Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 1-50 of 176
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'OG - oreillete gaucheleft atrium 
French to English
AAP (agents antiplaquettaires)antiplatelet drugs 
French to English
AC/FA ACFAchronic atrial fibrillation 
French to English
ACFAcontinuous atrial fibrillation 
French to English
ACFApersistent atrial fibrillation 
French to English
ACTpercutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (usually PTCA) 
French to English
French to English
AIT sylvien superficiel droitright middle cerebral artery transient ischaemic attack (TIA) 
French to English
ALATALT (alanine aminotransferase) 
French to English
French to English
aqua ad iniectabilia q.s. ad solutionem pro 1 mlwater for injection QS to make 1 ml solution 
German to English
aqua ad iniectabilia q.s. ad solutionem pro 1 mlwater for injection QS to make 1 ml solution 
German to English
artère hépatique d'anatomie modalemodal vascularization or modal anatomical arterial pattern 
French to English
French to English
aspect en genoubent knee appearance /hockey stick configuration 
French to English
French to English
avec un INR entre 2.5 et 3.5.with an INR between 2.5 and 3.5 
French to English
BAVatrioventricular block (or AV block) 
French to English
BDC réguliersregular/normal heart sounds 
French to English
bilan lipidiquelipid profile 
French to English
French to English
BRNbruits respiratoires normaux 
French to English
Bruyere plantheather 
French to English
C.C.M.H.mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 
French to English
French to English
carotides soufflantescarotid artery bruits heard 
French to English
CECextracorporeal circulation (ECC) 
French to English
CGAconcentrated suspension of blood platelets or platelet concentrates 
French to English
CGMHConcentration Globulaire Moyenne en Hémoglobine, 
choral rupturerupture de cordage 
English to French (+name of the pathology) 
French to English
cloudy patchesopacité ou taie cornéenne 
English to French
Community cardiologistcardiologue libéral ( ou en pratique de ville) 
English to French
French to English
corpus strianumcorpus striatum / corps strié 
English to French
French to English
CRP froideCRP level back to normal range 
French to English
CRP froideCRP level back to normal range 
French to English
Cs pour dl précordialePresented for precordial pain 
French to English   Medical (general)
culots globulairesPRBCs 
French to English
curareneuromuscular blocking agent 
French to English
délivrance (par le service de garde)unless performed by staff on duty/call 
French to English
Désorientation Temporo-spatialeTemporo-spatial disorientation 
French to English
decubitus position (in this context)en décubitus ventral qu'en décubitus dorsal 
English to French
dispensation nominativenominative dispensing 
French to English
ECBU (examen cyto-bacteriologique des urines)CBEU (cytobacteriological examination of urine) 
French to English
en correspondance du segment communicantthe communicating segment 
French to English
Estudio LCR (líquido cefalorraquideo)CSF study (cerebrospinal fluid) 
Spanish to English
French to English
French to English
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