Freelance copywriters
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Displaying 22 copywriters in this pool

Michel L.
French copywriting that hits the nail right on the head
- French
Rate per hour
$65.00 USD
1980: Master’s degree in mathematics, linguistics and economics
Career path
Dec 1999 to date: Full-time freelance translator and copywriter
Jan 99–Nov 1999: European communication and recruitment director—IT services company
Sep 94–Dec 98: HR, training and technical recruitment consultant—Consultancy
Jun 93–Jul 94: Sales & marketing director—Software company
Career path
Dec 1999 to date: Full-time freelance translator and copywriter
Jan 99–Nov 1999: European communication and recruitment director—IT services company
Sep 94–Dec 98: HR, training and technical recruitment consultant—Consultancy
Jun 93–Jul 94: Sales & marketing director—Software company
Chloe P.
Effective French copy for an international reach
- French
Rate per hour
40.00 GBP
Slogans, Twitter posts and #hashtags, taglines, email headers.
Geneviève B.
Deliver your message and touch your audience
- French
- English
Rate per hour
$35.00 USD
Over 17 years of experience writing material for web sites, blogs, marketing and social media. I can write in French or English, and translate the material in either language. I also have a knack for coming up with creative slogans and tag lines.

Nathalie R.
A storyteller for your brand
- French
Rate per hour
45.00 GBP
I have been a translator for over 20 years specialising in transcreation, art and culture, travel and tourism texts and all lifestyles. I like texts that require creativity and flair, feelings and senses. I am also currently doing a copywriting course in English with the College of Media and Publishing. I have only 3 modules left (out of 19) before I complete this comprehensive and challenging course.
Edwige T.
SEO-oriented copywriting, French copywriting
- French
Rate per hour
€28.00 EUR
Before I became a professional translator, I started my career in online business and SEO. As a French SEO Officer at RocketInternet, I was in charge of writing various articles about some topics set out by the team.
I also worked for Sprachenfabrik GmbH as a freelancer, where I wrote product descriptions in French for an ink cartridge online shop.
I also worked for Sprachenfabrik GmbH as a freelancer, where I wrote product descriptions in French for an ink cartridge online shop.
Francois O.
website content writer, effective blog writer
- French
Rate per hour
€20.00 EUR
Affordable and detail-oriented French copywriter. Experience with Financial, IT, marketing, medical and healthcare specific vocabulary, as well as contemporary arts and communications.
I'm a also a Professional Linkbuilder. I would be very glad doing your important tasks with more quality in accordance with your deadlines.
I'm a also a Professional Linkbuilder. I would be very glad doing your important tasks with more quality in accordance with your deadlines.
Elsa d.
Your needs, our ideas, my words.
- French
- Portuguese
Rate per hour
€40.00 EUR
My literary background is a solid base to copywriting but what made me proficient were my years of dealing with clients requests directly, tend to their specific needs and wishes, as well as a good grasp of the culture of their target market, whether in France or Portugal.
Séverine t.
Du copywriting sur mesure
- French
- Danish
Rate per hour
€40.00 EUR
Rédactrice freelance, copywriter, traductrice et interprète de l'anglais et du danois vers le français depuis depuis 5 ans, j'ai travaillé sur des projets divers et variés dans les domaines de la Science, la publicité, le design, le tourisme, la mode de luxe, les technologies, bien-être, etc. pour des entreprises telles que l'Eurostar, Bristish Airways ou encore Nestle.
Paolo D.
Make It Sound Like the Real Thing.
- French
- English
Rate per hour
€50.00 EUR
I started out as a translator from English & Italian to French in 2014 and gradually fell in love with copywriting.
I've helped both large companies (Puma, Starbucks) & small businesses (Edmond Cuisine, Ginette beer) find a voice in French.
My motto? "Make it sound like the real thing."
Which means your copy will speak like the audience you're targeting, flow well and be SEO-friendly.
Got a project? Get in touch at
I've helped both large companies (Puma, Starbucks) & small businesses (Edmond Cuisine, Ginette beer) find a voice in French.
My motto? "Make it sound like the real thing."
Which means your copy will speak like the audience you're targeting, flow well and be SEO-friendly.
Got a project? Get in touch at
Sebastien B.
sensitive & appropriate culture background in bus. tool
- French
- Japanese
Experienced with japanese language more than 30 years with 20 years lifetime& work in Tokyo, at different status.
Marion O.
Rédaction efficace et recherchée
- French
Rate per hour
€50.00 EUR
Diplômée en lettres modernes, je travaille en tant que journaliste, rédactrice et traductrice depuis de nombreuses années. En fil des années, je me suis peu à peu spécialisée dans le secteur du luxe (prêt-à-porter, beauté, immobilier...) en travaillant pour des marques et des magazines spécialisés. Après un passage à L'Express et Numéro Magazine, je me suis lancée à mon compte pour proposer un contenu sur-mesure aux entreprises. Aujourd'hui, des groupes comme LVMH ou SMCP me font confiance.
Julie G.
"High quality copywriting for cultural content"
- French
Rate per hour
€45.00 EUR
Graduated in literature at La Sorbonne and in art history at the École du Louvre in Paris, I have first worked for galleries and museums in France and in Italy, before launching my own activity as a copywriter a translator in Paris. This activity led me to broaden my horizons with writing projects about topics such as arts, European politics, social studies and gender equality. I have written various types of material: press releases, magazines, articles, websites, exhibition material.
Lorraine D.
La rédaction publicitaire propulse votre marque
- French
Rate per hour
60.00 CAD
I take a commercial text in English and write it anew to make it sound natural, as if the French text would be the original one. To that, I use a vocabulary that enhances the excitement toward the product. I sometimes suggest up to 5 different taglines for the Client to chose from.
Unbounded A.
Elegant copywriting and native-sounding transcreation
- French
- English
Rate per hour
60.00 GBP
I am French native linguist with near-native proficiency in English. I started off as a freelance translator and consecutive interpreter over 30 years ago, translating a wide range of texts from GPS strings to theatre scripts or subtitles for MMA videos... I discovered marketing and advertising copy 6 years ago. I started with copy review, then moved on to copywriting and transcreation. I specialise in fashion, cosmetics, travel and more.
Edith N.
I Will Be Your Freelance Sales Script, Web Copywriter
- English
- French
Rate per hour
€95.00 EUR
Edith is a Freelance Writer-Translator & Licensed Style Coach/Image Consultant with a diverse range of interests and experiences. She enjoys writing in many genres. Having fused passion and creativity with her professional background as a translator/writer, Edith specializes in creative non-fiction articles about fashion, travel and culture, marketing, health, food and cooking, style & beauty, textiles, film, the environment, festivals and events.
Manoj C.
Find the words when you need them.
- English
- French
Rate per hour
$40.00 USD
Skilled copywriter with years of experience working in advertising. Committed to producing exceptional and creative types of content, including articles, internet content, advertisements, commercials, brochures, and publications. Experienced in a variety of writing styles and determined to strive for the best. Dedicated team player who enjoys working with others to develop innovative ideas. Seasoned professional with the goal of going beyond what is expected
Rédactrice à la plume enjouée / French copywriter
- French
Rate per hour
€39.00 EUR
Rédactrice indépendante depuis avril 2007, j'ai appris à jongler avec les mots-clés pour un sympathique webzine généraliste, à affuter ma plume pour un magazine déco, à délivrer une flopée de courriers administratifs pour une start-up ambitieuse, à pédaler pour transcrire les fichiers audio de palaces parisiens, à remonter le temps pour les almanachs d'une célèbre maison d'édition ...un vrai décathlon ! Je suis aussi auteur de poèmes et de contes.