Archived polls

6080 polls, displaying 1051 through 1100
How far back to "business as usual" are things where you live with regards to the pandemic?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 29, 2020
50 - 80% 32.9%
25 - 50% 21.3%
80 - 99% 15.9%
10 - 25% 9.8%
100% 8.4%
Is a negative percentage a possible answer? 4.6%
1 - 10% 3.6%
0% 3.6%
675 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do most of your clients consider translation a necessity or a "luxury"?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 27, 2020
A necessity 55.4%
I don't know 36.8%
A luxury 4.9%
Other - N/A 3.0%
672 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you use escrow with your clients?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 26, 2020
Never 84.0%
Rarely 8.2%
Sometimes 6.1%
Often 1.1%
Always 0.5%
619 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many active regular clients do you generally have?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 25, 2020
2 - 5 57.6%
6 - 10 19.7%
Just one 8.0%
None yet 7.7%
11 - 16 4.7%
17 - 25 1.2%
More than 25 1.2%
1198 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you "check in" with clients when they are not actively sending you work?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 22, 2020
Never 37.8%
Not very often 26.4%
Sometimes 23.8%
Only when... (please share) 6.3%
Yes, always or almost always 5.7%
719 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When working, I pay attention to notifications on my phone:
By anonymous - featured on Jun 20, 2020
Frequently 30.3%
Always 27.8%
Every now and then 25.8%
Almost never 7.4%
Never 5.3%
Other - N/A 3.4%
702 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your necessary income do translation and/or other linguistic services provide?
By John Holloway - featured on Jun 19, 2020
75 - 100% of my necessary income 66.3%
Less than 25% of my necessary income 15.0%
50 - 75% of my necessary income 9.4%
25 - 50% of my necessary income 9.2%
725 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you tend to wake up earlier when you've got ongoing work?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 18, 2020
Yes 63.9%
No 23.1%
It depends on... (please share) 12.9%
821 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you consider your CAT tool(s) more of an investment, or more of an expense?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 17, 2020
Investment 62.9%
Expense 17.5%
I haven't really thought about it 8.0%
Neither/Other 6.6%
N/A 5.0%
785 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has the pandemic changed the way you plan to do business in the future?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 16, 2020
Not really 35.3%
I'm not sure 26.1%
Not at all 20.0%
Yes (please share) 18.6%
982 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How would you rate your internet habits when not working?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 13, 2020
Somewhat healthy 36.9%
Healthy 28.3%
Somewhat unhealthy 23.9%
I'm a mess 7.9%
Other - N/A 3.0%
661 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many of the services which you use personally do you contract/purchase online?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 12, 2020
A few of them 23.4%
Some of them 22.5%
Most of them 17.9%
None of them 14.9%
A lot of them 12.6%
All of them 8.8%
525 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your work is received online?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 11, 2020
All of it 74.2%
Most of it 14.7%
A lot of it 5.6%
Only a small portion of it 3.1%
None of it 2.4%
819 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In the rest of this year, I predict my business will:
By anonymous - featured on Jun 10, 2020
Remain about the same 40.8%
Grow 32.7%
Decrease 19.8%
Other - N/A 6.7%
823 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these most positively affects your productivity?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 9, 2020
The promise of more incoming work 21.7%
A tight deadline 20.0%
None of these make me more productive 14.5%
Immediate payment upon delivery 14.2%
Being able to take time off when I'm done 11.4%
Music 9.6%
A nice cup of coffee/tea or similar beverage 8.6%
815 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have a backup system/provider in case your internet goes down?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 8, 2020
Yes (please share) 34.9%
No 34.5%
No, but I would like one 19.0%
No, and I don't think there is a need for it 11.6%
510 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you able to resolve technical, software or hardware issues yourself?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 5, 2020
Some of them, yes 38.6%
Yes, a majority 32.6%
I need help with most issues 13.3%
Yes, entirely 12.9%
I need help with all issues 1.9%
Other - N/A 0.6%
797 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I do my invoicing at the end of every month. What about you?
By Sylvie LE BRAS - featured on Jun 4, 2020
At the end of the month 41.7%
It depends on the client 30.7%
After each project 20.2%
It depends on... (please share) 3.9%
Other (please share) 1.9%
Every week 1.1%
In the middle of the month 0.5%
805 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In general, I work best...
