Aug 10 13:12
1 mo ago
14 viewers *
English term

single budget line item for the benefit package

English to Russian Medical Medical (general)
Tuberculosis Financial
Sustainability Index (TB FSI) в опр. стране.

New mechanisms of financing of health care providers were introduced, such as case-based payment at the hospital-level, per capita financing at the primary healthcare-level (capitation), as well as transition to financing from the state budget under a single budget line item for the benefit package provided by the MHIF.

Во фразе "single budget line item for the benefit package provided by the MHIF." - provided относится к "benefit package"?

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Proposed translations (Russian)
4 см.

Proposed translations

30 mins


...а также переход на финансирование из государственного бюджета в рамках единой бюджетной статьи для пакета льгот, предоставляемого Фондом обязательного медицинского страхования
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