Jul 16 10:56
2 mos ago
14 viewers *
English term

A&E Middle Grade

English to Polish Other Medical (general) stanowisko
podpis lekarza konsultanta - po nazwisku A&E Middle Grade - czy ma to jakiś odpowiednik w języku polskim? Średni personel SOR - czy wymyślam :)


geopiet Jul 16:
rezydent dyżurny ?? Once completing ST1 & 2 or CT1 & 2, junior doctors can carry on their training with ST3+ roles. - https://www.proz.com/kudoz/english-to-polish/medical-general...


Droga angielskiego „rezydenta” do specjalizacji jest nieco dłuższa.
W tym czasie tzw. „CT1 i CT 2” są wynagradzani miesięcznie kwotą 3038 funtów brutto.
Każdy kolejny rok odlicza się numerami ST3 do ST6 i można powiedzieć, że ten lekarz najbardziej odpowiada polskiemu rezydentowi po pierwszych 2 latach specjalizacji. - https://oilgdansk.pl/polecamy/o-zarobkach-rezydentow-w-polsc...


SOR szpitala, gdzie rezydenturę odbywa dany lekarz, może taki staż realizować, jeżeli posiada stosowaną akredytację. Inną możliwością świadczenia pracy w ramach SOR przez lekarza rezydenta z zakresu chirurgii ogólnej jest pełnienie dyżurów w ramach modułu specjalistycznego (od trzeciego roku specjalizacji). - https://cowzdrowiu.pl/aktualnosci/post/prawnik-wyjasnia-dele...

Proposed translations

26 mins

młodszy lekarz ostrego dyżuru

middle grade doctor
middle grade doctor A junior doctor in the UK who has more experience than a senior house officer (SHO, now FY2), but less than a consultant. Middle grade doctors include staff grade, clinical fellows and specialist registrars (ST1, ST2, ST3).
https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/middle grad...

Accident and emergency (A&E) doctors are the first point of contact for anyone arriving to A&E. On a daily basis, you'll be working closely with new arrivals to quickly evaluate and assess the extent of people's injuries, and what the best treatments will be.

ostry dyżur {m}EN
A and E ER accident and emergency emergency department emergency room hospital emergency departmenthttps://en.bab.la/dictionary/polish-english/ostry-dyżur#goog...
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1 hr

lekarz dyżurny SOR

Middle Grade A&E Doctor

Are you a registered doctor who can keep a cool head in even the most pressured of circumstances? Medacs Healthcare is looking for talented medical professionals who are comfortable in taking control of emergency situations to work as an A&E Doctor at the prestigious Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. - https://www.medacs.com/jobs/76845-Middle-Grade-AE-Doctor/


The clinical accommodation on comprises fully equipped, modern 4-bed resuscitation areas. There is a separate resuscitation bay for children. All examination rooms are fully equipped side rooms. The department is well supported by Consultant and middle grade doctors throughout the 24 hours. There is 24 hour middle grade cover on the floor and consultant presence till 10pm daily. - https://madeinheene.hee.nhs.uk/Portals/12/Trusts/North Tees/...


Between 20 May and 3 August 1999, each A&E department was contacted by telephone, and a request was made to speak to an A&E SHO (or middle grade if no SHO was available). - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1964381/pdf/128... - page 2 (left column)


7) Lekarz dyżurny SOR, w myśl § 12 ust. 2 rozporządzenia MZ ws. SOR, to ordynator SOR lub wyznaczony przez niego spośród lekarzy systemu lekarz posiadający tytuł specjalisty w dziedzinie medycyny ratunkowej. - https://www.nfz.gov.pl/gfx/nfz/userfiles/_public/o_nfz/kontr... - page 6 (w stopce)
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Reference comments

27 mins

Who are they?


Note added at   28 min (2024-07-16 11:24:32 GMT)

ST3+ (Middle Grade) Doctor

Once completing ST1 & 2 or CT1 & 2, junior doctors can carry on their training with ST3+ roles. These are often known as middle-grade doctors, but still fall under the general title of "junior doctors". At this stage, they have gained enough experience to start higher speciality training. They also take on a lot more responsibility in their chosen speciality. The level ranges from ST3 to ST8 depending on the chosen speciality.

For run-through specialisms like Radiology ST3 will be a continuation of the same training that started at ST1 level however for Surgical and Medical specialisms you’ll complete core training before moving in to an individual specialist field at ST3 level.

There are non-training posts equal to this level: Senior Clinical Fellow or Trust Grade ST3+ are a couple of examples. These non-training equivalent positions focus more on service and seeing patients over training, although it is very common for this level to include access to many of the same benefits of an ST3+ trainee, such as clinical and educational supervisors. They also provide an excellent springboard to complete the competencies required to join a specialist training programme.
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