By anonymous - featured on Jun 3, 2020
When I can work on a project over several days or even weeks 32.8%
In longer, more concentrated periods 31.6%
In short bursts 18.4%
When I can start and finish in the same sitting 9.3%
Other (please share) 7.9%
711 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you felt the need to lower your rates in response to the economic crisis?
By Christopher & Rozilene Frye - featured on Jun 2, 2020
No 72.6%
Yes 18.6%
Other - N/A 5.7%
I've actually done the opposite 3.1%
807 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I most often mentally categorize my work...
By anonymous - featured on Jun 1, 2020
By client 58.7%
By job 25.0%
By pair or field 8.9%
Other (please share) 7.3%
559 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Did you have continuing professional development (CPD) plans for this year that had to be cancelled?
By anonymous - featured on May 31, 2020
No 47.2%
I had no CPD plans for the year 28.1%
Yes 16.1%
Yes, but I've made adjustments to get that CPD by other methods 8.6%
509 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In terms of business, I consider myself:
By anonymous - featured on May 30, 2020
An expert 38.6%
Semi-experienced 34.6%
A beginner 10.5%
Lacking in experience, but confident enough to come across as an expert 9.7%
Other (please share) 6.7%
735 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you find yourself translating everything in your life (i.e. dreams, menus, news, etc.)?
By Anne-Sophie Cardinal - featured on May 29, 2020
Sometimes 28.2%
Often 27.2%
Rarely 20.5%
All the time 12.1%
Never 10.4%
It depends on... (please share) 1.5%
786 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The Corona virus pandemic means fewer jobs for me: true or not?
By Dr. Tilmann Kleinau - featured on May 28, 2020
Yes, it is true. 45.4%
No, not true. 26.5%
It is partly true. 24.5%
Other - N/A 3.5%
1191 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How would you describe your current desktop?
By anonymous - featured on May 26, 2020
It is passable 27.6%
It is cluttered but useful 23.2%
It is a thing of beauty 17.3%
It is a study in minimalism 12.7%
It is a prime example of chaos at work 9.9%
Other (please share) 5.4%
I wouldn't go there if I were you 3.9%
940 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I hope my next translation job is...
By anonymous - featured on May 23, 2020
A long one 50.2%
Medium-sized 29.4%
I am burning with indifference 13.4%
Short 7.0%
701 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The last translation job I finished was:
By anonymous - featured on May 22, 2020
Moderate 35.8%
Easy 30.5%
A bit challenging 19.9%
Incredibly easy 7.5%
Very difficult 3.8%
Other - N/A 2.5%
730 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The translation I'm working on now is:
By anonymous - featured on May 21, 2020
Routine for me 50.9%
I'm not working on anything at the moment 28.3%
A bit of a new area for me 14.5%
A completely new area for me 3.6%
Other - N/A 2.8%
760 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever dropped a translation test after having started it?
By Natalia Balbi Amatto - featured on May 20, 2020
No 50.9%
Yes, I decided it wasn't for me 12.9%
Yes, it was unreasonable 12.6%
Yes, it was too long 11.2%
Other - N/A 4.3%
I've never done a translation test 2.8%
Yes, it was too boring 2.7%
Yes, I thought I might not do well 2.6%
784 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are video calls part of your contact with clients?
By anonymous - featured on May 19, 2020
No 66.5%
Once or twice 11.2%
No, but it might be a good idea 8.4%
Yes, but not very often 6.6%
Yes, occasionally 5.0%
Yes, frequently 1.6%
Other - N/A 0.8%
824 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I organize myself for my projects mostly using:
By anonymous - featured on May 18, 2020
The power of my mind and memory! 25.4%
A calendar 23.2%
My email inbox 15.5%
A dayplanner 15.2%
A spreadsheet 13.4%
Other (please share) 7.3%
626 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Today (Saturday) I have:
By anonymous - featured on May 17, 2020
Work to do-- by design 38.8%
No work to do-- not by design 24.5%
No work to do-- by design 21.9%
Work to do-- not by design 14.8%
485 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has the way you work changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic?
