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Danish to English Education / Pedagogy Translation Glossary

Danish term English translation
afgangsprojekt graduation project
akademiingeniør inden for bygningsretningen Bachelor Engineering (BEng) in Civil Engineering
ALLMENNLAERARUTDANNING teacher's certificate
alment dannende providing a broad all-round education
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
arbejds- og erhvervslære the business community
årselev full time equivalent pupil/student
Beredskabsstyrelsen the Danish Emergency Management Agency
bestået / godkendt pass / satisfactory
Entered by: David Rumsey
bestyrelsesuddannelse Agricultural and Environmental Management
blive til hold are divided into teams
bundne prøvefag compulsory core subjects
bygningskonstruktør construction designer
Entered by: Pernille Chapman
Cand. it. Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology
Entered by: Tomasz Sienicki
Clarification of sentence please Suggestion
containerfag omnibus subject
Daghøjskoler- og produktionskoler adult vocational training schools
dansk natur the Danish countryside, the Danish environment
Entered by: Christine Andersen
Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværk Danish University Teachers Network
Danske Erhvervsskoler Danske Erhvervsskoler (Danish vocational schools)
de etiske værdier, man handler på baggrund af the underlying ethical values
degn village schoolteacher
Delkarakter mark
den rette ånd (The rules are to be interpreted in) the spirit in which they were written
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Diplomøkonom (HD) Bachelor of Business Administration/Management
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
diplomingeniør B.Sc. in Engineering
eksamensbekendtgørelsen notice of examination
Ekstern lektor associate professor
erhvervsgymnasiale uddannelse Vocational secondary education
Entered by: EC Translate
erhvervsgymnasiale uddannelser Commercial Upper Secondary Education
Erhvervskostskolen the occupational boarding school
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
erhvervsrettet voksen- og efteruddannelse vocational adult and further education
Faget fortsættes på 2. hf. højere forberedelseseksamen
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
faglig sparring professional sparring
folkeskolen primary and lower secondary school
Entered by: Michele Fauble
Folkeskolens udvidede afgangsprøve Final exam from the public school
forsøgsordningen Experiemental scheme
forsvare (in this context). argued
frikøb workload reduction
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
frikøbe (in this context) redeem
FSA Final school examination
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