attorney-in-fact vs agent procuratore (di fatto) / rappresentante legale

Language pair:English to Italian
Definition / notes:KudoZ 28 Apr 2017
[Law/Patents - Recht (allgemein) / Power of Attorney (NY)]

* \"(P-1) I grant the following supplemental authority to my **agent(s)**: The powers granted under (A) and (B) above are enlarged so that all fixtures and articles of personal property....
(P-2) My **attorney-in-fact** has the unrestricted power to act....\"
= > \"AGENT sta ad indicare una persona munita di poteri per lo svolgimento di determinati affari (come l\'agente, il procuratore, il commissionario, l\'institore, il preposto, ecc).
Qualora all\'agent siano attribuiti anche poteri di rappresentanza (POWER OF ATTORNEY), come sembra in questo caso, diventa un ATTORNEY-IN-FACT.\"
=> cfr. KudoZ 23 Nov 2012

* \"(a) “Agent” means a person granted authority to act as attorney-in-fact for the principal under a power of attorney, and includes the original agent and any co-agent or successor agent. Unless the context indicates otherwise, an “agent” designated in a power of attorney shall mean “attorney-in-fact” for the purposes of this title. An agent acting under a power of attorney has a fiduciary relationship with the principal.\" New York General Obligations Law § 5-1501. Application and definitions
* Concept of Attorney-in-fact in the context of Real Property: A short definition of Attorney-in-fact: One who is appointed to act (as agent) for another (principal) under a power of attorney. The scope of the agent’s authority is limited to that given by the power of attorney, which may be limited to one specific act or may be broader.
* The Difference between an Attorney-in-Fact, Executor and Trustee with Respect to Decision Making Authority
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