By anonymous - featured on May 16, 2020
No 58.6%
Yes (please share) 23.5%
Yes, but it is not directly related 10.1%
I don't know 4.8%
Other - N/A 3.0%
693 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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With new clients you take on, how many email exchanges usually happen before you start working?
By anonymous - featured on May 15, 2020
A few 36.9%
A couple 22.0%
Several 19.9%
I never paid attention to that 10.7%
More than several 7.0%
Other - N/A 2.2%
One 1.3%
713 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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About how many sick days do you usually take per year?
By anonymous - featured on May 14, 2020
None 51.9%
1 - 5 26.9%
I don't know 12.4%
5 - 10 5.3%
10 - 15 1.7%
More than 20 1.0%
15 - 20 0.8%
825 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I tend to make long-term plans for my business or career
By anonymous - featured on May 13, 2020
Only semi-true 44.0%
False 32.8%
True 20.3%
Other - N/A 2.9%
754 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many new clients did you add to your list of clients in the first quarter of the year?
By anonymous - featured on May 12, 2020
None 40.1%
Between two and five 31.2%
One 25.3%
Between six and ten 2.6%
Between eleven and fifteen 0.4%
Between fifteen and twenty 0.4%
More than twenty 0.1%
783 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Right now, my keyboard is...
By anonymous - featured on May 11, 2020
Pretty clean 41.1%
A bit dirty 34.8%
Pristine 8.2%
Needs cleaning ASAP 6.6%
I'm afraid to look down and check 6.2%
Other - N/A 3.1%
647 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these do you find the least difficult?
By anonymous - featured on May 10, 2020
Reminding clients of overdue payments 27.0%
They're all about the same for me 22.7%
Negotiating rate changes with an existing client 18.3%
Negotiating rates with a new client 16.2%
I find none of these difficult at all 11.0%
Other - N/A 4.7%
807 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I usually need help in filing my taxes for my business.
By anonymous - featured on May 8, 2020
Yes 42.8%
No 33.8%
No, but I prefer to have help 11.5%
No, but I would like to have help 6.3%
Other - N/A 5.6%
766 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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There is a marked difference in my routine on Saturdays and Sundays versus the rest of the week.
By anonymous - featured on May 7, 2020
True 42.8%
Semi-true 33.5%
False 17.7%
I use other days as my weekend 4.2%
Other - N/A 1.7%
806 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use Google Earth to see where your clients are based?
By Tom in London - featured on May 6, 2020
No 75.4%
Yes 11.1%
It depends on... (please share) 9.4%
I used to 2.7%
Other - N/A 1.4%
736 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you spending more time or effort on marketing now than you normally would?
By anonymous - featured on May 5, 2020
No 69.5%
Yes 30.5%
974 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of the job requests you receive are "urgent"?
By anonymous - featured on May 2, 2020
1 - 10% 36.8%
10 - 25% 22.3%
25 - 50% 15.6%
50 - 75% 10.4%
None of them 7.7%
75 - 100% 7.2%
636 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In comparison to last year, work-wise, my April was...
By anonymous - featured on May 1, 2020
Much quieter 34.0%
About the same 18.6%
Quieter 16.9%
Busier 13.1%
Much busier 9.8%
Other - N/A 4.3%
I don't know 3.3%
786 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Today's new translators and interpreters are better-prepared than I was starting out.
By anonymous - featured on Apr 30, 2020
Disagree 30.0%
Partially agree 28.6%
Other - N/A 22.0%
Agree 19.4%
674 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you write responses to job inquiries from scratch?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 29, 2020
Yes, all or almost all of them 44.4%
Yes, some of them 27.3%
No, I have templates that I use 24.7%
Other - N/A 3.5%
736 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you usually do when offered more work than you can handle?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 28, 2020
Just turn it down 43.6%
It depends on... (please share) 16.8%
Recommend a trusted colleague 14.8%
Work on it with a trusted colleague 13.0%
Other -N/A 8.6%
Outsource it 3.1%
798 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What I am reading now is:
By anonymous - featured on Apr 27, 2020
Fiction 34.7%
I'm not reading anything at the moment 18.7%
Biographical / Historical 15.1%
Current events 12.3%
Other 12.0%
Technical 5.5%
Poetry 1.6%
616 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6080 polls, displaying 1051 through 1100