itemized billing fatturazione dettagliata/analitica
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Language pair: | English to Italian |
Definition / notes: | KudoZ 31 Dec 2016 [Law/Patents - Recht (allgemein) / contratto di conferimento di mandato legale] Lo studio legale riferisce al cliente alcuni dettagli sulla fatturazione. "Frequency of **itemized billing**, shall be at least every 60 days; the client may not be charged for time spent in discussion of the bills received". * itemised billing: Preparing and sending to customers detailed lists showing all goods and services they have received and are being charged for, rather than just a total amount. * itemized billing: fatturazione analitica/dettagliata * itemized billing: (rag.) itemized billing, addebito (scritto) voce per voce. [Ragazzini 2017] |
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