Archived polls

6120 polls, displaying 651 through 700
Which payment terms are most commonly used in your business?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 21, 2022
Up to 30 days 49.4%
Up to 45 days 24.8%
Up to 60 days 13.7%
Other - N/A 4.9%
Up to two weeks 4.0%
Upon receipt of invoice 3.2%
593 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Who is more knowledgeable on machine translation and related technology?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 20, 2022
Not sure 34.7%
I am 32.4%
It's about 50-50 18.2%
My clients are 14.7%
611 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you a digital native or a digital immigrant?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 17, 2022
I am not familiar with these terms 34.0%
Digital immigrant 28.9%
Digital native 25.5%
I'm not quite sure 11.7%
506 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My average output in words per day at the moment is
By anonymous - featured on Sep 16, 2022
2,000 - 2,500 19.4%
2,500 - 3,000 18.9%
1,500 - 2,000 15.1%
1,000 - 1,500 9.8%
More than 4,000 9.3%
3,000 - 3,500 9.1%
Fewer than 1,000 6.3%
3,500 - 4,000 5.8%
I don't know 4.5%
Other - N/A 1.7%
602 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you know colleagues who took up freelance translation / interpreting during the pandemic?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 15, 2022
No 59.3%
Yes 22.0%
I don't know 13.0%
I did! 5.8%
501 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are freelancers better equipped to weather inflation?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 14, 2022
I don't know 44.2%
No 33.5%
Yes 13.5%
It all depends on... (please share) 7.2%
Other - N/A 1.6%
489 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you planning on attending the International Translation Day conference this year?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 13, 2022
No 50.5%
I'm not sure yet 23.9%
Yes 16.6%
I don't know what that is 8.2%
Other - N/A 0.7%
560 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If the internet suddenly did not exist again, would you continue in the profession?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 12, 2022
I would try to, at least 36.6%
Yes 24.9%
No 22.7%
I don't know 15.2%
Other - N/A 0.7%
454 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Lights on or off if you are working at the computer after dark?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 11, 2022
Lights on 81.9%
It depends on... (please share) 8.8%
Lights off 7.1%
N/A 2.1%
420 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How does the rest of your September look at the moment?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 10, 2022
It's wide open at the moment 38.1%
I will need to get a few more jobs into the lineup 23.9%
I'm nearly fully booked 15.7%
I'm fully booked 13.0%
I'm taking some time off 5.9%
Other - N/A 3.3%
522 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you adjusted your rates in 2022?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 9, 2022
Yes, partially 31.6%
No, and I don't plan on it 26.6%
No, and I'm not sure if I will or not yet 14.6%
No, but I plan to 13.7%
Yes, across the board 9.1%
N/A 4.4%
526 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I usually plan my time off taking into account whether work will come in during those periods.
By anonymous - featured on Sep 8, 2022
Yes 46.4%
No 39.8%
Other - N/A 10.1%
I used to, but... (please share) 3.7%
455 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which do you find more difficult?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 7, 2022
Getting a new client 67.3%
Neither / They're equally difficult 27.4%
Keeping a client once I've got them 5.2%
842 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you say it is more difficult for you to get new clients now than 2-3 years ago?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 2, 2022
No 32.3%
Yes 31.7%
Not sure 29.6%
N/A 6.4%
530 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has a LinkedIn profile helped you get direct customers?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 1, 2022
No 50.9%
Yes, a bit 22.6%
I don't have a LinkedIn profile 13.4%
I'm not sure 9.9%
Yes, a lot 3.2%
566 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you build your personal brand as a linguist on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, FB, Instagram)?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 31, 2022
No 46.3%
Somewhat, but I'm not too active 31.1%
Yes 8.6%
No, and I wouldn't, because... (please share) 4.5%
I used to, but abandoned the idea 3.9%
I'd like to, but... (please share) 3.6%
Other - N/A 1.9%
533 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do your clients require you to work using a CAT tool of their choosing?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 30, 2022
Often 33.5%
Sometimes 20.2%
Every once in a while 13.6%
Rarely 11.9%
Always 9.5%
Never 8.0%
N/A 3.2%
653 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When working with translation agencies, which do you generally prefer?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 28, 2022
I have no preference 43.0%
A smaller-sized agency 24.1%
A middle-sized agency 22.4%
Larger-sized agencies 10.4%
402 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your income comes from direct clients?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 27, 2022
Less than 10% 34.4%
None 22.3%
11 - 25% 13.1%
76 - 100% 10.7%
26 - 50% 9.4%
51 - 75% 6.8%
N/A 3.3%
457 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your income comes from your largest client?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 26, 2022
26 - 50% 27.4%
51 - 75% 25.2%
76 - 100% 16.7%
11 - 25% 14.9%
N/A 8.0%
10% or less 7.8%
497 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I wish there were more human contact or social aspects to translation.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 25, 2022
Neutral 37.9%
Agree 37.1%
Disagree 22.7%
N/A 2.3%
572 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In general, the job size I prefer is:
By anonymous - featured on Aug 24, 2022
Medium 34.6%
I prefer a mix 31.4%
Large 23.2%
No preference 6.4%
Small 4.3%
624 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your preferred choice for saying goodbye in an email?
