
he probably should have been awarded it a long
long time ago... I can't see how someone who wrote
Gravity's Rainbow had to wait that long
Boris Rogowski Oct 8, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help Problem with TM lookup in Idiom Desktop Workbench ( Hello all! I have a problem with the TM Lookup
feature (Ctrl + L) in Idiom Desktop Workbench. It
is supposed to look for either the entire segment
(which works fine) or for single selec
Boris Rogowski Aug 21, 2009
Off topic What would you do now if had not existed. Right [quote]Kevin Lossner wrote: But life's too short
for me to waste on such things. If some young
upstart wants to step in and grab most of my
business by writing better sounding, more accur
Boris Rogowski Aug 18, 2009
Off topic Finally: life imitates art! Link broken Link broken? Boris Rogowski Aug 4, 2009
Being independent The translators' world, a world of the lonesome ? Count the blessings Let me, will you? No subpar coffee, no morons,
no office hierarchy, no second-hand smoke (as
Kevin already pointed out; but I can always visit
my balcony for a first-hand one), no commu
Boris Rogowski Aug 4, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Translation: a lonely world? Solitude "I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part
of the time. To be in company, even with the best,
is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be
alone. I never found the companion that
Boris Rogowski Jun 25, 2009
Linguistics What are the easiest and the most difficult languages in the world? Thanks [quote]Jeff Whittaker
Boris Rogowski Jun 22, 2009
Linguistics What are the easiest and the most difficult languages in the world? Navajo anyone? The Navajo language is considered to be among the
hardest languages to learn, I think. After reading
about the Code Talker paradox in "The Atoms of
Language" (a book I warmly recommend to
Boris Rogowski Jun 22, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp What music do you listen to when you translate? Depends on the translation, but: High Llamas, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Tortoise, The
Sea & Cake, Eric Satie, J.S. Bach
Boris Rogowski Jun 17, 2009
Wordfast support Wordfast Pro v. 2.2.0 is painfully slow Really? [quote]Kristyna Marrero wrote: [quote]Boris
Rogowski wrote: Sorry for hijacking this
thread, but has that annoying Remote TM bug been
taken care of in this release? I had to downgrad
Boris Rogowski Jun 16, 2009
Wordfast support Wordfast Pro v. 2.2.0 is painfully slow Remote TM? [quote]Kristyna Marrero wrote: Hi
Everyone, We have released version and
it is available for download
at . This
new build addresses
Boris Rogowski Jun 14, 2009 technical support Alleged random feature "Featured Pro" Word [quote]Aniello Scognamiglio wrote: Are you
aware that being featured for 15 minutes (!) only
"twice in a lifetime" is close to
nothing? Exposure? What exposure?
[/quote] Aniello
Boris Rogowski Jun 14, 2009
German Staatl. gepr. Übersetzer - Welche Chancen habe ich als Quereinsteiger? Korrekt [quote]Kevin Lossner wrote: [quote]Lila24
wrote: Sehr schade, denn ich werde bald nach
London ziehen. [/quote] Umso mehr Grund auf die
IOL-Prüfung zu konzentrieren, die soweit ich<
Boris Rogowski Jun 14, 2009
German Staatl. gepr. Übersetzer - Welche Chancen habe ich als Quereinsteiger? DipTrans [quote]Lila24 wrote: Ich wuerde gerne die
Pruefung fuer den staatl. gepr. Uebersetzer
ablegen, da ich in London aufgrund eines fehlendes
Honours Degrees meinen Dip Trans (IOL) leider
Boris Rogowski Jun 14, 2009
German Wenn der eigene Perfektionismus zum Raubbau an der Gesundheit führt - Erfahrungen, Lösungen? Rückzieher [quote]Aniello Scognamiglio wrote: [quote]Boris
Rogowski wrote: Manche Machwerke im Rahmen von
Lektoratsaufträgen wecken in mir sogar
Gewaltphantasien, über die ich hier (nimm mir
Boris Rogowski Jun 13, 2009
German Wenn der eigene Perfektionismus zum Raubbau an der Gesundheit führt - Erfahrungen, Lösungen? Anja, zunächst einmal: ein gesunder Perfektionismus
kann nicht nur nicht schaden, sondern ist für
eine einsame, größtenteils selbstbestimmte
Tätigkeit wie das Übersetzen vollkommen
Boris Rogowski Jun 12, 2009
Off topic A song that puts a smile on your face Pavement - Harness your hopes Definitely a big smiler: "Show me / a word that
rhymes with Pavement / and I will kill your
parents / and roast them on a
w Or may
Boris Rogowski Jun 5, 2009
Being independent Being freelance and being isolated Henry David is right (as always) "I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part
of the time. To be in company, even with the best,
is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be
alone. I never found the companion that
Boris Rogowski Jun 5, 2009
Trados support Error in MultiTerm Convert Thanks all! I've tried Jerzy's suggestions but none of them
worked. I'll give this Perl script a shout
though. And yes, it was saved as .xls, 2003
Boris Rogowski Dec 9, 2008
Trados support Error in MultiTerm Convert When I try to convert an Excel file in MultiTerm
Convert I get the following error message after
specifying the location of the source file and the
target file locations: "Assertion Fai
Boris Rogowski Dec 9, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you use the Internet for mostly? Reed's right Emule is dangerous. Go for Bittorrent instead
:) [quote]Reed D. James wrote: [quote]John
Cutler wrote: I mostly use the Internet for
work and sending emails. It's also useful f
Boris Rogowski Oct 10, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Does a picture in your profile increase your chances of being contacted by outsourcers? Interesting A picture might or might not be a criterion for an
outsourcer, I really don't know. But this topic
might spawn an interesting debate as to what
somebody might be looking for in a translato
Boris Rogowski Sep 19, 2008
Trados support Shifted text in .inx files Thanks, but... Thank you, but no... this has nothing to do with
the frame sizes. The text is really misplaced,
e.g. it appears in the wrong row or

[Edited at 2008-06-26 07:27]
Boris Rogowski Jun 26, 2008
Trados support Shifted text in .inx files Hello everybody! Does anybody have experience
with and/or an explanation for this
problem: After opening an .inx file in
TagEditor 8 and saving it again some text elements
in the
Boris Rogowski Jun 25, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a favorite word in each of your languages? Please share! the fist ones I can think of are German: "Schindluder" English:
"Milkshake" Simple as that :)
Boris Rogowski Feb 29, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp A wonderful allegory: "talk to huey on the great white telephone" I have something I want to share with all of you:
k+to+huey+on+the+great+white+telephone After
the initial ten-minute choking fit I ju
Boris Rogowski Feb 16, 2008
German Frage zum Thema "Referenzen" Hallo zusammen! Ich habe folgende Frage: Ich
arbeite seit einigen Monaten als freiberuflicher
Übersetzer für ein Übersetzungsbüro und weiß,
dass man dort mit meiner Arbeit sehr zuf
Boris Rogowski May 12, 2007

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