Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 52 results
A Critical Pāli Dictionary Online
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Data Center for the Humanities and Pali Text Society |
A Critical Pāli Dictionary Online is maintained by the Data Center for the Humanities at the University of Cologne in cooperation with the Pali Text Society. The project was originally carried out by the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS) at the University of Copenhagen. It has been set up again in 2016 by Marcello Perathoner ... View more
Hematology Glossary
American Society of Hematology |
Monolingual dictionary of hematology terms For Patients- Blood Basics
Technical terminology English-Dutch-English Forest- and Nature Management, Land-, Water- and Environment Management, Green amenities
Y.Bloem, M.T. van Rees, H. Slootjes, Dutch Chapter van de ISA - International Society of Arboriculture |
English to Dutch & Dutch to English glorrasy on Forest- and Nature Management, Land-, Water- and Environment Management, Green amenities (143p).
Pali-English Dictionary (PED)
Pali Text Society |
Electronic version of Rhys Davids and Stede's Pali-English Dictionary, first published 1923.
Около 500 терминов.
Около 400 терминов.
Около 200 терминов.
Англо-русский велосипедный словарь
Павел Протопопов |
Около 500 терминов.
Glosario Radiológico del Tórax
Fleischner Society |
A very well organized and illustrated glossary designed to give users background on chest radiographs.
English Macedonian IT Abbreviations_FINAL
Ministry of Information Society |
List of abbreviations used in Information Technology.
English Macedonian IT Glossary_FINAL
Ministry of Information Society |
ISPER Glossary
This is the glossary of informatics terms for the Information Society Portal of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Region UN-ESCWA. HTML format, no search function.
The Occult Glossary
G. de Purucker |
A glossary focussed on occultism, magic and ceremonial magic. English only.
社団法人日本外科学会 / Japan Surgical Society |
Terms for Civil Engineering
Korean society of civil engineers |
This site offers English and Korean terms for civil engineering.
Glossary of Terms & Acronyms
South East Tourism Society |
Glossary of tourism terms and acronyms (south east USA).
Glosario Teosófico en Español
Theosophical Society | http://www.blavatskycardiff.care4fr...
Un glosario de términos varidos usados por la teosofía
Glossary of Nuclear Terms
Winfried Koelzer (European Nuclear Society) |
Glossary of nuclear terms, with explanations.
An Intelligent Database for Standard Chinese Computing Terminology
Hong Kong Computer Society |
Slovenian Society Informatika |
Dictionary of Informatics
International Hydrofoil Society
International Hydrofoil Society |
Glossary of Hydrofoil Terms. The term Hydrofoil has been translated into several languages (but only that word). Other than that it is a monolingual English resource.
Transportation Glossary specific to UK
London and North Western Railway Society |
Glossaries of terms, classes of locomotives and people
Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
Gary Parkinson, Ph.D. and Robert Drislane, Ph.D. | http://socialsciencedictionary.nels...
Social science terms and their definitions. Contains entries with a focus on Canadian society.
Cancer-related terms
American Cancer Society |
European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions |
The EMIRE database is the online version of the European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries, which explain the national industrial relations systems of the EU member states through their terminology. There are glossaries for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Port... View more
Русско-английский глоссарий по информационному обществу / English-Russian Glossary on Information Society
Institute of Information Society, Russia |
A joint project of The British Council in Russia, Institute of the Information Society - Russia and Russia Development Gateway Project (Grant # CG 012 of the infoDev Program of The World Bank). Authors: Prof. Dr. Dmitry S. Chereshkin, Tatiana V. Ershova, Dr. Yuri E. Hohlov, Nikolai V. Krivoshein, Dr. Andrei S. Mendkovich, Dr. Marina V. Moiseeva... View more
La Théorie du Renversement propose une analyse de l'expérience de la vie quotidienne, montrant qu'une personne normale présente des personnalités différentes à différents moments, ce qui signifie que cette personne verra le monde et s'y comportera de différentes façons, selon ces différents moments. Ces divers types de personnalité (les « styles mo... View more
These names are presented to assist you in naming your special foal. We don't consider ourselves experts in this language and have taken time to get the best translations for each name listed, with the assistance from our Arabic speaking friends. Many are older Arabian horse names from Classical Arabic spoken at the time, some from colloquial Arabi... View more
English - Greek Dictionary of Astronomical Terms
Hellenic Astronomical Society |
H. P Blavatsky |
Monolingual glossary of theological and philosophical terms.
Heart Surgery Terms
Society of Thoracic Surgeons. |
Heart Surgery Terms
Glossary of Meteorology
American Meteorological Society |
The Glossary of Meteorology purports to define every important meteorological term likely to be found in the literature today.
Brain Glossary
Society for Neuroscience - reproduced by BBC |
The website contents accompanied the Reith Lectures of 2003. There is a monolingual dictionary of brain related terms as well as an interactive brain and the lectures themselves.
Astronomical Glossary
Jordanian Astronomical Society |
A glossary of astronomical terms from the Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS) -previously known as the Jordanian Amateur Astronomers Society- founded in 1987.
The glossary is English-monolingual, however the overall site contains information in Arabic-English, as well.
An Chnocad�ireacht
Club n� Na Cnocad�ir� (Hill-walking society) |
Useful glossary on hillwalking, sports clothing and and weather terms
Scientific glossary
The Royal Society |
English-monolingual general scientific glossary that includes a great number of acronyms, as well.
Glossary of terms used in phillumeny
British Matchbox Label and Booklet Society |
PHILLUMENY is the hobby of PHILLUMENISTS. Phillumenists collect matchbox labels, skillets, matchboxes, matchbook covers, matchbooks, and other forms of match packaging as well as match strikers, match holders, matchbox holders and matchbook holders. (See our Glossary). Many phillumenists are interested in other aspects of the match industry and ma... View more
Fantastic for translators and scholars.. can compare versions and languages within seconds.. most sophisticated..
The Canadian Cancer Society's Glossary has been developed to help you understand cancer related words or phrases. The Glossary is available in English or French and each word or phrase can be printed.
Glossary of Stage Combat Terminology
Society of American Fight Directors |
This glossary of terms is used by special arrangement with the Society of American Fight Directors and might be helpful for movie and play translators.