Translation glossary: Law (contracts)

Showing entries 1-50 of 185
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...without being included in the estate...sin estar incluidos en el patrimonio 
English to Spanish
A contract farming type systemsistema tipo agricultura contractual 
English to Spanish
a notary public in and for the ...Notario Público en y para el 
English to Spanish
abiding to all applicable lawssujeto a todas las leyes aplicables 
English to Spanish
acervo probatoriobody of evidence 
Spanish to English
Acknowlegement of parentage or affidavit of nonpaternityreconocimiento de paternidad/maternidad o declaración jurada de no paternidad 
English to Spanish
Advanced termination.vencimiento/cancelación anticipada 
English to Spanish
afecta a los tributos de la Ley de la Rentasubject to Income Law taxes 
Spanish to English
Affidavit of Forgery Formformulario de declaración jurada de falsificación 
English to Spanish
Aggravated stalking Vs. Misdemeanor stalkingacoso agravado / acoso 
English to Spanish
Americans with Dissabilities ActLey para estadounidenses con discapacidades 
English to Spanish
an entryacta 
English to Spanish
appearing that jurisdictionconstatandose que la jurisdicciòn de la presente.... 
English to Spanish
ARREST RECORDantecedentes de arrestos 
English to Spanish
as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the “Agreement”; terms defined in the Agreement and not otherwise define(con las enmiendas, modificaciones o complementos periódicos, en conjunto "el Contrato"; los terminos definidos en el Contrato q 
English to Spanish
as proof of ratification and their committment to faithfully execute the terms tcomo prueba de ratificacion y su compromiso de cumplir fielmente con los tèrminos 
English to Spanish
asserted breachincumplimiento alegado 
English to Spanish
At cancellation of bankruptcy proceedingfinalizaciòn del proceso de quiebra 
English to Spanish
aumento de personal judicialincrease in judiciary personnel 
Spanish to English
únicosole paragraph 
Spanish to English
be deemed severablese considerará divisible 
English to Spanish
by or on behalf of apor cuenta o en nombre de 
English to Spanish
case linkedrelacionados con el caso 
English to Spanish
cítese de excepcionesver explicación 
certification of VITAL RECORDCertificado/Acta del Registro Civil 
English to Spanish
Certifico que según consta del acta de la sesión de DirectorioI do hereby certify that according to the Board´s meeting minutes... 
Spanish to English
chances and defaultes probable que/caerá en mora 
English to Spanish
community assetsbienes gananciales 
English to Spanish
con carácter no limitativobut not limited to 
Spanish to English
con más daños y perjuicios convenidosplus agreed damages 
Spanish to English
concurrent resolution in the Houseresolución concurrente en la Cámara 
English to Spanish
concursos y subastastenders and auctions 
Spanish to English
conveying partycedente 
English to Spanish
Coordinación de la Clínica de Derecho de la Universidad de XCoordination of Law Clinic at ..... University 
Spanish to English
County Attorneyfiscal del condado 
English to Spanish
Crime BillLey contra delitos informáticos de California 
English to Spanish
Cuenta con las facultades legaleshas the legal capacity / has sufficient authority/is legally empowered 
Spanish to English
D.N.I.National Identity Document/Card 
Spanish to English
DeataDepartamento de Policìa del Atlàntico 
Spanish to English
defectos en la facultad de juzgardefects in the capacity to judge 
Spanish to English
defendant (Tribunal Municipal de Faltas)demandado 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Derecho Humanitario: derechos del hombre y derechos humanosHumanitarian Law: the Rights of Man and human rights 
Spanish to English
derechos o partes indivisas de los mismosrights or undivided interests therein 
Spanish to English
descriptive claimafirmacion/pretension descriptiva 
English to Spanish
die siezedque posea al momento de mi muerte 
English to Spanish
Dirección Regional - Departamento de Fiscalización Selectiva e InternacionalRegional Directorate - Department of Selective and International Control 
Spanish to English
disclosure lettercarta de divulgación 
English to Spanish
each occurrence limitcada límite por siniestro 
English to Spanish
Earlier ofhasta su muerte, renuncia o remosión anticipada/temprana 
English to Spanish
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