Translation glossary: ET

Showing entries 351-394 of 394
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staffe a muroEtrier mural 
Italian to French
status separativostatut de conjoints séparés 
Italian to French
French to Italian
step upprendre les devants / prendre position 
English to French
strutture di gemmaturastructures sur lesquelles se développent les bourgeons 
Italian to French
Studio Legale AssociatoCabinet d'avocat(s) Associés 
Italian to French
success failure reportrapport de réussite / échec 
English to French
SUCRINELattuga "Sucrine" 
French to Italian
swept by the wavesBalayé par les vagues 
English to French
taglie di potenzagammes de puissance 
Italian to French
taglio battentecoupe enclume / sécateur à enclume 
Italian to French
tamponamenti lateralipanneaux sandwich latéraux 
Italian to French
French to English
the Input JackJack di ingresso 
English to Italian
The Palestinian Children's Relief FundPalestine Children's Relief Fund /Fonds de secours des enfants de Palestine 
English to French
The skin was cool and poorly perfusedLa cute era fredda e poco perfusa 
English to Italian
tondinotube (rond) 
Italian to French
French to English
tratti merlatipans (de mur) crénelés 
Italian to French
Traverse à coque ou chaussons pour voie sur dalletraversa a guscio o scarpa/e per binario su lastra 
French to Italian
tromba di segnalazione acustica pneumaticaavertisseur sonore pneumatique 
Italian to French
tucking, packing, or binding to match their correct genderle recours à l'escamotage, au rembourrage ou au bandage pour ressembler au genre désiré 
English to French
Tunnel passasporcosas de transfert de matériel 
Italian to French
Italian to French
twistée par les nuances fantaisie(ricamo) intrecciato con filati multico!ore fantasia 
French to Italian
un'attività d'impulsoune impulsion 
Italian to French
under numerous light settingsa seconda degli svariati scenari di luce 
English to Italian
undercutintaccatura dal basso 
English to Italian
une pointe de second degré en plusun tocco di ironia / leggerezza in piu' 
French to Italian
Upper SE cablecavo SE Upper 
English to Italian
valvola di sfiatoSoupape d'évent 
Italian to French
vanne cadnassablevalvola luchettabile 
French to Italian
venda a chi creda più opportunovende à la personne ( société) qu'il jugera la plus appropriée 
Italian to French
French to Italian
Italian to French
Vestito in forma ufficialevêtu de la tenue officielle 
Italian to French
vincoli / vincoli gravanticontraintes / contraintes qui pèsent 
Italian to French
Visite de référenceVisita di inclusione 
French to Italian
volume degli allegati a questo registrodossier des pièces annexes de ce registre 
Italian to French
whisper silent operationfonctionnement ultrasilencieux 
English to French
widely-held corporationsocieta' ad azionariato diffuso 
English to Italian
work-shadow opportunitiesOpportunités / possibilités de stages d'observation 
English to French
worm gearboxriduttore a vite senza fine 
English to Italian
zip ad alto scorrimentoglissière pleine longueur 
Italian to French
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