By Natalia Pedrosa - featured on Aug 23, 2022
Best regards 45.9%
Kind regards 29.7%
Regards 9.2%
Other (please share) 8.1%
Sincerely 5.0%
Warm regards 1.8%
Faithfully 0.2%
838 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you suddenly stopped receiving all work, how long could you maintain your current lifestyle?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 20, 2022
More than a year 19.3%
1 - 2 months 18.1%
3 - 6 months 16.9%
Up to a month 12.0%
6 - 12 months 10.0%
No time at all 9.8%
Indefinitely 7.8%
A week or two 6.0%
498 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have friends or family ever approached you to get your services for free?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 19, 2022
Yes 56.1%
No 37.5%
They used to, but... (please share) 6.4%
499 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Work-life balance is problematic for me at the moment.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 18, 2022
Disagree 36.6%
Agree 33.5%
Neutral 30.0%
514 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you tend to use Wikipedia when translating?
By Khaled Al-Shehari - featured on Aug 17, 2022
Sometimes 36.2%
Rarely 26.7%
Often 21.6%
Never 10.5%
Almost always 4.7%
N/A 0.3%
574 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Is your business "paperless"?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 16, 2022
Yes, for the most part 48.2%
Yes 39.1%
No 12.7%
537 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On average, how much time do you spend screening a new potential client?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 15, 2022
Less than 20 minutes 55.1%
20 minutes - an hour 23.8%
I don't usually screen them 8.7%
1 - 2 hours 5.1%
N/A 4.4%
2 - 3 hours 1.5%
More than 3 hours 1.3%
390 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you been the victim of a scam targeting language professionals in the last year?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 14, 2022
No 76.4%
Yes 14.4%
No, but almost (please share) 9.2%
369 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your business is conducted online?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 13, 2022
All of it 68.9%
Most of it 22.3%
A lot of it 4.2%
Just some of it 2.8%
None of it 1.3%
Only a small portion of it 0.6%
530 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My risk management procedures have improved in the past 3 years.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 12, 2022
I don't know 39.4%
True 28.3%
False 20.9%
N/A 11.4%
421 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I have a written business plan.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 11, 2022
False 85.9%
True 14.1%
488 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My security procedures are documented for my clients' review.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 10, 2022
False 82.0%
True 18.0%
416 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has your opinion on the use of machine translation changed in the last 5 - 10 years?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 9, 2022
Yes 39.0%
Some, but not much 31.3%
No 22.5%
I haven't been in the industry that long yet 7.2%
569 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If my last job were a pasta, it would have been...
By anonymous - featured on Aug 8, 2022
Other (please share, include sauce if you can!) 19.7%
A heaping plate of spaghetti 19.3%
A light-hearted fusilli pasta salad 15.0%
A hearty lasagna 13.1%
Painstakingly-rolled cannelloni 11.3%
Nap-inducing giant ravioli 8.0%
A colorful tortellini soup 6.9%
No-nonsense gnocchi 6.6%
274 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The quality of other translators' work I have seen has increased over the past 5 years.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 7, 2022
I don't know / N/A 34.2%
Disagree 24.5%
Agree 21.9%
It's remained about the same 19.4%
351 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The quality of my work has increased over the past 5 years.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 6, 2022
Agree 77.6%
It's remained about the same 12.8%
I don't know / N/A 6.5%
Disagree 3.1%
523 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever had to submit your passport as part of onboarding for a client?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 5, 2022
No 63.6%
Yes 24.8%
I've been asked to, but did not 11.6%
508 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have a passport?
By Christine Andersen - featured on Aug 4, 2022
Yes, I have a current passport 73.7%
I had one, but it has expired 15.1%
No 9.3%
Other - N/A 1.9%
582 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When I finish with my computer for the day, I
By anonymous - featured on Aug 3, 2022
Turn it off 50.6%
It varies from day to day or depends on what I'm doing 21.6%
Put it into hibernation 17.6%
Leave it on 9.9%
N/A 0.2%
573 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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So far in my career, I have issued
By anonymous - featured on Aug 2, 2022
Hundreds of invoices 41.0%
Thousands of invoices 23.1%
Fewer than a hundred invoices 17.0%
I have no idea 16.2%
N/A 2.6%
536 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I work better when I am alone.
By anonymous - featured on Aug 1, 2022
Agree 83.4%
I have no preference, work well either way 13.6%
Disagree 1.5%
I don't know 1.5%
463 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The last book I read was
By anonymous - featured on Jul 31, 2022
Purely for pleasure (please share!) 74.6%
Other - N/A 13.3%
Work-related (please share!) 12.1%
346 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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For the most part, the clients I need come to me, I don't go to them.
By anonymous - featured on Jul 30, 2022
Agree 58.1%
Disagree 25.0%
Not sure yet 16.9%
468 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you noticed an increase in jobs from the USA because of the currently weaker EUR?
By Matthias Brombach - featured on Jul 29, 2022
No 87.0%
Yes 7.6%
Other (please share) 5.4%
501 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My professional expectations for the rest of 2022 are
By anonymous - featured on Jul 28, 2022
Positive 55.8%
Neutral 26.7%
Negative 10.4%
I haven't thought about it yet 7.2%
559 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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For me professionally, the first half of 2022 was
By anonymous - featured on Jul 27, 2022
Positive 53.3%
Neutral 23.2%
Negative 17.2%
I'm still reeling, not sure yet 5.5%
N/A 0.9%
587 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At what age do you plan to retire?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 26, 2022
I haven't thought about it / haven't decided 29.8%
I don't plan to retire 22.3%
65 - 70 12.8%
60 - 65 9.8%
After 70 9.1%
Before 50 5.7%
55 - 60 5.2%
50 - 55 2.9%
I'm already retired 2.3%
1031 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many of your regular clients are direct clients?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 21, 2022
None, all my work comes through agencies or other channels 36.0%
1 - 10% 32.7%
10 - 25% 9.8%
50 - 75% 8.0%
25 - 50% 6.7%
75 - 100% 6.7%
550 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6120 polls, displaying 651 through 700